March 15, 2023
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► Full Reference: M.-A. rison-Roche., "The Principle of Active Systemic Proximity, a corollary of the renewal of the Principle of Sovereignty by Compliance Law", in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Compliance Monumental Goals, series "Compliance & Regulation", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant, to be published.
► Summary of this Article: Surprisingly, it is often in a quarrelsome, angry, dissatisfied tone that we first speak of Compliance, especially when Compliance takes a legal form, because it is then we talk about sanctions coming from afar. These sanctions would strike both extremely hard and in an illegitimate way, Law only therefore takes its part in Compliance to increase its brutality: the Law is what would prolong the war between States to better hit this kind of civilian population that would be the companies..., in a new kind of "planetary total war"...
Why so much detestation, which can only be generated by such a presentation?
Because, thanks to the power of Law, Compliance would therefore be the means for a State, finally found, to meddle in the affairs of others to serve its own interests, including those of its companies, to go to war against other States and to the companies they care about without even having to formally declare the war to them. Compliance Law would finally allow a State that is not even a strategist, just smarter, to leave its territory to regulate others. It is true that it seems even more exasperating that it would also be under the guise of virtue and good purposes. Thus, it is not possible to count the number of the writings that describe and comment on the occurrences of the expression "Trojan horse", "economic war", etc. There are thus more articles on this subject of Compliance Law as a means of going to dictate to subjects of law who are nevertheless subject to other legal systems their behavior and to sanction them for having failed to do so, than on all other technical Compliance matters.
As soon as the term "extraterritoriality" is dropped, the knives are drawn. The dejection of defeat... because who can fight against American power, American Law seducing everyone? The call for resistance, or at the very least for "reaction"... In any case, it would be necessary to put the analysis back on its true terrain: politics, conquest, war, so leaving the legal technique there, area which would be good for the naive and above all count the divisions amassed on each side of the borders, then note that only the United States would have had the ingenuity to count many of them, with their armada of judges, prosecutors and lawyers, with Compliance Law amassed like so many gold coins since the 1930s, American companies relaying the assault by internalizing Compliance Law through internal codes, law that is "soft" only in name, and community standards governing the planet according to American principles, the solution then consisting of line up as many of them as possible in reaction, then attempt to "block" the assault. Because if there is no Global Law, Compliance Law would have succeeded in globalizing American Law.
The technique of blocking laws would therefore be the happy outcome on which the forces should concentrate to restore "sovereignty", since Europe had been invaded, by surprise by some famous texts (FCPA) and some cases whose evocation (BNP case) to the French ear sounds like a Waterloo. Compliance Law would therefore only be a morne plaine...
But is this how we should understand the notion of Sovereignty? Has the so-called question of "the extraterritoriality of Compliance Law" not been totally biased by the question, certainly important but with both very precise and extremely specific outlines, of embargoes which have almost not related to Compliance Law?
The first thing to do is therefore to see more clearly in this kind of fight of extraterritoriality, by isolating the question of embargoes from other objects which should not be assessed in the same way (I).
This done, it appears that where Compliance Law is required, it must be effectively indifferent to the territory: because Compliance Law intervenes where the territory, in the very concrete sense of the land in which we are anchor is not present in the situation to be governed, situation to which our minds have so much difficulty adapting and which, however, is now the most common situation: finance, space, digital. If we want the idea of civilization to remain there, that the notion of "limit" be central there. However, Sovereignty is not linked to omnipotence, it is the grandchildren who believe that, it is on the contrary linked to the notion of limits (II).
But if the limit had been naturally given to human beings by the territory, the ground on which we walk and the border on which we stumble and which protects us from aggression, if the limit had been naturally given to human beings by death and the oblivion into which our body and our imagination eventually fall. Indeed, technology erases both natural limits. The Law was the very reflection of these limits, since it was built on the idea of life and death, with this idea that, for example, we could no longer continue to live after our death. Digital technology could challenge this. In the same way, Law had in the same "natural" way reflected the terrestrial borders, since Public International Law being internal Public Law, took care that each sovereign subject remained in its terrestrial borders and did not go beyond, without the agreement of others, Public International Law organizing both the friendly reception of the other, by treaties and diplomacy, as well as unfriendly entry, by the Law of War, while Private International Law welcomes foreign legal systems if a extraterritorial element is already present in the situation.
The complexity of the rules and the subtlety of the solutions do not modify the solidity of this base, always linking the Law to the material reality of this world which are our bodies, which appear and disappear and our "being" with them, and the earth squared by borders. Borders have always been crossed, International Commercial Law being only an economic and financial translation of this natural taste for travel which does not question the territory, human beings passing from one to another.
But the Global has arrived, not only in its opportunities, being not an issue because one can always give up the best, but also in global risks whose birth, development and result are not mastered and of which it is not relevant to thinking only of repairing the damage, because preventing risks from degenerating into a systemic catastrophe is what is at stake today. What if territory slips away and hubris seizes human beings who claim that technology could be the new wings leading a fortunate few to the sun of immortality? We could go towards a world that is both catastrophic and limitless, two qualifiers that classical philosophers considered identical.
Law being what brings measure, therefore limits in a world which, through technology, promises to some the deliverance of all these "natural" limits, could, by the new branch of Compliance Law, again inserting limits to a world which, without this contribution, would become disproportionate, some being able to dispose of others without any limit: in doing so, Compliance Law would then become an instrument of Sovereignty, in that it could impose limits, not by powerlessness but on the contrary by the force of Law. This explains why Compliance is so expressly linked to the political project of "Digital Sovereignty".
To renew this relationship between Law and Sovereignty, where the State takes a new place, we must think of new principles. A new principle is proposed here: the Principle of "Proximity", which must be inserted into the Ex-Ante and systemic Law that is Compliance Law. Thus inserted, the Principle of Proximity can be defined in a negative way, without resorting to the notion of territory, and in a positive way, to posit as being "close" what is close systemically, in the present and in the future, Compliance Law being a branch of Systemic Law having as its object the Future.
Thus, thinking in terms of Proximity consists of conceiving this notion as a Systemic Principle, which then renews the notion of Sovereignty and founds the action of entities in a position to act: Companies (III).
If we think of proximity not in a territorial way, the territory having a strong political dimension but not a systemic dimension, but if we think of systemic proximity in a concrete way through the direct effects of an object whose situation immediately impacts ours (as in the climatic space, or in the digital space), then the notion of territory is no longer primary, and we can do without it.
If the idea of Humanism should finally have some reality, in the same way that a company donneuse d'ordre ("order giver") has a duty of Compliance regarding who works for it, this again meets the definition of Compliance Law as the protector of human beings who are close because they are internalized in the object consumers take. It is this legal technique that allows the transmission, with the thing sold, of the procedural right of action for contractual liability.
