Feb. 2, 2023
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: S. Schiller, "Un juge unique en cas de manquement international à des obligations de compliance ?" ("A single judge in the event of an international breach of compliance obligations?"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2023, p. 453-464.
📕read a general presentation of the book, La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the author, translated by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): Given the very international nature of the topic apprehended, the actors involved and therefore the compliance disputes, it is essential to know if a person can be implicated before several judges, attached to different states or even if he can be condemned by several jurisdictions. The answer is given by the non bis in idem principle, which is the subject of a abondant case law on the basis of Article 4 of Protocol n°7 of the ECHR, clearly inapplicable for jurisdictions emanating from different States.
To assess whether breaches of compliance obligations may be subject to multiple sanctions in different states, it will first be necessary to ascertain whether there is a textual basis to be invoked.
At European level, Article 50 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights now allows the principle of ne bis in idem to be invoked. Applicable to all areas of compliance, it provides very strong protection which covers not only sanctions, but also prosecutions. Like its effects, the scope of Article 50 is very broad. The procedures concerned are those which have a repressive nature, beyond those pronounced by criminal courts in the strict sense, which makes it possible to cover the convictions pronounced by one of the many regulatory authorities competent in matters of compliance.
Internationally, the situation is less clear. Article 14-7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights may be invoked, if several obstacles are overcome, including the decision of 2 November 1987 of the Human Rights Committee which restricted it to the internal framework, requiring a double conviction by the same State.
Even if these principles are applicable, two specificities of compliance situations risk hampering their application, the first related to the applicable procedural rules, in particular the rules of jurisdiction, the second related to the specificities of the situation.
The application of the non bis in idem rule is only formally accepted with regard to universal jurisdiction and personal jurisdiction, that is to say extraterritorial jurisdiction, which is only part of the jurisdiction. . The Cour de cassation (French Judiciary Supreme Court) confirmed this in the famous so-called “Oil for food” judgment of March 14, 2018. The refusal to recognize this principle as universal, regardless of the jurisdiction rule in question, deprives French companies of a defense. Moreover, the repression of breaches of compliance rules is more and more often resolved through transactional mechanisms. The latter will not always fall within the scope of European and international rules laying down the non bis in idem principle, for lack of being sometimes qualified as "final judgment" under the terms of Article 50 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Article 14-7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Breaches in terms of compliance are often based on multiple acts. This results from prescriptions the starting point of which is delayed at the last event and a facilitated jurisdiction for French courts when only one of the constitutive facts is found in France. In terms of compliance, the non bis in idem principle therefore generally does not protect companies and does not prevent them from being sued before the courts of two different countries for the same case. It nevertheless grants them another protection by obliging them to take into account foreign decisions in determining the amount of the penalty. The sanction against Airbus SE in the Judicial Convention of Public Interest (CJIP) of January 29, 2020 is a perfect illustration of this.
Breaches in terms of compliance are often based on multiple acts. This causes delays in the starting point of prescriptions, starting point delayed at the last event, and this facilitates judicial jurisdiction for French courts when only one of the constitutive facts is found in France. In terms of compliance, the non bis in idem principle therefore generally does not protect companies and does not prevent them from being sued before the courts of two different countries for the same case. It nevertheless grants them another protection by obliging them to take into account foreign decisions in determining the amount of the penalty. The sanction against Airbus SE in the Convention judiciaire d'intérêt public -CJIP (French Judicial Convention of Public Interest) of January 29, 2020 is a perfect illustration of this.
Feb. 2, 2023
♾️ follow Marie-Anne Frison-Roche on LinkedIn
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Conforter le rôle du Juge et de l'Avocat pour imposer la Compliance comme caractéristique de l'État de Droit" ("Reinforce the Judge and the Attorney to impose Compliance Law as a characteristic of the Rule of Law"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (dir.), La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2023, p. 29-55.
► This article is the introduction of the book.
📝read the article (in French)
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with additional developments, technical references and hyperlinks
📕read a general presentation of the book, La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): One can understand that the compliance mechanisms are presented with hostility because they seem designed to keep the judge away, whereas there is no Rule of Law without a judge. Solid arguments present compliance techniques as converging towards the uselessness of the judge (I). Certainly, we come across magistrates, and of all kinds, and powerful ones, but that would be a sign of imperfection: its ex-ante logic has been deployed in all its effectiveness, the judge would no longer be required... And the lawyer would disappear so with him...
This perspective of a world without a judge, without a lawyer and ultimately without Law, where algorithms could organize through multiple processes in Ex Ante the obedience of everyone, the "conformity" of all our behaviors with all the regulatory mass that is applicable to us, supposes that this new branch of Law would be defined as the concentration of processes which gives full effectiveness to all the rules, regardless of their content. But supposing that this engineer's dream is even achievable, it is not possible in a democratic and free world to do without judges and lawyers.
