May 29, 2021
Compliance: at the moment
May 26, 2021
Thesaurus : 09. Juridictions étrangères
► Référence complète : Rechtbank Den Haag (Tribunal de La Haye), 26 mai 2021, aff. C/09/571932 / HA ZA 19-379, Vereniging Milieudefensie et a. c/ Royal Dutch Shell PLC.
🏛️lire la traduction française du jugement
May 26, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
May 17, 2021
Référence complète: Frison-Roche, M.-A., La place des entreprises dans la création et l'effectivité du Droit de la Compliance en cas de crise in (dir.) Les normes publiques et la Compliance en temps de crise : les buts monumentaux à l'épreuve, colloque coorganisé par le Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et la Faculté de droit de Montpellier, 17 mai 2021.
Consulter les slides sur lesquelles s'appuie cette conférence.
Regarder la vidéo de cette conférence.
Lire le programme général de ce colloque
Lire le document de travail sur la base duquel la conférence a été élaborée.
Ce colloque s'insère dans le cycle de colloques 2021 organisé par le Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et ses partenaires autour des Buts monumentaux de la Compliance.
Les interventions serviront de première base à la réalisation d'un ouvrage dirigé par Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, dont la version française, Les Buts monumentaux de la Compliance, est co-éditée par le JoRC et Dalloz et dont la version anglaise, Compliance Monumental Goals, est co-éditée par le JoRC et Bruylant.
Résumé de la conférence : Il s'agit d'observer la façon dont les entreprises agissent lorsque la crise advient et l'impact produit sur les "Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance". Il apparaît que les entreprises ont aidé, soit sur l'ordre des Autorités publiques, soit de leur propre initiative. Toute "épreuve" étant une "preuve", la leçon à tirer de la preuve sanitaire est à retirer face à la crise environnementale dont nous sommes déjà informés.
La crise montre la place et le rôle des entreprises pour que tout d'abord survive l'effectivité du Droit de la Compliance par le souci maintenu de ses buts, grâce à l'aide requise ou spontanée des entreprises.
Mais plus encore l'on a pu observer des entreprises actives en raison de leur "position" pour des buts qui n'étaient pas les leurs, comme l'environnement. L'on retrouve alors la définition générale du Droit de la Compliance comme l'alliance en Ex Ante entre Autorités publiques et opérateurs privés cruciaux, pour maîtriser le futur. Ce sont les juges qui les assignent à cette alliance, ici et maintenant. La crise sanitaire en accélère la construction.
May 15, 2021
Full Reference: Frison-Roche, M.-A. Place and Role of Companies in the Creation and Effectiveness of Compliance Law in Crisis, Working Paper, May 2021.
This Working Paper has been elaborated as basis for a conference in the colloquium of Mai 17, 2021 (done in French: Normes publiques et Compliance en temps de crise : les buts monumentaux à l'épreuve.
This video is made with English substitutes.
It is also the basis for an article in the book Compliance Monumental Goals, the English version of which is co-published by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant.
Summary: This article has a very topic: the place of private Companies, with regard to the chapter's issue: "the ordeal of a crisis". The crisis constitutes a "test", that is to say, it brings evidence. Let us take it as such.
Indeed, during the health crisis, it appears that Companies have helped the Public Authorities to resist the shock, to endure and to get out of the Crisis. They did so by force, but they also took initiatives in this direction. From this too, we must learn lessons for the next crisis that will come. It is possible that this has already started in the form of another global and systemic crisis: the environmental crisis. In view of what we have been able to observe and the evolution of the Law, of the standards adopted by the Authorities but also by the new case law, what can we expect from Companies in the face of this next Crisis, willingly and strength
Lire ci-dessous les développements.
May 5, 2021
Thesaurus : 08. Juridictions du fond
Référence complète : Paris, 5 mai 2021, Carrefour
La société Carrefour Hypermarchés commande et achète des produits référencés par sa centrale de référencement, Carrefour Marchandises Internationales (CMI), notamment ceux de la la société I2C. Or, le responsable du référencement des produits de cette société s'était vu offrir des voyages par ce fournisseur (certes avant l'établissement de la Charte éthique).