Therefore, a Principle of Active Systemic Proximity justifies the action of companies to intervene, in the same way that public authorities are then legitimate to supervise them in the indifference of the formal legal connection, principe of indifference already functioning in the digital space and in environmental and humanist vigilance.
It is therefore appropriate to no longer be hampered by what is a bad quarrel of the extraterritoriality of Compliance Law (I), to show the consubstantial Indifference to the territory of this new branch of Law (II) and to propose the formulation of a new Principle: the "Principle of Active Systemic Proximity (III).
► See the general presentation of the book, 📘Compliance Monumental Goals, in which this article will be published
► read the presentations of the other Marie-Anne Frison-Roche's contributions in this book:
📝Compliance Monumental Goals, beating heart of Compliance Law,
📝Definition of Principe of Proportionality and Definition of Compliance Law,
📝 Assessment of Whistleblowing and the duty of Vigilance
March 15, 2023
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: Huglo, Ch., Under what conditions could climate law constitute a priority Monumental Goal?, in Frison-Roche, M.-A. (ed.),Compliance Monumental Goals, series "Compliance & Regulation", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant, 2023, p.181-186.
► Article Summary (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance) : The author considers that the service that Compliance renders to Society can indeed be considered as "Monumental" and, confronting Compliance with the issue of Climate, considers that Climate Law must become not only a "Monumental Goal", but also be the first. He underlines the deep obstacles to even pose this idea, obstacles of two orders, the first being the fact that Law has rather focused on past pollution, while the stake is also the measurement of the future impact and the prevention. The second is that the many texts and declarations have no direct binding force. It is therefore the courts which today, because of their independence and the place that Science takes in the adversarial debate that takes place before them, Civil Society bringing them the question of the Climate to which they are obliged de jure to answer , take the decisions on the basis of which the "climate justice" is built.
In this, Climate Law invested by Courts joins Compliance Law in the objectives pursued, putting knowledge, prevention and action to preserve what climate issue puts at stake today: Human Dignity.
📝 see the general presentation of the book, 📘Compliance Monumental Goals, in which this article is published
March 15, 2023
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: S. Lochmann, "ESG Rating Agencies and Compliance as an Effective Way of Increasing International Competitiveness", in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Compliance Monumental Goals, coll. "Compliance & Regulation", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant, 2023, p. 389-400.
📘read a general presentation of the book, Compliance Monumental Goals, in which this article is published.
► Summary of the article:
Feb. 2, 2023
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: B. Silliman, "Secret professionnel et coopération : les leçons de procédure tirées de l’expérience américaine pour une application universelle" ("Privilege and cooperation, procedural lessons learned from the U.S for global application"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2023, p. 231-234.
📕read a general presentation of the book, La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► English summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The French legal system is evolving, organizing interaction between lawyers with regulators and prosecutors, especially in investigations about corruption or corporate misconduct, adopting U.S. negotiated resolutions such as the Convention judiciaire d'intérêt public, which encourages "collaboration" between them.
The author describes the evolution of the U.S. DOJ doctrine and askes French to be inspired by the U.S. procedural experience, U.S. where this mechanism came from. Indeed, the DOJ released memoranda about what the "collaboration" means. At the end (2006 Memorandum), the DOJ has considered that the legal privilege must remain intact when the information is not only factual to maintain trust between prosecutors, regulators, and lawyers.
French authorities do not follow this way. The author regrets it and thinks they should adopt the same reasoning as the American authority on the secret professionnel of the avocat, especially when he intervenes in the company internal investigation.
🦉This article is available in full text for those registered for Professor Marie-Anne Frison-Roche's courses
Feb. 2, 2023
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: S. Schiller, "Un juge unique en cas de manquement international à des obligations de compliance ?" ("A single judge in the event of an international breach of compliance obligations?"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2023, p. 453-464.
📕read a general presentation of the book, La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the author, translated by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): Given the very international nature of the topic apprehended, the actors involved and therefore the compliance disputes, it is essential to know if a person can be implicated before several judges, attached to different states or even if he can be condemned by several jurisdictions. The answer is given by the non bis in idem principle, which is the subject of a abondant case law on the basis of Article 4 of Protocol n°7 of the ECHR, clearly inapplicable for jurisdictions emanating from different States.
To assess whether breaches of compliance obligations may be subject to multiple sanctions in different states, it will first be necessary to ascertain whether there is a textual basis to be invoked.
At European level, Article 50 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights now allows the principle of ne bis in idem to be invoked. Applicable to all areas of compliance, it provides very strong protection which covers not only sanctions, but also prosecutions. Like its effects, the scope of Article 50 is very broad. The procedures concerned are those which have a repressive nature, beyond those pronounced by criminal courts in the strict sense, which makes it possible to cover the convictions pronounced by one of the many regulatory authorities competent in matters of compliance.
Internationally, the situation is less clear. Article 14-7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights may be invoked, if several obstacles are overcome, including the decision of 2 November 1987 of the Human Rights Committee which restricted it to the internal framework, requiring a double conviction by the same State.
Even if these principles are applicable, two specificities of compliance situations risk hampering their application, the first related to the applicable procedural rules, in particular the rules of jurisdiction, the second related to the specificities of the situation.
The application of the non bis in idem rule is only formally accepted with regard to universal jurisdiction and personal jurisdiction, that is to say extraterritorial jurisdiction, which is only part of the jurisdiction. . The Cour de cassation (French Judiciary Supreme Court) confirmed this in the famous so-called “Oil for food” judgment of March 14, 2018. The refusal to recognize this principle as universal, regardless of the jurisdiction rule in question, deprives French companies of a defense. Moreover, the repression of breaches of compliance rules is more and more often resolved through transactional mechanisms. The latter will not always fall within the scope of European and international rules laying down the non bis in idem principle, for lack of being sometimes qualified as "final judgment" under the terms of Article 50 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Article 14-7 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
Breaches in terms of compliance are often based on multiple acts. This results from prescriptions the starting point of which is delayed at the last event and a facilitated jurisdiction for French courts when only one of the constitutive facts is found in France. In terms of compliance, the non bis in idem principle therefore generally does not protect companies and does not prevent them from being sued before the courts of two different countries for the same case. It nevertheless grants them another protection by obliging them to take into account foreign decisions in determining the amount of the penalty. The sanction against Airbus SE in the Judicial Convention of Public Interest (CJIP) of January 29, 2020 is a perfect illustration of this.