Therefore, it is imperative to recognize their contributions to Compliance Law, related and invaluable contributions (II).
First of all, because a pure Ex Ante never existed and even in the time of the Chinese legists, people were still needed to interpret the regulations because a legal order must always be interpreted Ex Post by who must in any case answer the questions posed by the subjects of law, as soon as the political system admits to attributing to them the right to make claims before the Judge. Secondly the Attorney, whose office, although articulated with the Judge's office, is distinct from the latter, both more restricted and broader since he must appear in all cases where the judicial figure puts himself in square, outside the courts. However, Compliance Law has multiplied this since not only, extending Regulatory Law, it entrusts numerous powers to the administrative authorities, but it also transforms companies into judges, in respect of which the attorneys must deal with.
Even more so, Compliance Law only takes its sense from its Monumental Goals. It is in this that this branch of the Law preserves the freedom of human beings, in the digital space where the techniques of compliance protect them from the power of companies by the way that the Compliance Law forces these companies to use their power to protect people. However, firstly, it is the Judges who, in their diversity, impose as a reference the protection of human beings, either as a limit to the power of compliance tools or as their very purpose. Secondly, the Attorney, again distinguishing himself from the Judge, if necessary, reminds us that all the parties whose interests are involved must be taken into consideration. In an ever more flexible, soft, and dialogical Law, everyone presenting himself as the "advocate" of such and such a monumental goal: the Attorney is legitimate to be the first to occupy this place.
Feb. 2, 2023
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: F. Ancel, "Le principe processuel de compliance, un nouveau principe directeur du procès ?" (The procedural principle of compliance, a new trial leading principle?), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2023, p. 225-230.
📕read a general presentation of the book, La juridictionnalisation de la compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): Through this article, the author formulates a proposal: elevating the principle of compliance to the rank of leading principle of the trial. To support this, the author firstly emphasizes the convergence of the aims of compliance and the purpose of the trial. Indeed, emphasizing that Compliance Law does not oust either the State or the judge, as soon as compliance means that the person must keep their commitments and that the trial is also based on this principle that the parties must conform to the principles and to their own "speech", compliance thus becomes a trial leading principle.
In a second part of the article, the author illustrates his point in a very concrete way. First, the protocols of procedure which are drawn up by the courts and the bars are commitments which should justify a form of constraint which, if it should not have the same form and nature as that of the law, must all the same even have consequences when a party fails to do so. Secondly, relying on French case law which sanctions a party which had accepted the principle of an arbitration and then systematically hinders its implementation, the author suggests that under the principle of compliance can be grouped the notions for the instant scattered of loyalty, consistency (estoppel) and efficiency.
Thus, this "open practice" echoing the "open way" of a procedural principle of compliance brings out this one.
Feb. 2, 2023
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: N. Cayrol, "Des principes processuels en droit de la compliance" ("General Procedural Law in Compliance Law"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2023, p. 213-224.
📕read a general presentation of the book, La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): We could be satisfied with examining the reception of the principles of general Procedural Law in compliance litigation and the distortion that compliance techniques justify in procedural mechanisms. But the innovation that constitutes this emerging branch of law that is Compliance Law justifies going to more fundamental.
From this perspective, the pertinent question is the very legitimacy of procedural principles in this branch of law, in that Procedural Law is built on the notion of “Litigation” while Compliance Law deals with situation so enormous, concerning for example the fate of the planet, that this notion of litigation appears inadequate, and consequently the procedural law would be too limited in compliance matters.
If, however, this perspective is maintained of Compliance Law facing, in an almost warlike perspective, the greatest current challenges, general Procedural Law needs to be redesigned, in its very definition. Indeed, compliance trials call into question the future of systems and it is as such that they hold the entities, for instance the enterprises, that are at the heart of these systems. It is in this that liability trials are more “accountability” trials, allowing the judge to demand actions for the future, trials by which commitments are made and the “intentions” of the persons involved are challenged and required.
Nov. 12, 2022
♾️ suivre Marie-Anne Frison-Roche sur LinkedIn
♾️ s'abonner à la Newsletter MAFR Regulation, Compliance, Law
► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, Automated Compliance, a pertinent tool for Compliance Law, the whole, document de travail, novembre 2022.
📝Ce document de travail sert de base à une participation à un débat sur "Automated Compliance : "the" solution or "a" solution?, qui déroule dans le Sommet global de Gaia-X le 17 novembre 2022.
►Résumé du document de travail : s'appuyant sur la présentation préalablement faite au débat par un membre de la Commission européenne, il s'agit de souligner trois éléments qui montrent que l' Automated Compliance (ou Compliance by design) est à la fois un outil central, mais qu'il n'est un outil du Droit de la Compliance dont il ne saurait remplir par sa seule performance technologique toutes les fonctions dans un Etat de Droit.