Un audit avait révélé cela après l'adoption de la charte. Par conséquent, la société CMI a mis fin à sa relation commerciale avec ce fournisseur.
Contestée sur l'allégation du caractère brutal de la rupture des relations commerciale, la Cour estime que cela est justifié car la violation de la charte éthique pouvait fonder la rupture immédiate des relations commerciales, indépendamment de leur date en raison de leur gravité.
- Voir dans le même rattachement à l'obligation de vigilance sur les manquements du fournisseur, justifiant la cessation immédiate de toutes relations commerciales :
April 21, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: M. Larouer, "La manifestation des mécanismes incitatifs dans le Droit français de la Compliance" ("The Manifestation of Incentives Mechanisms in French Compliance Law"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 99-106.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The author develops in the introduction the idea that Law itself accepts the notion of incentive as being consubstantial with it, relying in particular on codes of conduct.
Then the article develops demonstrations of incentive Law as a tool of complicity, first of all in the fight against corruption: the decision of the Sanctions Commission of the Agency Française Anticorruption (French Anti-Corruption Agency) shows that the recommendations of this Agency encourage the company to comply, protecting it from a sanction if it submits to it but does not prevent it from organizing in any other way. In addition, the judgment of the Commercial Chamber of the Court de Cassation (cassation court) stated that the breach of a contractual obligation which is however only the resumption of a constraint lodged in a compliance program which targets a third party justifies the termination of the contract. .
More generally, the author shows that the legal system encourages companies to integrate Compliance by publishing vigilance plans and extra-financial performance, while noting that companies do not always do so.
The article also concludes that French Compliance Law in its use of incentives is only at its "beginnings".
April 21, 2021
► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Résoudre la contradiction entre "sanction" et "incitation" sous le feu du Droit de la Compliance" ("Resolving the contradiction between "sanction" and "incentive" under the fire of Compliance Law"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 89-98
📝read the article (in French)
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with more developments, technical references and hyperlinks
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation and Compliance): Compliance and Incentives appear at first glance to be totally opposite. For two major reasons. Firstly, because sanctions have a central place in Compliance Law and that the incentives suppose an absence of constraint on the operators. Secondly, because the incentives are linked to self-regulation and that Compliance Law assumes a strong presence of public authorities. Thus, one should choose: either Compliance or Incentives! Either the effectiveness of one or the effectiveness of the others; either the techniques of one, or the techniques of others; either the philosophy of one or the philosophy of the other. Resign oneself to the waste that such a necessary choice would imply. But to put the terms in this way amounts to thinking poorly about the situations and reducing the fields of the solutions they call for. If we take a rich definition of Compliance Law, we can on the contrary articulate Compliance and Incentives. From this perspective, sanctions can no longer become what blocks the use of incentives but, on the contrary, what constitutes them. Even more, the coupling between the Incentives and the requirements of Compliance Law must be strongly encouraged, as soon as the public authorities supervise in Ex Ante all the initiatives taken by the "crucial operators".
This article deals with the first issue. Indeed, the so-called incentive theory targets mechanisms which do not directly resort to constraint. They would therefore have little place in Compliance Law. But it seems saturated with sanction procedures. We can even say that it seems to put them at the center, the public authorities presenting the number of sanctions as a sign of success, while the companies seem obsessed with their prospects, the two concerns ending in such a strange convergence that are the Convention Judiciaire d'Intérêt Public (non-prosecution agreement).
The honest observer cannot help but be immediately uneasy. Indeed, it can only raise the definition of the sanction as a "constraint" triggered Ex Post, at the very heart of a Compliance Law which is presented as a set of Ex Ante mechanisms. Based on this contradiction in terms, should we give up the association and think that it would be wrong against the spirit to think of the sanction as an incentive?
It is undoubtedly in this connection that one perceives most clearly the clash of two cultures, which do not communicate, while technically they apply to the same situations. Indeed, because Compliance was designed by Finance, everything is a tool for it. Therefore, the tendency to think of the sanction only as an incentive is very strong in Compliance Law, manifests itself continuously and will not stop (I). But whatever the reasons for conceiving it this way, the principles of the rule of law cannot disappear and if we do not want them to be erased, then they must be articulated (II). This is an essential game (II).