Breaches in terms of compliance are often based on multiple acts. This causes delays in the starting point of prescriptions, starting point delayed at the last event, and this facilitates judicial jurisdiction for French courts when only one of the constitutive facts is found in France. In terms of compliance, the non bis in idem principle therefore generally does not protect companies and does not prevent them from being sued before the courts of two different countries for the same case. It nevertheless grants them another protection by obliging them to take into account foreign decisions in determining the amount of the penalty. The sanction against Airbus SE in the Convention judiciaire d'intérêt public -CJIP (French Judicial Convention of Public Interest) of January 29, 2020 is a perfect illustration of this.
Jan. 7, 2023
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : J. Harrison, "Trade Agreement and Sustainability: Exploring the Potential of Global Value Chain (GVC) Obligations", Journal of International Economic Law, 2023
► Résumé de l'article (fait par l'auteur ) : Après
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Sept. 27, 2022
Public Auditions
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, audition par la Commission des Lois du Sénat sur la Proposition de Loi constitutionnelle relative à l'interruption volontaire de grossesse et à la contraception, 27 septembre 2022.
► Lire le dossier législatif, notamment l'exposé des motifs de la proposition de loi.
►Résumé de la présentation avant la discussion : ma contribution à la discussion nourrie et très large établie entre les représentants du Sénat et les administratrices et mes collègues, Elisabeth Zoller, Stéphane Mouton et Sophie Paricard, a plutôt consisté à développer la dimension concrète et pratique du sujet et la considération que celle-ci a sur la rédaction d'un texte, s'il venait à l'idée du Législateur de s'en saisir.
En effet, il s'agit non pas tant d'établir un droit subjectif, dont la dimension constitutionnelle en tant que telle peut poser techniquement problème, mais d'assurer son effectivité. Ce terme-même d'effectivité est utilisé par la proposition de loi. Or, la notion d'effectivité est utilisée dans le Droit économique, qui vise les buts, le Droit de la Régulation et de la Compliance visant à obtenir dans une sorte de réussite croissante l'effectivité, l'efficacité et l'efficience des mécanismes juridiques. Mais ce souci de politique publique est difficile à intégrer dans le système juridique, et ce que fait le Droit de la Régulation et de la Compliance est difficile à concevoir au niveau constitutionnel, la notion d' "accès à un droit" étant sans doute un pléonasme par rapport à la notion de "droit à l'effectivité", lequel vise sans doute les différents sujets de droit qui, dans la chaîne concrète qui jalonne la façon dont une femme dispose de son corps, deviendrait débiteurs d'un tel "droit d'accès à un droit".
Une telle notion peut engendrer de nombreux contentieux car les potentiels débiteurs d'un tel droit subjectif, qui aurait valeur constitutionnelle, ont aussi des droits subjectifs à opposer, et c'est une grande agressivité juridictionnelle des uns et des autres, des uns contre les autres, qui peut être ainsi engendrée.
D'ailleurs, placer dans la Constitution un tel droit subjectif sous "De l'autorité judiciaire" est inapproprié car le droit à l'avortement est protégé également par le juge administratif, non seulement à travers le contrôle objectif des textes mais encore à travers le contentieux subjectif, les établissements publics étant fortement impliqués dans sa mise en oeuvre.
En outre, de la même façon que l'arrêt Dobbs v. Jackson est un arrêt systémique, visant le fédéralisme, qui en application de la conception par la Cour de celui-ci peut et va priver d'autres droits subjectifs de leur protection constitutionnelle fédérale, le premier à tomber étant sans doute le droit des personnes de même sexe à se marier, mais d'autres peuvent venir, le Constituant français devrait d'ores et déjà (puisqu'il vise l'avenir) soit :
Cela suppose alors que le Législateur intervenir par à-coup, dans une liste que le juge aura bien du mal à interpréter, sans doute une "liste fermée"..., mais surtout intervienne en Ex-Post, à chaque fois qu'il pense qu'une agression est davantage probable sur un droit que sur un autre (car c'est le raisonnement ici suivi, l'arrêt Dobbs, qui ne concerne pas l'Europe, étant considéré par le Législateur français comme un "signal" de danger sur ce droit-là...) : mais le Législateur d'une part doit intervenir sur l'avenir et non pas sur le passé (les lois "en réaction" ne sont pas de bonne méthode) et doit être abstraites car c'est au juge de décliner sur des situations et droits particuliers (cf. Carbonnier et "l'effet macédonier"). Or, le Conseil constitutionnel n'est pas placé pour faire cela. Quel juge en France pourrait le faire ?
Malgré la bonne intention du Législateur, et en retournant les techniques juridiques dans tous les sens, l'on ne voit pas "quoi faire"...
Mais, puisque l'enjeu n'est pas tant l'existence d'un droit, mais l'effectivité de celui-ci, et l'efficacité d'un système médical et social à le servir dans la "réalité" des choses, pourquoi ne pas se tourner vers le Droit économique, Droit concret et téléologique par excellence ?
Dès lors, si le Législateur devait intervenir pour protéger davantage à l'avenir l'effectivité du droit des femmes à disposer de leur corps, c'est peut-être sous une forme plus incitative, en s'appuyant sur les entreprises qui, comme l'ont fait les entreprises américaines en aidant les femmes à voyager jusqu'aux Etats protecteurs, en ne communiquant pas des informations aux autorités publiques des Etats non-protecteurs, aident concrètement à l'effectivité des droits subjectifs qui sont concrètement menacés, maintenant aux Etats-Unis, éventuellement demain en Europe et en France.
Cela s'appuie sur le Droit de la Compliance.
Voir aussi
💬Frison-Roche, M.-A, "La Cour suprême a déclenché la bombe de la sécession. Que faire ?", 5 juillet 2022
💬Frison-Roche, M.-A, Droit à l’avortement : « Le processus de sécession est dans la décision », 27 juin 2022
📧M.-A. Frison-Roche, Seuls les droits subjectifs techniques ne sont pas touchés par l'arrêt Dobbs: c'est sur eux qu'il faut construire une nouvelle théorie de l'entreprise, 29 juin 2022
Sept. 25, 2022
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Fonder la compliance", in Revue de l'ACE, La compliance, n° spéc. n°157, septembre 2022, p.17-31.
► Résumé de l'article : L'article traite le sujet en 20 étapes
lire la revue dans son intégralité
Sept. 21, 2022
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Compliance, the new legal way for human values: towards an Ex Ante Responsibility", in Evolução do Direito no século XXI. Seus princípios e valores: ESG, Liberdade, Regulação, Igualdade e Segurança Jurídica. Homenagem ao Professor Arnoldo Wald, vol. 2, Direito Privado, São Paulo, Editora IASP, 2022, pp. 977-983
► Summary of the article: For the first time, the future is the first question for the Humanity. The classical legal conception of Tort Law concerns the Past, the philosophical conception of Hans Jonas, a Responsability for the Future, an Ex-Ante Responsability must become a legal notion.