En premier lieu, l'Union européenne semble en difficulté lorsqu'elle veut tout à la fois bâtir un système juridique qui lui est propre sur la base de Lois dont chacune est la pièce d'un gigantesque puzzle pour obtenir une industrie pérenne et autonome dans une économie numérique mondiale totalement renouvelée, ce qui fait peser sur les entreprises une charge considérable d'intégration de toutes ces règles du jeu, tout en affirmant qu'il faut alléger la charge que la "réglementation" fait peser sur elles.
En second lieu, la meilleure solution pour résoudre cette ambition contradictoire est effectivement dans la technologique, les algorithmes intégrant directement les réglementations. Mais plus encore, l'ensemble de ces textes reposent sur une autonomie laissée en Ex Ante aux entreprises européennes pour s'organiser entre elles afin de concrétiser les "buts monumentaux" que l'Union européenne a décidé d'atteindre, dont la réalisation d'un cloud souverain est au centre.
Ainsi la distinction et l'articulation d'un "Droit de la Compliance", défini par ces "buts monumentaux", dont lequel l'intelligence artificielle est un outil, le "tout" (Compliance Law) et la "partie" (Automated Compliance) est essentielle.
En troisième lieu, cette distinction et articulation est non seulement bénéfice mais elle est obligatoire. En effet, même si le Droit de la Compliance constitue une branche du Droit, elle fonctionne dans le système juridique générale, qui ne fonctionne que par l'esprit des textes, les outils algorithmiques ne capturant que la lettre de ceux-ci. Ces tribunaux sont et seront au cœur du Droit de la Compliance, le cas Schrems l'a bien montré. C'est pourquoi la Technologie et le Droit doivent travailler ensemble, et davantage à l'avenir, notamment parce qu'un outil pour l'effectivité du Droit ne pourra jamais rendre compte de la vie même du système juridique.
🔓Lire ci-dessous les développements⤵️
Oct. 23, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: F. Ancel, "Compliance Law, a new guiding principle for the Trial?", in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Compliance Jurisdictionalisation, Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant, coll. "Compliance & Regulation", to be published.
📘read a general presentation of the book, Compliance Jurisdictionalisation, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): Through this article, the author formulates a proposal: elevating the principle of compliance to the rank of leading principle of the trial. To support this, the author firstly emphasizes the convergence of the aims of compliance and the purpose of the trial. Indeed, emphasizing that Compliance Law does not oust either the State or the judge, as soon as compliance means that the person must keep their commitments and that the trial is also based on this principle that the parties must conform to the principles and to their own "speech", compliance thus becomes a trial leading principle.
In a second part of the article, the author illustrates his point in a very concrete way. First, the protocols of procedure which are drawn up by the courts and the bars are commitments which should justify a form of constraint which, if it should not have the same form and nature as that of the law, must all the same even have consequences when a party fails to do so. Secondly, relying on French case law which sanctions a party which had accepted the principle of an arbitration and then systematically hinders its implementation, the author suggests that under the principle of compliance can be grouped the notions for the instant scattered of loyalty, consistency (estoppel) and efficiency.
Thus, this "open practice" echoing the "open way" of a procedural principle of compliance brings out this one.
🦉This article is available in full text to those registered for Professor Marie-Anne Frison-Roche's courses
Oct. 20, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: F.-X. Train, "Arbitration and parallel proceedings exercised in Compliance Procedure", in M.-A. Frison-Roche, M.-A. (ed.), Compliance Jurisdictionalisation, series "Compliance & Regulation", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant, to be published.
► the summary below describes the article that follows an intervention in the scientific manifestation Compliance et Arbitrage, co-organised by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and the University Panthéon-Assas (Paris II). This conference was designed by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche and Jean-Baptiste Racine, scientific co-directors, and took place in Paris II University on March 31, 2021.
In the book, the article will be published in the Chapter III, devoted to: Compliance et Arbitrage international.
► Article Summary: Firstly, the article insists on the principle of the autonomy of the international arbitration procedure, in relation to which parallel procedures remain watertight, whether they are criminal or done under Compliance Law. In the arbitral proceedings taking place independently, the arbitrators before whom the facts also referred to in these parallel proceedings, in particular the facts of corruption, are alleged before them as facts through their unlawful nature: it is at this title that they can and must apprehend them, using the standard of proof which is the bundle of clues.