This is why we can literally say that Compliance has set Criminal Law on fire by its conception, logical but closed in on itself, of sanctions as simple incentives. In order for Law to remain, however, we must hold a very firm definition of Compliance Law centered on its Monumental Goal, which is the protection of the person.
April 21, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: M. Galland, "Le contrôle par le régulateur de l’effectivité des instruments de Compliance mis en place par l’entreprise", in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 195-208.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The author underlines the complexity of the measure of the effectivity of compliance tools because the measure of the risks cannot be mechanical, the exercise is a cost whose the advantage does not appear immediately, the essential is in the behaviors that the firm masters with difficulty while these are results that are evaluated, because Compliance tools must be effective and produce tangible results.
To do that, the regulator intervenes in Ex Ante in order to the applicable texts are understandable by the firm and in order to the tool is working. When a noncompliance occurs, the regulator must beyond the sanction build on this measure of ineffectiveness to lead operators to improve their systems. Thus, it is in terms of "Compliance effort" that the regulator's control works, especially through the observation of an "embodied exemplarity".
April 21, 2021
► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Approche juridique des outils de la Compliance. Construire juridiquement l'unité des outils de la Compliance à partir de la définition du Droit de la Compliance par ses "buts monumentaux"" ("Legal approach to Compliance Tools. Building by Law the Unicity of Compliance Tools from the definition of Compliance Law by its "Monumental Goals""), in M.-A. Frison-Roche, (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 27-38.
📝read the article (in French)
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with more developments, technical references and hypertext links
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation and Compliance): The "tools of Compliance" do not stack on top of each other. They form a system, thanks to a unity drawn from the goals that all these multiple and different tools serve: the "Monumental Goals" by which Compliance Law is defined.
All these tools are configured by these goals and for mastering all these techniques, it is essential to put them all in perspective of what Compliance Law is, which is designed teleologically with regard to its goals. Extension of Regulatory Law and like it, Compliance Law is built on a balance between the principle of competition and other concerns that public authorities claim to take care of. Compliance Law has moreover more "pretensions" in this respect, for example in environmental matters. All the means are then good, the violence of the tools marrying without difficulty with the voluntary commitments since it is the goals which govern this branch of Law.
As legal solutions adopted show, a common method of interpretation and common levels of constraint for all Compliance Tools result from this definition. Starting from the goals (in which legal normativity is housed), the interpretation of the different tools is thus unified. Moreover, the different degrees of constraint do not operate according to the consideration of sources (traditional legal criterion) but by the goals, according to the legal distinction between obligations of means and obligations of results which result from the articulation between tools, of which the establishment is an obligation of result, and the goal, of which the achievement is only an obligation of means.
April 21, 2021
General reference : Frison-Roche, M.-A. (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, series "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) & Dalloz, 2021.
In parallel, the book is published in an English version Compliance Tools, co-edited by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant.
This book follows a cycle of conferences organized by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance and by its partner universities.
See the collection Regulation & Compliance in which the book has been published.
General presentation of the book : The political dimension of Compliance Law resides in the monumental goals that it aims for and which define it. These goals are internalized in "crucial operators", who willingly or by force must structure themselves and act to achieve "monumental goals", as set by public authorities and which may coincide with the interests of the enterprise. This one designs and controls the Ex Ante reorganization that this implies, under the public authorities supervision. Enterprises, even if their activities are not regulated, thus become transparent and must show the Compliance Tools effectively deployed to effectively achieve these goals. It is a major transformation of economic life in all countries because the Compliance Tools are adopted everywhere and have a global effect.
These appear to be very diverse but their unity is profound and bringing it out has the practical benefit of producing a legal regime that is as unified as possible, while allowing their adaptation country by country, sector by sector, enterprise by enterprise.
This book aims to understand these Compliance Tools to better anticipate the assessment that will be made by Regulators, Supervisors and Courts, as well as the new conceptions of the authors of legal texts which impose new ones every day, while companies must also imagine the most appropriate Compliance Tools.