Traditionally, the Legislator takes decision for the Future and the Judges takes ones for the Past, but now in front of the possible disparition of human beings on this planet, global and catastrophic perspective, all legal perspectives need to be used, breaking the classical repartition, in the priority of the future. To do something, the Responsability must be put on everyone in a legal force, not only on the classical subject of Law and because of past behaviors, but because the operators, States, firms, or individuals, are "in position" to do so.
This new "Ex-Ante Responsability" is an essential part of the Compliance Law, very new branche of Law, with an extraterritorial effect, to find immediate and active solutions for the future. Because the issue is global, international Arbitration is in position to apply the conception, because international arbitrators are the global judges.
This new conception of legal Ex-Ante Responsability, declared by courts, expressed human values, such as the concerns for the others, in concordance withe the humanist tradition of European and American Law, Compliance being not at all to obey regulations but to concretise an alliance a Monumental Goal, here for the preservation of human beings in the future, and the powers and the legal duties of corporate and people to do so.
Sept. 21, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : A Evolução do Direito no século XXI. Seus princípios e valores: ESG, Liberdade, Regulação, Igualdade e Segurança Jurídica. Homenagem ao Professor Arnoldo Wald, vol. 2, Direito Privado, São Paulo, Editora IASP, 2022, 1998 p.
📗lire le sommaire de l'ouvrage
► Résumé de l'ouvrage (fait par l'éditeur) : "A presente obra reúne artigos de juristas e de alguns amigos do Professor Arnoldo Wald, abrangendo Ministros do Supremo Tribunal Federal e do Superior Tribunal de Justiça e outros magistrados, assim como professores das Faculdades de Direito, árbitros e advogados tanto nacionais como estrangeiros.
O livro abrange os mais diversos assuntos nos campos do Direito Privado e do Direito Público. Inclui também a republicação de alguns estudos de autores que não puderam apresentar a sua contribuição, mas que, em outras ocasiões, se manifestaram a respeito dos trabalhos do homenageado.
A obra é composta também por Prefácios e Apresentações dos diversos livros do Professor Wald, que testemunharam, durante 70 anos, a sua atividade cultural e profissional.".
📝lire une présentation de l'article de Marie-Anne Frison-Roche "Compliance, the new legal way for human values: towards an Ex Ante Responsibility"
Sept. 5, 2022
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, Compliance contract, compliance clauses, working paper, September 2022.
►Summary of this working paper: Compliance Law has multiplied obligations. However, although Tort Law is emerging in Compliance issues and contracts are multiplying in practice, for the moment the relationship between Compliance Law and Contract Law is not very visible (I).
However, there are contracts whose sole purpose is to give concrete form to Compliance, which creates a specific contract and must influence its implementation (II). Moreover, there is much to learn from the diversity of compliance stipulations scattered throughout a wide range of contracts (III).
🔓read the developments below⤵️
Sept. 1, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: F. Marty, "L'apport des programmes de conformité à la compétitivité internationale : une perspective concurrentielle" ("The contribution of compliance programmes to international competitiveness: a competitive perspective"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, p. 381-400.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The author analyzes economically the question of whether the compliance programs set up to respect competition rules are for the sole purpose of avoiding sanctions or also contribute to the goal of increasing the international economic performance of companies. which submit to them.
The author explains that companies integrate by duplication external standards to minimize the risk of sanctions, developing a "culture of compliance", which produces their competitiveness increase and the effectiveness of the legal and economic system. In addition, it reduces the cost of investment, which increases the attractiveness of the company.
In this, this presentation based on the postulate of the rationality of companies and investors, compliance programs can fall under self-regulation. The duplication of the law that they operate takes place largely according to "procedural" type methods.
Sept. 1, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: S. Lochmann, "Les agences de notation ESG et l'effectivité de la compliance face à la compétitivité internationale" ("ESG Rating Agencies and Compliance as an effective way of increasing international competitiveness"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, p. 401-412.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The purpose of this article is to show that the markets, those who provide them with financing and those who draw on them, need information on the environmental, social and governance dimensions of the companies involved, ESG rating agencies are companies that contribute to the overall performance of the system and converge on the Monumental Goals that drive Compliance Law.
From this perspective, and taking Moody's as a concrete example, the article first explains the role played by an ESG rating agency and its evaluation methodology, in particular the criteria used and the way in which companies inform the markets and stakeholders in this area, particularly with regard to climate change, converging in this respect with the public authorities and with the various international texts, treaties and texts of soft law that follow one another.
This convergence between the activity of ESG rating agencies and Compliance Law in that it is organised normatively around Monumental Goals is particularly marked in the organisation of a "just transition", with the agency's activity being inserted into the construction of European texts. It thus appears that the ESG investment ecosystem is in full evolution, implying full collaboration between all participants in the financing industry for sustainable financing and, ultimately, the permanence of democracy.
Sept. 1, 2022
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Le principe de proximité systémique active, corolaire du renouvellement du principe de souveraineté par le Droit de la Compliance" ("The principle of active systemic proximity: corollary of the renewal of the principle of sovereignty by Compliance Law"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, p. 501-520.
📝read the article (in French)
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with additional developments, technical references and hyperlinks
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): Surprisingly, it is often in a quarrelsome, angry, dissatisfied tone that we first speak of Compliance, especially when Compliance takes a legal form, because it is then we talk about sanctions coming from afar. These sanctions would strike both extremely hard and in an illegitimate way, Law only therefore takes its part in Compliance to increase its brutality: the Law is what would prolong the war between States to better hit this kind of civilian population that would be the companies..., in a new kind of "planetary total war"...
Why so much detestation, which can only be generated by such a presentation?
Because, thanks to the power of Law, Compliance would therefore be the means for a State, finally found, to meddle in the affairs of others to serve its own interests, including those of its companies, to go to war against other States and to the companies they care about without even having to formally declare the war to them. Compliance Law would finally allow a State that is not even a strategist, just smarter, to leave its territory to regulate others. It is true that it seems even more exasperating that it would also be under the guise of virtue and good purposes. Thus, it is not possible to count the number of the writings that describe and comment on the occurrences of the expression "Trojan horse", "economic war", etc. There are thus more articles on this subject of Compliance Law as a means of going to dictate to subjects of law who are nevertheless subject to other legal systems their behavior and to sanction them for having failed to do so, than on all other technical Compliance matters.