Secondly, the article highlights the limits of the autonomy of international arbitration. These may be de facto limits because in the search for evidence by arbitrators, red flags are often insufficiently consistent evidence to establish a sentence, especially since this sentence may be subject to control by the judge of its conformity to international public order, the annulment by the judge being able to be based on external elements, even after the arbitration procedure. It may then be wise for the arbitrators, who are not forced to do so, to suspend their proceedings to wait the results of the parallel proceedings initiated under Compliance Law, so that the procedures and their results could be harmonious.
Feb. 7, 2022
Editorial responsibilities : Direction of the collection "Cours-Série Droit privé", Editions Dalloz (33)
►Référence complète : Cayrol, N., Procédure civile, 4ième éd., Coll. "Cours Dalloz-Série Droit privé", Dalloz, 2022, 569 p.
►Présentation de l'ouvrage : L'étude de la procédure civile est indispensable à tous les étudiants désireux d'embrasser une « carrière judiciaire » : magistrat, avocat, huissier, etc. Par nombre d'aspects, la procédure civile est bien, en effet, un droit professionnel, un droit à l'usage des professionnels du procès. La matière figure d'ailleurs aux épreuves des concours et examens d'accès à ces professions.
Mais la procédure civile n'est pas seulement un droit professionnel : elle traite de problèmes qui intéressent tous les juristes, quels qu'ils soient, qu'ils pratiquent ou non la procédure. La connaissance des notions procédurales de base est nécessaire pour la bonne compréhension de nombreuses questions de droit.
Lire la quatrième de couverture.
📚Voir l'ensemble des ouvrages de la même collection "Cours Dalloz -Série Droit privé", créée et dirigée par Marie-Anne Frison-Roche,
et notamment ceux qui traitent des branches du Droit interférant avec la Procédure civile :
📕 Procédures civiles d'exécution
📕 Institutions juridictionnelles
Jan. 19, 2022
Organization of scientific events
► Full Reference: Frison-Roche, M.-A., coordination and moderation of the conference L'office du juge et les causes systémiques (""The Office of the Judge and systemic causes"), in Cycle of Conferences, Penser l'office du juge ("Thinking the Office of the Judge"), Grand Chamber of the Cour de cassation, Paris, May 9, 2021, 17h-19h.
The conference is held in French.
► General presentation of the conference: the conference is based on the intervention of three judges, Christophe Soulard, Fabien Raynaud, and François Ancel, who think and debate among themselves on a hypothesis: the existence of "systemic causes". The hypothesis is that beyond and through the diversity of disputes and cases that are submitted to the most diverse judges, there is a category of cases that are systemic, which means containing in what is submitted to the judge for resolution a system. If such a category exists, which also raises the question of the diversity of systems and the difficulty arising from their submission to rules that are not legal (for example economic, biological, financial "laws", etc.) , then the judge should take this into account, both in the procedure and in the judgment they make on the case and in the way they formulate et restitute this judgment.
📝read the presentation of this conference by the Cour de cassation (in French)
📝read the program of the cycle of conferences 2022 (in French)
🎥see the conference video (in French)
🎥 see the synthesis video of the conference, made in situ by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche (in French)
✏️read the notes taken during the conference to make the synthesis (in French)
📝read the article of Marie-Anne Frison-Roche restituting this conference, published in the Recueil Dalloz (in French)
►read the works, basis of the two interventions of Marie-Anne Frison-Roche
🚧 L'hypothèse de la "cause systémique (made before the conference to prepare it), available en English
📝Synthese of the conference (made during the conference)
Sept. 23, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: N. Cayrol, "Procedural Principles in Compliance Law", in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Compliance Jurisdictionalisation, Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant, coll. "Compliance & Regulation", to be published.
📘read a general presentation of the book, Compliance Jurisdictionalisation, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): We could be satisfied with examining the reception of the principles of general Procedural Law in compliance litigation and the distortion that compliance techniques justify in procedural mechanisms. But the innovation that constitutes this emerging branch of law that is Compliance Law justifies going to more fundamental.
From this perspective, the pertinent question is the very legitimacy of procedural principles in this branch of law, in that Procedural Law is built on the notion of “Litigation” while Compliance Law deals with situation so enormous, concerning for example the fate of the planet, that this notion of litigation appears inadequate, and consequently the procedural law would be too limited in compliance matters.
If, however, this perspective is maintained of Compliance Law facing, in an almost warlike perspective, the greatest current challenges, general Procedural Law needs to be redesigned, in its very definition. Indeed, compliance trials call into question the future of systems and it is as such that they hold the entities, for instance the enterprises, that are at the heart of these systems. It is in this that liability trials are more “accountability” trials, allowing the judge to demand actions for the future, trials by which commitments are made and the “intentions” of the persons involved are challenged and required.
🦉This article is available in full text to those registered for Professor Marie-Anne Frison-Roche's courses
Aug. 16, 2021
► Full Reference: Frison-Roche, M.-A, Reinforce the judge and the lawyer to impose Compliance Law as a characteristic of the Rule of Law, Working Paper, August 2021.