This collective work specifically apprehends those on which we have few studies when we handle them on a daily basis, such as risk mapping or training or rights, letting more familiar tools shine through more transversal contributions, such as compliance programs, sanctions, whistleblowing or many sorts of settlements, agreements of public interest.
A first chapter takes a legal and economic approach. A second chapter emphasizes the role of risk mapping. A third chapter draws the game of incentives. A fourth chapter identifies the expertise required. A fifth chapter insists on geographic significance. A sixth chapter details the measurement of effectiveness. A seventh chapter explores training. The eighth chapter examines technological tools. The concluding article leads to rights.
Read the presentations of the articles of the book :
April 21, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference : Th. Amico, "La Compliance ou le passage de l'ex post à l'ex ante. Une révolution copernicienne pour l'avocat pénaliste ?" ("Compliance or the passage from ex post to ex ante: a Compernican revolution for the criminal lawyer?"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 145-154.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): After referring to various definitions of Compliance Law, the author insists on the usefulness of the criminal lawyer in that he, familiar with the Ex-Post that constitutes the sanction, can be of good advice. in the Ex-Ante in which new compliance mechanisms are being developed, such as risk mapping or third-party assessment.
Addressing the punitive dimension of Compliance Law, the author shows that the criminal lawyer therefore naturally has a place there, whether it concerns the powers exercised by an administrative authority or the criminal law itself. In that he can "anticipate criminal proceedings", the criminal lawyer is therefore best able to ensure that the company does not expose itself to them, in particular in a good mastery of internal investigations, thus ruling out the criminal risk.
April 21, 2021
► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Compliance et incitations: un couple à propulser " ("Compliance and incentives : a promising tandem"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 123-130.
📝read the article (in French)
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with more developments, technical references and hypertext links
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation and Compliance): The theory of incentives targets the mechanisms which do not use directly constraint (except to present sanctions themselves as incentives) but which leads nevertheless to expected behaviors. To appreciate the links which must or must not be done between incentives and Compliance, we should proceed in two times.
First, the association appears natural between incentive mechanisms and "Compliance Law" since the later is defined in a dynamic way. Indeed, if it is defined placing its legal normativity in its "monumental goals", as the end of corruption, the detection of money laundering in order to underlying criminality disappears, or as the effective protection of environment or the concrete care of human beings, then what matters is not the means in themselves but the effective tension towards these "monumental goals". In this perspective, what was related to public policies led by States, because they are definitively not able to do it, the charge is internalized in the firms which are able to tend towards this goals: "crucial operators" because they have the geographical, technological, informational and financial means.
In this perspective, the internalization of public willingness provoking a split with the concept of State linked to a territory which deprives Politics of its constraint power, incentive mechanisms appear as the most efficient mean to reach these monumental goals. They appear as this "natural" mean both negatively and positively defined. Negatively in which they do not need in Ex Ante institutional localizable sources and sanction power in Ex Post: it is enough to substitute the interest to obligation. Positively, incentives relay through operators' strategies what was the so critical and joked form of public action: the "plan". The duration is thus injected thanks to Compliance mechanisms, as we can see it through the development of it in the care for environment ("plan climat") or through the educational mechanism, which could be conceived only in duration.
However, the opposition seems radical between Compliance Law and Incentives. And this because of three convictions often developed and that we have to overcome. First, the idea that in a general way, there would be a Law only if there is a mechanism of immediate constraint which is associated to the norm. As long as the incentive is not based on obligation, then it will be nothing... Secondly, and as if that were a kind of consolation ..., Compliance would not be really Law either ... We so often say that it is only about a methodology, a range of processes without sense, procedures to follow without trying to understand, process that algorithms integrate in a mechanic without end and without sense or that on the contrary, Compliance would be full of sense by Ethics and Morality, which are far from Law. While incentives talk to the human spirit which calculate, Compliance would be so a process through which machines will be connected to other machines, so an extra soul, where calculation has no place... Thirdly, solutions would be to be find in Competition Law because it can do without States, submit them and approach what is a-sectorial, especially finance and digital, the world being financialized and digitalized. The violence of Competition Law which comes in Ex Ante thanks to "Compliance sanctions" applying for example to essential infrastructures Law, by continuing to deny the salience of the duration and taking care of the "market power" would be also not compatible with a marriage with incentive mechanisms which rely on duration and power of those to which it is applied, converging towards goals, which are set by what Competition Law ignores: the project. This project which pretends to build the future is the one of politics and of companies, which use their deployed power in time to concretize it. It is without any doubt there that the future of Europe is.