As soon as the term "extraterritoriality" is dropped, the knives are drawn. The dejection of defeat... because who can fight against American power, American Law seducing everyone? The call for resistance, or at the very least for "reaction"... In any case, it would be necessary to put the analysis back on its true terrain: politics, conquest, war, so leaving the legal technique there, area which would be good for the naive and above all count the divisions amassed on each side of the borders, then note that only the United States would have had the ingenuity to count many of them, with their armada of judges, prosecutors and lawyers, with Compliance Law amassed like so many gold coins since the 1930s, American companies relaying the assault by internalizing Compliance Law through internal codes, law that is "soft" only in name, and community standards governing the planet according to American principles, the solution then consisting of line up as many of them as possible in reaction, then attempt to "block" the assault. Because if there is no Global Law, Compliance Law would have succeeded in globalizing American Law.
The technique of blocking laws would therefore be the happy outcome on which the forces should concentrate to restore "sovereignty", since Europe had been invaded, by surprise by some famous texts (FCPA) and some cases whose evocation (BNP case) to the French ear sounds like a Waterloo. Compliance Law would therefore only be a morne plaine...
But is this how we should understand the notion of Sovereignty? Has the so-called question of "the extraterritoriality of Compliance Law" not been totally biased by the question, certainly important but with both very precise and extremely specific outlines, of embargoes which have almost not related to Compliance Law?
The first thing to do is therefore to see more clearly in this kind of fight of extraterritoriality, by isolating the question of embargoes from other objects which should not be assessed in the same way (I).
This done, it appears that where Compliance Law is required, it must be effectively indifferent to the territory: because Compliance Law intervenes where the territory, in the very concrete sense of the land in which we are anchor is not present in the situation to be governed, situation to which our minds have so much difficulty adapting and which, however, is now the most common situation: finance, space, digital. If we want the idea of civilization to remain there, that the notion of "limit" be central there. However, Sovereignty is not linked to omnipotence, it is the grandchildren who believe that, it is on the contrary linked to the notion of limits (II).
But if the limit had been naturally given to human beings by the territory, the ground on which we walk and the border on which we stumble and which protects us from aggression, if the limit had been naturally given to human beings by death and the oblivion into which our body and our imagination eventually fall. Indeed, technology erases both natural limits. The Law was the very reflection of these limits, since it was built on the idea of life and death, with this idea that, for example, we could no longer continue to live after our death. Digital technology could challenge this. In the same way, Law had in the same "natural" way reflected the terrestrial borders, since Public International Law being internal Public Law, took care that each sovereign subject remained in its terrestrial borders and did not go beyond, without the agreement of others, Public International Law organizing both the friendly reception of the other, by treaties and diplomacy, as well as unfriendly entry, by the Law of War, while Private International Law welcomes foreign legal systems if a extraterritorial element is already present in the situation.
The complexity of the rules and the subtlety of the solutions do not modify the solidity of this base, always linking the Law to the material reality of this world which are our bodies, which appear and disappear and our "being" with them, and the earth squared by borders. Borders have always been crossed, International Commercial Law being only an economic and financial translation of this natural taste for travel which does not question the territory, human beings passing from one to another.
But the Global has arrived, not only in its opportunities, being not an issue because one can always give up the best, but also in global risks whose birth, development and result are not mastered and of which it is not relevant to thinking only of repairing the damage, because preventing risks from degenerating into a systemic catastrophe is what is at stake today. What if territory slips away and hubris seizes human beings who claim that technology could be the new wings leading a fortunate few to the sun of immortality? We could go towards a world that is both catastrophic and limitless, two qualifiers that classical philosophers considered identical.
Law being what brings measure, therefore limits in a world which, through technology, promises to some the deliverance of all these "natural" limits, could, by the new branch of Compliance Law, again inserting limits to a world which, without this contribution, would become disproportionate, some being able to dispose of others without any limit: in doing so, Compliance Law would then become an instrument of Sovereignty, in that it could impose limits, not by powerlessness but on the contrary by the force of Law. This explains why Compliance is so expressly linked to the political project of "Digital Sovereignty".
To renew this relationship between Law and Sovereignty, where the State takes a new place, we must think of new principles. A new principle is proposed here: the Principle of "Proximity", which must be inserted into the Ex-Ante and systemic Law that is Compliance Law. Thus inserted, the Principle of Proximity can be defined in a negative way, without resorting to the notion of territory, and in a positive way, to posit as being "close" what is close systemically, in the present and in the future, Compliance Law being a branch of Systemic Law having as its object the Future.
Thus, thinking in terms of Proximity consists of conceiving this notion as a Systemic Principle, which then renews the notion of Sovereignty and founds the action of entities in a position to act: Companies (III).
If we think of proximity not in a territorial way, the territory having a strong political dimension but not a systemic dimension, but if we think of systemic proximity in a concrete way through the direct effects of an object whose situation immediately impacts ours (as in the climatic space, or in the digital space), then the notion of territory is no longer primary, and we can do without it.
If the idea of Humanism should finally have some reality, in the same way that a company donneuse d'ordre ("order giver") has a duty of Compliance regarding who works for it, this again meets the definition of Compliance Law as the protector of human beings who are close because they are internalized in the object consumers take. It is this legal technique that allows the transmission, with the thing sold, of the procedural right of action for contractual liability.
Therefore, a Principle of Active Systemic Proximity justifies the action of companies to intervene, in the same way that public authorities are then legitimate to supervise them in the indifference of the formal legal connection, principe of indifference already functioning in the digital space and in environmental and humanist vigilance.
It is therefore appropriate to no longer be hampered by what is a bad quarrel of the extraterritoriality of Compliance Law (I), to show the consubstantial Indifference to the territory of this new branch of Law (II) and to propose the formulation of a new Principle: the "Principle of Active Systemic Proximity (III).
Sept. 1, 2022
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance (Compliance Monumental Goals), coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, 520 p.
📘In parallel, the English version of this book, Compliance Monumental Goals, is published in the collection co-published by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant.
📅This book comes after a cycle of colloquia 2021 organised by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC)and its Universities partners.
📚This volume is one of the books dedicated to Compliance in the collection Régulations & Compliance: read the presentations of the other titles of this collection.
► General presentation of the book: Seize Compliance by its mind: its Monumental Goals. The notion of "monumental goals" of Compliance was proposed in 2016 by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche📎
Compliance Monumental Goals are targeted ex ante by regulations, contracts, CSR, and international treaties. Creating an alliance between business and political authorities, aiming for a new form of sovereignty. The presence in litigation of these Monumental Goals of global dimension renews the responsibilities and the Judge office. Describing and conceiving these Monumental Goals makes it possible to anticipate Compliance Law, which is more powerful every day.