🎤 this working document has been made to prepare some elements of the opening intervention in the symposium Quels juges pour la Compliance) ? (Which judges for Compliance?), co-organized by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance and the Institut Droit Dauphine, held at the Paris Dauphine University on September 23, 2021, constituting the first part of the intervention.
📝it has been also the basis for an article:
📕 published in its French version in the book La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, in the collection📚Régulations & Compliance
📘published in its English version in the book Compliance Jurisdictionalisation, in the collection 📚Compliance & Regulation
► Summary of the Working Paper: One can understand that the compliance mechanisms are presented with hostility because they seem designed to keep the judge away, whereas there is no Rule of Law without a judge. Solid arguments present compliance techniques as converging towards the uselessness of the judge (I). Certainly, we come across magistrates, and of all kinds, and powerful ones, but that would be a sign of imperfection: its ex-ante logic has been deployed in all its effectiveness, the judge would no longer be required... And the lawyer would disappear so with him...
This perspective of a world without a judge, without a lawyer and ultimately without Law, where algorithms could organize through multiple processes in Ex Ante the obedience of everyone, the "conformity" of all our behaviors with all the regulatory mass that is applicable to us, supposes that this new branch of Law would be defined as the concentration of processes which gives full effectiveness to all the rules, regardless of their content. But supposing that this engineer's dream is even achievable, it is not possible in a democratic and free world to do without judges and lawyers.
Therefore, it is imperative to recognize their contributions to Compliance Law, related and invaluable contributions (II).
First of all, because a pure Ex Ante never existed and even in the time of the Chinese legists📎
Even more so, Compliance Law only takes its sense from its Monumental Goals📎
🔓read the Working Paper developments below⤵️
L’empire chinois n’a semble-t-il jamais apprécié les juges, ne leur faisant place que sous la forme de serviteurs purs de l’Etat, qu’ils soient des enquêteurs, des punisseurs et de gardiens de l’ordre public. Sur cet aspect du Droit chinois, v. … ; sur cette période particulièrement sanglante des légistes, où le principe de « certitude » de la législation a été portée à ses nues, v. …
🕴️Frison-Roche, M.-A. (ed.), 📘Compliance Monumental Goals, 2022.
The topic of this study is general. For a more analytical perspective, s.. 🕴️Frison-Roche, M.-A., « The function of the Judge in Compliance Law », in 🕴️Frison-Roche, M.A. (ed.), 📘Compliance Jurisdictionalisation, 2023.
🕴️Frison-Roche, M.-A. (ed.), 📘Compliance Tools, 2021.
July 7, 2021
Thesaurus : Soft Law
Référence complète : Cour de cassation, Rapport de la Commission de réflexion sur la Cour de cassation 2030, juillet 2021.
Nov. 1, 2020
Newsletter MAFR - Law, Compliance, Regulation
Full reference: Frison-Roche, M.-A., Due process and Personal Data Compliance Law: same rules, one Goal (CJEU, Order, October 29, 2020, Facebook Ireland Ltd v/ E.C.), Newsletter MAFR - Law, Compliance, Regulation, 1st of November 2020
Read by freely subscribing other news of the Newsletter MAFR - Law, Compliance, Regulation
Read Marie-Anne Frison-Roche's interview in Actu-juridiques about this decision (in French)
Summary of the news:
As part of a procedure initiated for anti-competitive behaviors, the European Commission has three times requested, between the 13th of March and the 11th of November 2019, from Facebook the communication of information, reitarated in a decision in May 2020.
Facebook contests it alleging that the requested documents would contain sensitive personal information that a transmission to the Commission would make accessible to a too broad number of observers, while "the documents requested under the contested decision were identified on the basis of wideranging search terms, (...) there is strong likelihood that many of those documents will not be necessary for the purposes of the Commission’s investigation".
The contestation therefore evokes the violation of the principles of necessity and proportionality but also of due process because these probatory elements are collected without any protection and used afterwards. Moreover, Facebook invokes what would be the violation of a right to the respect of personal data of its employees whose the emails are transferred.
The court reminds that the office of the judge is here constraint by the condition of emergency to adopt a temporary measure, acceptable by the way only if there is an imminent and irreversible damage. It underlines that public authorities benefit of a presumption of legality when they act and can obtain and use personal data since this is necessary to their function of public interest. Many allegations of Facebook are rejected as being hypothetical.
But the Court analyzes the integrality of the evoked principles with regards with the very concrete case. But, crossing these principles and rights in question, the Court estimates that the European Commission did not respect the principle of necessity and proportionality concerning employees' very sensitive data, these demands broadening the circle of information without necessity and in a disproportionate way, since the information is very sensitive (like employees' health, political opinions of third parties, etc.).