To overcome this triple difficulty, it is thus necessary, in a second time, to modify our conception of Law, especially thanks to Compliance Law, in which this new branch is autonomous from Competition Law, and even sometimes opposed to it, in order to the insertion of incentive mechanisms permit to unknown or against Competition Law organizations to reach "monumental goals" which are imperative to take into consideration. For example, the taking into consideration of climate challenges or the building of a sovereign identity of the data. This is expressly set by European Commission which supervises such initiatives, supervision being what is articulated with Compliance, in a couple that go beyond Regulation, and replaces in Ex Ante Competition Law, salient branch for Ex Post. All the texts which are in the process of expressing it are based on this reformed couple: Compliance and Incentive.
This couple supposes that we recognize as such the existence of companies as project carriers, project which is the creation of marketed wealth circulating on a market, which could be an industrial project specific to a geographical zone both economical and political. Regulation is deployed to go away from the notion of sector and to transform itself in supervision of crucial firms in the correspondance between the project and the action, what refers to the notion of "plan". In this, banking supervision is just the advanced bastion of all thematic, energetic, climatic and health plans, or more broadly industrial and technological that could by incentive be implemented, this conception of Compliance permitting to build zones which are not reduced to immediate market exchange. The incentive corresponds to the fact that Compliance Law relies on the power of the firm to reach its own political goals, for example fighting against disinformation in the digital space or obtaining a healthy environnement. This supposes that Compliance stops to be only conceived as a model of rules effectivity, for example of Competition Law, to be recognized as a substantial branch of Law. A branch which expresses political goals. A branch which is anchored in crucial firms whose it recognizes the autonomy with regards to markets. This makes it possible, in particular through the coupling with incentive mechanisms leading to long-term collaborative operations supervised by public authorities, not to be governed by simple Competition Law, inapt to bring projects to fruition.
April 21, 2021
► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Décrire, concevoir et corréler les outils de la Compliance, pour en faire un usage adéquat" ("Describing, conceiving and correlating Compliance Tools, in order to use them adequately"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. Régulations & Compliance, Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 3-24.
📝read the article (in French)
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The article is the general introduction to the book on Compliance tools. In its first part it develops the overall problematic. In its second part, it presents each of the contributions, placed in the overall construction of the work.
April 21, 2021
► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Les droits subjectifs, outils premiers et naturels du Droit de la Compliance" ("Rights, primary and natural Compliance Tools"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 301-323.
📝read the article (in French)
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with additional developments, technical references and hyperlinks
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of this article (done by the Journal of Regulation and Compliance): In the traditional conception of the architecture of the sectors regulated by Law, and in Compliance Law which extends the regulatory techniques, rights have little place. But this configuration no longer takes place; on the contrary, rights are at the center of Regulatory and Compliance systems, and will be more and more so. They are and will be the primary tools of Compliance Law because they constitute a very effective "tool" to ensure the entire functioning of a system whose goals are so difficult to achieve. Because every effort must be done to achieve these goals, the public authorities not only rely on the power of crucial operators, but also distribute prerogatives to people and organizations who, thus encouraged, activate the Compliance system and participate in the achievement of the "monumental goal". Rights can prove to be the most effective tools for actually achieving the goals set, so much so that they can be seen as "primary tools".
But it is pertinent to have more pretension and to conceive rights as the most "natural" tools of Compliance Law. Indeed because all the Monumental Goals by which Compliance Law is defined can be expressed by the protection of persons, that is to say to the effectiveness of their prerogatives, by a mirror effect between rights. given as tools by Law by to persons and rights which constitute the very goal of all Compliance Law, in particular the protection of all human beings, even if they are in a situation of great weakness, rights becoming a "natural tool" of Compliance Law.
We are only at the beginning of their deployment and it is undoubtedly on them that Digital space in which we now live would be regulated, so that we will not suffocated there and that it will constitute for people a civilized space.