🏗️General construction of the book: The book opens with a double Introduction, the first summarizing the book (in free access) and the second, more substantial, proposing the Monumental Goals as definition of Compliance Law putting them at its "beating heart", giving this new branch of law its originality and specificity, explaining what, in the History of the United States and Europe, gave birth to this singular corpus and justifies a substantial definition of Compliance Law. The concept of Monumental Goals is explained, justifying both systemic and political nature of Compliance Law, the practical consequences of which legal specific rules are thus better identified and limited, since Compliance Law does not lead to all-obedience. We can then determine what we can expect from this Law of the Future that is Compliance Law.
From there, the book unfolds in 5 titles.
A first Title is devoted to the "radioscopy" of this notion, in itself and branch of Law by branch of Law.
A second Title aims to measure how the Monumental Goals are questioned by a crisis, for example in a health situation, but not in that example, if they aggravate it and must be discarded, or if, on the contrary, they are exactly conceived for this hypothesis. of crisis, risks, catastrophes and that it is advisable to exploit them, in order, in this "test", to benefit from the alliance between the political authorities, public powers and crucial operators.
Once made explicit and tested, the Monumental Goals must find a sure way to be considered. Therefore, a third Title aims to measure in principle and in practice how the Proportionality method can help the integration of Compliance, thus giving a new dimension to the Law without dragging it into insecurity and illegitimate grabbing of powers.
But because Compliance Monumental Goals express a very great ambition, the question of a bearable, even beneficial relationship with the international competitiveness of companies, standards and systems must be opened. This is the object of the fourth Title.
Finally, because the Monumental Goals express by nature a new ambition of the Law in a world which must not give up in what could be the prospect of its abyss, the fifth Title has for object the relationship between the Monumental Goals of Compliance and Sovereignty.
► Understand the book through the Table of Contents and the summaries of each article:
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Résumé de l'ouvrage Les buts monumentaux du droit de la compliance (free access : click here to read this article (in French))
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Les Buts Monumentaux, cœur battant du Droit de la Compliance
🕴️R.-O. Maistre, 📝Quels buts fondamentaux pour le régulateur dans un paysage audiovisuel et numérique en pleine mutation ?
🕴️A.V. Le Fur, 📝Intérêt et raison d’être de l’entreprise : quelle articulation avec les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance ?
🕴️A. Le Goff, 📝La part des banques dans la concrétisation des Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance
🕴️J.-F. Vaquieri,📝Les "Buts Monumentaux" perçus par l'entreprise. L'exemple d'Enedis
🕴️M. Malaurie-Vignal, 📝Les Buts Monumentaux du droit du marché. Réflexion sur la méthode
🕴️D. de La Garanderie, 📝Sur les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance sociale
🕴️C. Peicuti & 🕴️J. Beyssade, 📝La féminisation des postes à responsabilité dans les entreprises comme But de la Compliance. Exemple du secteur bancaire
🕴️I. Gavanon, 📝Le droit des données personnelles dans l’économie numérique à l’épreuve des Buts Monumentaux
🕴️B. Petit, 📝Les Buts Monumentaux du droit (européen) des relations de travail : un système mouvant aux équilibres à consolider
🕴️G. Beaussonie, 📝Droit pénal et Compliance font-ils système ?
🕴️Ch. Huglo, 📝À quelles conditions le Droit climatique pourrait-il constituer un But Monumental prioritaire ?
🕴️L. Rapp, 📝Conformité, proportionnalité et normativité
🕴️B. Bär-Bouyssière, 📝Les obstacles pratiques à la place effective de la proportionnalité dans la Compliance
🕴️A. Mendoza-Caminade, 📝Compliance, proportionnalité et évaluation
🕴️L. Meziani, 📝Proportionnalité en Compliance, garant de l’ordre public en entreprise
🕴️M. Segonds, 📝Compliance, proportionnalité et sanction
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Définition du principe de proportionnalité et définition du Droit de la Compliance
🕴️A. Oumedjkane, A. Tehrani et P. Idoux, 📝Normes publiques et Compliance en temps de crise : les Buts Monumentaux à l'épreuve. Éléments pour une problématique
🕴️J. Bonnet, 📝La crise, occasion de saisir la Compliance comme mode de communication des autorités publiques
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Place et rôle des entreprises dans la création et l'effectivité du Droit de la Compliance en cas de crise
🕴️B. Deffains, 📝L’enjeu économique de compétitivité internationale de la Compliance
🕴️F. Marty, 📝L'apport des programmes de conformité à la compétitivité internationale : une perspective concurrentielle
🕴️S. Lochmann, 📝Les agences de notation ESG et l'effectivité de la Compliance face à la compétitivité internationale
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Appréciation du lancement d'alerte et de l'obligation de vigilance au regard de la compétitivité internationale
🕴️R. Bismuth, 📝Compliance et souveraineté : relations ambigües
🕴️L. Benzoni, 📝Commerce international, compétitivité des entreprises et souveraineté : vers une économie politique de la Compliance
🕴️M.-A. Boursier, 📝Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance : mode d'expression des États
🕴️S. Pottier, 📝Pour une Compliance européenne, vecteur d'affirmation économique et politique
🕴️Ch. André, 📝Souveraineté étatique, souveraineté populaire : quel contrat social pour la Compliance ?
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Le principe de proximité systémique active, corollaire du renouvellement du principe de souveraineté par le Droit de la Compliance
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Le Droit de la compliance, 2016.
Sept. 1, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: R. Bismuth, "Compliance et souveraineté : relations ambigües" ("Compliance and sovereignty: ambiguous relationships"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, p. 439-452.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Author): At first glance, the notion of Sovereignty is difficult to combine with Compliance. Indeed, Sovereignty is part of Public International Law in a logic of essentially territorial distribution of competences, while Compliance has developed and disseminated in companies with tools and methods which largely ignore borders.
A closer look reveals more fundamentally three types of ambiguous interactions between the two. Compliance can first of all be understood as a tool allowing States, by relying on companies, to circumvent the obstacles and limits posed by a Sovereignty conceived in territorial terms and therefore to extend it. Such an approach can nevertheless lead to friction or even conflicts between Compliance and Sovereignty, the norms conveyed by the first not necessarily being in line with those imposed by the second.
This is particularly true when the Compliance "Monumental Goals" are not unilaterally defined or are not intended to be. Finally, by infusing companies with instruments and methods that are reminiscent of sovereign functions, compliance can also allow us to imagine an emerging movement tending to gradually establish Corporate Sovereignty beyond that of States.