It is therefore appropriate to distinguish among the mass of required documents, for which the same guarantee must be given in a technique of communication than in a technic of inspection, those which are transferable without additional precaution and those which must be subject to an "alternative procedure" because of their nature of very sensitive personal data.
This "alternative procedure" will take the shape of an examination of documents considered by Facebook as very sensitive and that it will communicate on a separate electronic support, by European Commission's agents, that we cannot a priori suspect to hijack law. This examination will take place in a "virtual data room" with Facebook's attorneys. In case of disagreement between Facebook and the investigators, the dispute could be solved by the director of information, communication and medias of the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission.
We can draw three lessons from this ordinance:
Oct. 20, 2020
Thesaurus : Doctrine
July 16, 2018
La Chambre sociale de la Cour de cassation a rendu le 4 juillet 2018 une décision à propos de l'entreprise SNCF Mobilités.
Le système de gouvernance de cette grande entreprise comprend notamment une "direction éthique".
C'est sans doute celle-ci qui alerte l'entreprise du comportement d'un employé, monsieur P.A., car c'est sur son rapport que l'entreprise a tout d'abord suspendu celui-ci, puis l'a convoqué devant un "conseil de discipline" interne pour finir par procéder à son licenciement.
Celui-ci conteste son licenciement mais tant le Conseil des prud'hommes que la Cour d'appel de Rennes estime que celui-ci a une cause réelle et sérieuse.
La cassation sera pourtant prononcée.
Tout d'abord, en raison de la procédure elle-même car le rapport sur lequel a été basé le licenciement, élaboré par la "direction éthique" n'était constitué que de témoignages anonymes". C'est en application de l'article 6 CEDH que la Cour de cassation pose que l'on ne peut sanctionner sur la base exclusive de témoignages anonymes.
Pour sauver une telle façon de faire, l'entreprise avait souligné que l'employé avait ultérieurement eu l'occasion de contester ces éléments, le contradictoire compensant l'anonymat de ces sources. Mais l'argument qui avait porté devant les juges du fond n'a pas suffi devant la Cour de cassation, parce que les juges s'étaient fondé "d'une façon déterminante" sur le rapport de la "direction éthique".
Ensuite parce que la procédure devant le Conseil de discipline, qui juridictionnalise plus encore le processus interne de licenciement, notamment par des "référentiels", ici le " référentiel RH00144i" (il n'est plus temps de se plaindre de la disparition de l'art législatif....). Il en résultait qu'au regard de "l'avis" de ce "conseil de discipline" l'entreprise était également privée par sa propre procédure du pouvoir de prononcer le licenciement.
Ainsi, par le bas (un référentiel sur le caractère liant de l'avis du "conseil" de discipline en fonction du nombre de voix exprimées dans un sens ou dans un autre) et par le haut (la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme), l'entreprise ne pouvait pas licencier son employé.
Que les sanctions prononcées par les entreprises se soient juridictionnées, c'est un mouvement juridictionnel ancien.
Que les pouvoirs discrétionnaires ne le soient plus, c'est le mouvement même de la "gouvernance".
L'aspect le plus intéressant de cet arrêt, arrêt de cassation qui prend le contrepied de la Cour d'appel, est celui de l'éthique du "bon comportement" et l'éthique des "droits de la défense".
Pour la Cour de cassation, la question n'est pas de savoir si la personne a fait ou non le comportement justifiant un licenciement, la décision ayant soin de n'en donner aucun indication. C'est plutôt d'essayer de garder une certaine mesure, surtout lorsque c'est la "direction éthique" de l'entreprise qui est déterminante dans la décision finale.
Il convient alors de reprendre le récit à rebours.
Mais s'il n'y a que des témoignages anonymes et que cela est "déterminant" et pour l'entreprise et pour le juge du contrôle, alors cela n'est pas admissible.
Et qui devrait le savoir, mieux que la direction en charge de l'éthique ?
May 22, 2018
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Référence complète : Granier, C., Dirigeants, associés et compliance, in Borga, N., Marin, J.-Cl. et Roda, J.-Cl. (dir.), Compliance : l'entreprise, le régulateur et le juge, Série Régulations & Compliance, Dalloz, 2018, pp. 227-234.
Lire une présentation générale de l'ouvrage dans lequel est publié l'article.
Consulter les autres titres de la Série dans laquelle est publié l'ouvrage.
Feb. 12, 2016
Thesaurus : 08. Juridictions du fond
Lire l'arrêt de la Cour d'appel de Paris.
Lorsqu'un Internaute a recours aux services de FaceBook, il accepte les "conditions générales" dans lesquelles sont insérées des stipulations diverses, par lesquelles une clause attributive de compétence territoriale aux juridictions de Santa Clara (Californie).