April 21, 2021
► Full Reference: Th. Thouret, "Formation et Compliance, deux outils corrélés de transmission d'information" ("Training and Compliance, two correlated information transmission tools"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 245-254.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The author is based on the fact that in general Compliance Law aims to circulate information and that training, by nature, is a process for transmitting information, to bring the two together.
Insofar as Compliance Law internalizes in "crucial operators" the obligation to circulate information (within it, vis-à-vis its stakeholders and the authorities, but also between crucial operators) , it is therefore logical that they develop training programs, not in an adjacent way but in a main way, because of this identity.
Indeed, training is a means of obtaining that information is "well received", that is to say understood, assimilated and used by its recipient for what it was transmitted. The regulatory and supervisory authorities therefore control the effectiveness of obtaining this effect.
The author finally takes two examples, one of spontaneous adoption of a Compliance training program, operated by Total group, the other of forced adoption, operated by Johnson & Johnson group, to illustrate its general demonstration.
April 21, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference : S. Koenigsberg and Fr. Barrière, "La construction de l'expertise de l'avocat en matière de Compliance" ("The development of attorney's Compliance expertise"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 141-146.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The authors observe that many law firms are now developing expertise in compliance, either in departments or in teams. They emphasize that this expertise is achieved through specialization, which makes it possible to support companies, in Ex Ante (for example in mergers) and in Ex Post (in litigation) in continuum between the two. Moreover, this expertise is built in a collaborative way between the team of lawyers and the company concerned, which reinforces this necessary continuity.
April 21, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: A. Banck, "La maturité de l’utilisateur d'un outil de Compliance, premier critère du choix de l’outil adéquat" ("The maturity of the Compliance Tool’s user, first criterion of the choice of the salient tool"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 209-212.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The author insists on the practical necessity for the firm to show immediately the documents attesting of the reality of Compliance mechanisms. IT tools helps companies to do that, but the crucial point is that everyone in the firm appropriates these tools.
To obtain it, it is necessary that the Compliance officer does not necessarily choose the tool which suits him or her best and pleases him or her the most but rather suits the one who will handle it, for example commercial teams on the ground, monitoring that the tool integrates the specificity of the sector and of the firm. The adjustment of the softwares must meet a maturity of its users in the firm, which must have a "culture of compliance" to take advantage of its tools. Thus more rudimental tools can be more efficient if the culture of Compliance is still weak, sophisticated tools could be unuseful if a prior minimum basis is not reach.
The author thus shows the link to be made between the maturity of the users and the technicality of the tools, the two having to progress together.
April 21, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference : J.-B. Racine, "Propos introductifs. La prégnance géographique dans le choix et l'usage des outils de la Compliance" ("Introductory remarks. Geographical dominance in the choice of Compliance Tools"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 157-164.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The author correlates Compliance Law and "Global Law" and underlines the balance of power that the former expresses, in particular on the part of the United States and even if it therefore "tends to become universal" , the particularities remain, if only in the implementation.
Focusing more particularly on "Compliance Tools", a comparison is made between several contributions of the volume, to establish that, in a definitive and desirable way, the Compliance mechanisms include both a global dimension and a local dimension.
April 21, 2021
► Full Reference : L. Pailler, "Les outils technologiques, la Compliance by design et le RGPD : la protection des données dès la conception" ("Technological tools, Compliance by design and GDPR: the protection of personal data from design"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 279-286.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The author considers that the GDPR has changed the "paradigm" of data protection for the bearer in Compliance, in that the data controllers must ensure the effectiveness of the rules defined by the Regulation, which they make accounts. In addition, the data, processed by the algorithm, is a “means of compliance” described and is used for vigilance plans and all the other tools, this brick being common to all Compliance Law. To respect Law, and in particular to protect people, Compliance by design continues to integrate "compliance" from the design of its tools through standard techniques (Privacy Enhancing Technologies - Pet's), legalized by the GDPR.