Sept. 1, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: M.-E. Boursier, "Les buts monumentaux de la compliance : mode d'expression des États" ("Compliance Monumental Goals: States' mode of expression"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, p. 467-474.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): "Monumental goals" are the raison d'être of Compliance and give it meaning: they are enriched with a political objective making it rise to the status of true legal norms. Compliance Law emerged from the confrontation of States with globalisation, leading to an eviction of traditional legal notions. The monumental goals are the expression of public policies that can be deployed in such a context, thanks to the articulation that Compliance builds with private stakeholders, who spontaneous or constrained contribute.
Through this new Law, States regain their agility face to markets. Indeed, these monumental goals justify this new responsibility weighing on the companies and the new powers that the States express beyond their traditional borders.
Sept. 1, 2022
♾️follow Marie-Anne Frison-Roche on LinkedIn
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Les Buts Monumentaux, cœur battant du Droit de la Compliance" ("Monumental Goals, beating heart of Compliance Law"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, p. 21-44.
📝read the article (in French)
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with additional developments, technical references and hyperlinks
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article: Compliance Law can be defined as the set of processes requiring companies to show that they comply with all the regulations that apply to them. It is also possible to define this branch of Law by a normative heart: the "Monumental Goals". These explain the technical new legal solutions, thus made them clearer, accessible and anticipable. This definition is also based on a bet, that of caring for others that human beings can have in common, a universality.
Through the Monumental Goals, appears a definition of Compliance Law that is new, original, and specific. This new term "Compliance", even in non-English vocabulary, in fact designates a new ambition: that a systemic catastrophe shall not be repeated in the future. This Monumental Goal was designed by History, which gives it a different dimension in the United States and in Europe. But the heart is common in the West, because it is always about detecting and preventing what could produce a future systemic catastrophe, which falls under "negative monumental goals", even to act so that the future is positively different ("positive monumental goals"), the whole being articulated in the notion of "concern for others", the Monumental Goals thus unifying Compliance Law.
In this, they reveal and reinforce the always systemic nature of Compliance Law, as management of systemic risks and extension of Regulation Law, outside of any sector, which makes solutions available for non-sector spaces, in particular digital space. Because wanting to prevent the future (preventing evil from happening; making good happen) is by nature political, Compliance Law by nature concretizes ambitions of a political nature, in particular in its positive monumental goals, notably effective equality between human beings, including geographically distant or future human beings.
The practical consequences of this definition of Compliance Law by Monumental Goals are immense. A contrario, this makes it possible to avoid the excesses of a "conformity law" aimed at the effectiveness of all applicable regulations, a very dangerous perspective. This makes it possible to select effective Compliance Tools with regard to these goals, to grasp the spirit of the material without being locked into its flow of letters. This leads to not dissociating the power required of companies and the permanent supervision that the public authorities must exercise over them.
We can therefore expect a lot from such a definition of Compliance Law by its Monumental Goals. It engenders an alliance between the Political Power, legitimate to enact the Monumental Goals, and the crucial operators, in a position to concretize them and appointed because they are able to do so. It makes it possible to find global legal solutions for global systemic difficulties that are a priori insurmountable, particularly in climate matters and for the effective protection of people in the now digital world in which we live. It expresses values that can unite human beings.
In this, Compliance Law built on Monumental Goals is also a bet. Even if the requirement of "conformity" is articulated with this present conception of what Compliance Law is, this conception based on Monumental Law is based on the human ability to be free, while conformity law supposes more the human ability to obey.
Therefore Compliance Law, defined by the Monumental Goals, is essential for our future, while conformity law is not.
Sept. 1, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: B. Deffains, "L’enjeu économique de compétitivité internationale de la compliance" ("The economic challenge of international competitiveness of Compliance"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, p. 355-366.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Author, translated by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance) : "Compliance", which can be define as obedience to the regulations is a stake for the company in that it can choose as a strategy to do it or not to do it, according to what costs it and brings it such a choice. This same choice of understanding is offered to the author of the norm, the Legislator or the Judge, even the entire legal system making regulation more or less expensive, and compliance with it for businesses. So when the French law known as “Vigilance law” was adopted in 2017, the French Parliament was criticized for dealing a blow to the “international competitiveness” of French companies. ”Today, it is on its model that the European Directive is conceived. The extraterritoriality attached to Compliance Law, often presented as an economic aggression, is nevertheless a consubstantial effect, with its desire to claim to protect beyond borders. , coming us back to a classic question in Economics: what is the price of virtue?
To fuel a debate that began a few centuries ago, it is on the side of the issues that the analysis must be made economically. Indeed, Compliance Law is not only located in Ex Ante, to prevent, detect, remedy, reorganize the future, but also claims to face more "monumental" difficulties than traditional branches of Law. And it is concretely by examining the new instruments that Compliance Law has put in place and offered or imposed on companies that the question of international competitiveness must be examined. The mechanisms of information, secrecy, accountability or responsibility, which have a great effect on the international competitiveness of companies and systems, have changed and their measure has not yet been taken.
July 7, 2022
Adventures of the Ogre Compliance
July 6, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : L. d'Avout, "L'arbitrabilité sous condition : réflexions au départ de l'antitrust", in C. Lemaire & F. Martucci (dir.), Liber Amicorum Laurence Idot. Concurrence et Europe, vol. I, préf. C. Lemaire & F. Martucci, avant-propos B. Lasserre, Concurrences, 2022, pp. 177-192
► Résumé de l'article (fait par l'auteur) : "À travers l'arbitrabilité, l'on répond en principe de façon binaire à la question de l'admissibilité du règlement privatisé d'un litige. Ce concept juridique permet-il également de restreindre les marges de manœuvre des arbitres internationaux dans l'exercice de leur mission juridictionnelle, par une admission de l'arbitrage subordonnée au respect d'un régime juridique donné (loi étatique, convention internationale, etc.) ? Une réponse positive peut être formulée dans certains cas, moyennant l'étude des liens entre la règle d'arbitrabilité et le contrôle étatique subséquent des sentences arbitrales. Lorsque le contrôle de compatibilité des sentences est effectué non seulement au regard de principes mais aussi de certaines règles internationalement impératives, telles celles du droit de la concurrence, l'on peut conclure en amont à la subordination de l'arbitrabilité du litige au respect de ces règles. Une corrélation ou un lien causal, apparaît ainsi (ou est susceptible d'apparaître), dans certains secteurs économiques sensibles, entre la définition par les collectivités publiques des litiges susceptibles d'être arbitrés, l'encadrement consécutif de la mission du juge privé choisi par les parties et le contrôle, ultérieur par les juges étatiques, de l'admissibilité du produit de cette justice privée. Ce lien causal exprime une arbitrabilité de type conditionnel qui, loin de fragiliser le règlement privatisé des litiges internationaux, oeuvre au contraire à l'insertion cohérente de l'arbitrage dans le système plus général du contentieux transnational.".