Certes, cette clause est nulle en droit de la consommation, mais FaceBook, assigné par un internaute devant un Tribunal de Paris, affirme que le droit de la consommation n'est pas applicable car il ne s'agit pas d'un "contrat de consommation" puisqu'il s'agit du rapport de gratuité.
La Cour d'appel de Paris ne retient pas cette argumentation tirée de la "gratuité" et constate au contraire que FaceBook en retire des bénéfices très importants et qu'il s'agit d'un contrat d'adhésion régi par le droit des clauses abusives et du Règlement communautaire de protection des consommateurs.
La Cour d'appel relève que le Règlement communautaire confère au consommateur le droit de saisir le juge de son domicile, que le Code de la consommation protège le consommateur contre la privation de fait de son droit d'action, ce à quoi équivaut l'obligation de saisir pour un internaute français une juridiction californienne, "entrave sérieuse à son droit d'action en justice" et "déséquilibre significatif entre les droits et obligations des parties".
C'est pourquoi la Cour d'appel de Paris confirme l'Ordonnance par laquelle le Président du Tribunal de Grande instance de Paris a déclaré non-écrite la clause attributive de compétence et déclaré compétent le Tribunal de grande instance de Paris sais par l'internaute contre FaceBook.
Dec. 1, 2014
Full reference: Frison-Roche, M.A., Généralités sur le principe du contradictoire. Étude de droit processuel, coll. "Anthologie du Droit", LGDJ - Lextenso éditions, 2014, 221 p.
Republished from Généralités sur le principe du contradictoire », Étude de droit processuel, Th. Paris II, 1988.
This book is the publication of a thèse d'Etat (French official thesis) written under the direction of Jean Foyer and defended in the Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II) face to a jury made up among others of François Terré, René Chapus, Gérard Cornu, Geneviève Viney.
The main idea is to defend that the principle of contradictory is a simple and fundamental principle, without which there is no Law. It is the reason it is obvious to study it as in civil procedure as in criminal, administrative or arbitrary procedures, to take back a "Procedural Law" perspective conceived by Motulsky. Indeed, without a judge listening without having already decided the facts and Law versions that presents who's the situation will be affected by the decision that the judge will make, there is no rule of Law.
The main beneficiary of the principle of contradictory, it is not really the person, and it is in this that the contradictory is detached from the rights of the defense, it is the judge. Indeed, emphasizing contradictory versions of Law and facts which collide in front of him or her, the judge perceives more exactly and more fairly the world and the use of Law that he or she should favor. Thus, Law is better used. In this, we can consider that the principle of contradictory is consubstantial to Law.
Updated: July 31, 2013 (Initial publication: Oct. 17, 2011)
Teachings : Les Grandes Questions du Droit, semestre d'automne 2011
Updated: April 18, 2006 (Initial publication: )
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : L. Ascensi, Du principe de la contradiction, préf. L. Cadiet, LGDJ, coll. "Bibliothèque de droit privé", t. 454, 2006, 536 p.
► Résumé de l'ouvrage (fait par l'auteur) : "L'examen du droit positif révèle l'extension du champ d'application de la contradiction. Les procédures juridictionnelles ne sont en effet plus les seules concernées par l'application du contradictoire mais, de façon plus générale, la contradiction tend à s'appliquer dans l'ensemble des procédures de résolution des litiges. Cette expansion ne s'est toutefois pas réalisée au prix du dévoiement du concept de contradiction, mais elle s'est au contraire accompagnée de la stabilité structurelle de la notion. Ceci invite alors à ériger le contradictoire en une catégorie juridique unique en dépit de sa très large application, à remettre en cause sa qualification de principe directeur du procès et à lui substituer une qualification bien comprise de droit fondamental. La diffusion de la contradiction dans l'ensemble du droit est favorisée par le fait que les fonctions du contradictoire dans le procès sont aussi ses vertus hors celui-ci. Sur l'ensemble de son domaine d'application, la contradiction exerce en effet une fonction de protection des intéressés et une fonction heuristique, puisqu'il peut être démontré, en théorie comme en droit positif, que le contradictoire est le support juridique de l'élaboration dialogique de la décision. La contradiction constitue donc un droit fondamental, non seulement parce qu'elle vient protéger la liberté de l'homme qui est au fondement de l'Etat de droit, mais aussi parce que la discussion contradictoire est essentiellement au cœur des procédures de résolution des litiges, dont elle légitime la décision qui en exprime l'issue. L'unité conceptuelle de la contradiction n'empêche cependant pas qu'elle soit mise en œuvre de manière différenciée selon les situations. Les fonctions du contradictoire sont en effet concurrencées par des exigences de nature à limiter, voire à exclure son application. De même, l'étude des règles de mise en œuvre de la contradiction dévoile leur adaptation aux spécificités de chaque litige et leur capacité à faire prévaloir le contradictoire dans de multiples hypothèses juridiques. La contradiction est ainsi autant caractérisée par sa relativité que par sa prévalence et sa capacité à mettre les structures de l'ordre juridique au service de sa réalisation.".