🦉Cet article est accessible en texte intégral pour les personnes inscrites aux enseignements de la Professeure Marie-Anne Frison-Roche
July 5, 2022
► Référence complète : Frison-Roche, M.-A., entretien avec Olivia Dufour, « La Cour suprême a déclenché la bombe de la sécession. Que faire ? », 5 juillet 2022.
💬 Entretien mené à propos du sens, de la valeur et de la portée système de l'arrêt Dobbs v. Jackson rendu par la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis le 24 juin 2022.
► Présentation de l'interview par Olivia Dufour : Alors que l'arrêt Dobbs v. Jackson du 24 juin 2022 de la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis sur l'avortement n'en finit pas de susciter l'émotion, déjà d'autres droits fondamentaux menacent de perdre leur qualité de droit constitutionnel fédéral. A commencer par le mariage homosexuel. Mais ce n'est pas la seule conséquence de cette nouvelle jurisprudence ultra-conservatrice. Pour le professeur Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, ce qui s'apparente à un "suicide institutionnel" de la part de la Cour a déclenché un mouvement de sécession. En d'autres termes, les Etats-Unis sont en passe de se désunir. Pour autant, rien n'est perdu. Explications.
Les questions posées étaient les suivantes :
Actu-Juridique : L'arrêt de la Cour suprême américaine sur l'avortement a beaucoup ému en France. En réalité, cela ne semble être que le début d'un mouvement de fond. Qu'en est-il ❓ ?
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : Qu'est-ce que cette conception originaliste qui semble désormais être celle de la Cour suprême 'arrêt de la Cour suprême américaine sur l'avortement a beaucoup ému en France. En réalité, cela ne semble être que le début d'un mouvement de fond. Qu'en est-il ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : On comprend donc que l'avortement n'ayant pas été envisagé au XIX siècle, il ne peut pas être protégé par la Constitution au XXIème siècle❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : Cela engendre donc un séisme dépassant de loin les seules conséquence d'un revirement de jurisprudence ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : C'est donc en vertu de cette logique que le port d'arme est qualifié, contrairement au droit à l'avortement, de droit constitutionnel à valeur fédérale ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : Est-ce également cette nouvelle logique qui a présidé à l'arrêt du 30 juin 2022 sur la lutte contre les gaz à effet de serre ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : En quoi l'arrêt sur l'avortement peut-il bouleverser les Etats-Unis ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : Actuellement, l'opinion semble à la fois sidérée et impuissante, faut-il se résoudre à voir prospérer cette nouvelle jurisprudence ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : En France, cet arrêt a suscité la crainte que l'avortement ne soit remis en cause ici aussi et certains réclament l'inscription du droit à l'IVG dans la Constitution. Est-ce une bonne idée ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : Mais alors que faire pour protéger le droit à l'IVG en France ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique : Revenons aux Etats-Unis, comment empêcher que la Cour suprême ne revienne sur le caractère fédéral de nombreux droits ? Le Congrès pourrait-il intervenir ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
Actu-Juridique :Une telle situation pourrait-elle se produire en Europe ❓
🔑Réponse MaFR
July 5, 2022
Adventures of the Ogre Compliance
June 29, 2022
► Référence complète : Frison-Roche, M.-A., Droit à l’avortement : « Le processus de sécession est dans la décision » , Entretien avec Laurence Neuer, Le Point, 29 juin 2022.
June 29, 2022
Compliance: at the moment
► Référence complète : Frison-Roche, M.-A., Seuls les droits subjectifs techniques ne sont pas touchés par l'arrêt Dobbs: c'est sur eux qu'il faut construire une nouvelle théorie de l'entreprise, 29 juin 2022.
► Introduction de l'article : Tout d'abord il y a deux types de réaction possible face à un événement critiquable. Elles peuvent se cumuler mais chacune prend de l'énergie. Soit critiquer l'événement condamnable (puisqu'il est critiquable, renforçant ainsi la mauvaise opinion que l'on a de lui) ; soit en limiter la portée (puisqu'il est critiquable, autant faire en sorte qu'il ait le moins d'effet possible).
Que l'arrêt Dobbs v/ Jackson rendu le 24 juin 2022 par la Cour suprême des Etats-Unis soit critiquable, tout le monde en est à peu près d'accord. Des centaines de commentaires vont dans ce sens ; des milliers de réactions vont dans ce sens. L'on peut continuer à le critiquer. Cela renforce l'opinion que l'on a déjà. Cela prend de l'énergie.
Peut-être vaut-il mieux utiliser son énergie à limiter la portée de cet arrêt. Mettre son énergie dans cet effort-là. Or cet effort en requiert beaucoup. Donc puisqu'il est acquis que cet arrêt est critiquable, concentrons-nous sur les moyens pratiques d'en limiter la portée.
L'on songe à modifier le Droit français en inscrivant le droit à l'avortement dans la Constitution (I). Mais si l'on revient aux Etats-Unis, car l'arrêt de la Cour suprême n'a pas de portée sur le Droit constitutionnel français, il faut mesurer que tous les droits subjectifs "politiques" non-ancrés dans "l'histoire américaine" sont touchés par l'arrêt du 24 juin 2022, la portée de l'arrêt allant bien au-delà du droit à l'avortement (II). La Cour est donc délivrée de la totalité de sa propre jurisprudence, ce que ne sont pas les cours constitutionnelles européennes, et c'est en cela que l'arrêt est catastrophique car non seulement il touche tous les droits subjectifs "politiques", mais il efface toute la jurisprudence de la Cour concernant les droits subjectifs "politiques" que l'on pourrait dire "nouveaux" (III). Plus encore, trois jours après, la Cour suprême a rendu un arrêt concernant un droit politique ancré dans l'histoire américaine, le droit à la liberté d'expression, qu'elle a interprété très largement, pour bloquer le licenciement d'un enseignant sportif d'une école publique qui faisait des prières sur le terrain de sport, procédant ainsi à un revirement de jurisprudence. La Cour ne serait donc pas non plus liée par sa jurisprudence sur les droits subjectifs politiques ancrés historiquement, pouvant les interpréter d'une façon conservatrice, sans "conserver" l'interprétation "progressiste" que la Cour en avait faite (IV). La solution serait donc de travailler sur ce qui reste : les droits subjectifs non-politiques : or, ce sont des droits auxquels les juristes conservateurs, qui dominent la Cour, sont attachés parce qu'ils sont liés à la liberté contractuelle et à la liberté d'entreprendre. Ils seront en mauvaise position pour les restreindre. Cela désigne ceux qui vont devoir, et pouvoir, défendre les femmes, et plus généralement les êtres humains, aux Etats-Unis : les entreprises (V).
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