March 15, 2005
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : R. Encinas de Munagorri, "L'ouverture de la Cour de cassation aux amici curiae", RTD civ., 15 mars 2005, n°1, pp. 88-92
► Résumé de l'article :
🦉Cet article est accessible en texte intégral pour les personnes inscrites aux enseignements de la Professeure Marie-Anne Frison-Roche
June 27, 2000
► Référence complète : J.-F. Burgelin, J.-M. Coulon et M.-A. Frison-Roche, "L’office de la procédure", in Mélanges offerts à Pierre Drai, Le juge entre deux millénaires, Dalloz, 2000, p.253-267.
► Résumé de l'article : l'article a pour objet de revenir à ce à quoi sert la procédure, quel est donc son "office", l'office du juge ne pouvant pas être que de juger mais portant aussi vers ce qui le mène à cet acte-là, c'est-à-dire la procédure, laquelle ne devant pas être davantage séparée de ce qui l'a fait mettre, à savoir le litige. Si la procédure en est totalement séparée, alors elle devient proprement folle, comme elle le devient si l'on oublie que la procédure est un instrument qui se conçoit que par rapport à son utilité. L'autonomie du Droit processuel ne contrarie en rien cet ancrage.
A ce titre et dans une première partie, l'article examine la façon dont la procédure concrétise les prérogatives des parties que la procédure protège. La procédure permet aux parties de reconstituer les faits qu'elles construisent et pour l'allégation desquels elles apportent des preuves dans les formes procéduralement admises, le juge pouvant intervenir par un tour procédural inquisitorial pour que la preuve du fait allégué soit apportée.
Par ailleurs, procès correspond à une triade constituée par les deux parties et le juge, la procédure suppose que les deux parties acceptent le principe même du droit de l'autre à lui parler et à utiliser les mêmes formes, la procédure étant de ce fait une civilisation du conflit qui est tout à fois mis à distance par le cérémonial et calmé par le codage : la procédure a pour office d'imposer un lien civilisé entre les parties, elle incarne en cela la justice elle-même. A ce titre, l'opposition souvent faite entre l'accusatoire et l'inquisitoire doit être relativisé car la procédure inquisitoire peut être plus protectrice de ce lien, notamment par les droits de la défense.
La seconde partie de l'article expose l'office de la procédure dans la perspective de l'efficacité du service public de la justice. La procédure efficace fait disparaître le litige, ce que fait le jugement, puisque celui-ci tranche le litige. En cela, le jugement n'est pas un acte de procédure commensurable aux autres et il faut qu'il arrive dans un délai raisonnable. C'est pourquoi le juge doit avoir des pouvoirs importants, comme l'injonction, y compris dans une procédure accusatoire, et favoriser les modes alternatifs, comme la médiation.
De la même façon, le procès doit s'ouvrir aux tiers, notamment parce que la distinction des intérêts s'estompe et que l'intérêt collectif ou général doit être entendu.
Jan. 6, 1995
Référence complète : Burgelin, J.-Fr., Coulon, J.-M. et Frison-Roche, M.-A., Le juge des référés au regard des principes procéduraux, D.1995, chron., p.67 s.
Aug. 31, 1994
► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "2+1 : la procédure", in W. Baranès et M.-A. Frison-Roche (dir.), La justice. L'obligation impossible, éd. Autrement, coll."Morales", 1994, pp.193-207.
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Oct. 23, 1993
Référence complète :BARANES, William, FRISON-ROCHE, Marie-Anne, ROBERT, Jacques-Henri, Pour le droit processuel, D.1993, chron., p.9-11.
Il est nécessaire de construire et d'enseigner le "droit processuel", que commença à concevoir Henri Motulsky. En effet, le droit processuel est autonome des droits substantiels que les parties revendiques et des trois contentieux, procédure civile, procédure pénale et contentieux administratif, en ce qu'il exprime les principes communs et inhérents à tous procès : le droit d'action et l'intérêt à agir, le contradictoire et les droits de la défense, le jugement et sa motivation. Le droit processuel relève d'un droit comparé interne qui recherche l'esprit propre à chaque procédure et permet les emprunt de l'une à l'autre. Il pose surtout un droit commun de la procédure, dont désormais la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme et les droits constitutionnels sont la principale source.
Lire le résumé de l'article ci-dessous.