The author analyzes the technological means of data protection from the design of the tool, which complement Law and the contract. They are part of the "measures" required to protect people, for example transfers to third countries, these technological means being classified according to their degree of effectiveness. If the principle is free in the choice of technology, but Law requires and controls that it be not only effective but also robust, easy to use and compatible with the tools of use. The author emphasizes that the notion of "effectiveness" encompasses these particular requirements. This effectiveness, which must be proven a priori ("documented") is checked by the Authorities in the appropriateness of the measurement techniques, their effective implementation and their concrete effect.
Even if this is only subject to the state of the art, it must develop its technical resources, helped by the authorities (cf. "compliance pack" of the CNIL (French data regulator)). Even if the powers were aimed at optimizing costs, he must bear them, the context and the purpose of the processing do not ultimately become proportional. So if the risk is very high for people, it will be necessary to insert techniques and protectors other than those of Compliance Law.
April 21, 2021
Editorial responsibilities : Direction of the collection "Regulations & Compliance", JoRC & Dalloz
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) & Dalloz, 2021, 323 p.
📘In parallel, the English version of this book, Compliance Tools, is published in the collection co-published by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant.
📅This book comes after a cycle of colloquia organised by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and its Academic Partners.
This volume is the continuation of the books dedicated to Compliance in this collection.
📚Read the other books ' presentations of the collection about Compliance:
📕 M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, 2023
📕 M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, 2022
📕 M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Pour une Europe de la Compliance, 2019
📕 N. Borga, J.-Cl. Marin, J.-Ch. Roda (ed.), Compliance : l'Entreprise, le Régulateur et le Juge, 2018
📕 M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Régulation, Supervision, Compliance, 2017
📕 M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Internet, espace d'interrégulation, 2016
📚Read the presentations of the other titles of the collection.
► General presentation of the book: The political dimension of Compliance Law resides in the monumental goals that it aims for and which define it. These goals are internalized in "crucial operators", who willingly or by force must structure themselves and act to achieve "monumental goals", as set by public authorities and which may coincide with the interests of the enterprise. This one designs and controls the Ex Ante reorganization that this implies, under the public authorities supervision. Enterprises, even if their activities are not regulated, thus become transparent and must show the Compliance Tools effectively deployed to effectively achieve these goals. It is a major transformation of economic life in all countries because the Compliance Tools are adopted everywhere and have a global effect.
These appear to be very diverse but their unity is profound and bringing it out has the practical benefit of producing a legal regime that is as unified as possible, while allowing their adaptation country by country, sector by sector, enterprise by enterprise.
This book aims to understand these Compliance Tools to better anticipate the assessment that will be made by Regulators, Supervisors and Courts, as well as the new conceptions of the authors of legal texts which impose new ones every day, while companies must also imagine the most appropriate Compliance Tools.
This collective work specifically apprehends those on which we have few studies when we handle them on a daily basis, such as risk mapping or training or rights, letting more familiar tools shine through more transversal contributions, such as compliance programs, sanctions, whistleblowing or many sorts of settlements, agreements of public interest.
A first chapter takes a legal and economic approach. A second chapter emphasizes the role of risk mapping. A third chapter draws the game of incentives. A fourth chapter identifies the expertise required. A fifth chapter insists on geographic significance. A sixth chapter details the measurement of effectiveness. A seventh chapter explores training. The eighth chapter examines technological tools. The concluding article leads to rights.
► Read the general introduction of the book (in French).
► Understand the book through the Table of Contents and the summaries of each article:
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Décrire, concevoir et corréler les outils de la compliance, pour en faire un usage adéquat
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Approche juridique des outils de la compliance. Construire juridiquement l'unité des outils de la compliance à partir de la définition du Droit de la compliance par ses "buts monumentaux"
🕴️L. Benzoni et 🕴️B. Deffains, 📝Approche économique des outils de la compliance : finalité, mesure, effectivité de la compliance "subie" et "choisie"
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Dresser des cartographies des risques comme obligation et le paradoxe des "risques de conformité"
🕴️N. Guillaume, 📝Cartographie des risques de compliance. Premiers aperçus des enjeux, des limites et des bonnes pratiques
🕴️L. Rapp, 📝Théorie des incitations et gouvernance des activités spatiales
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Résoudre la contradiction entre "sanction" et "incitation" sous le feu du Droit de la compliance
🕴️M. Larouer, 📝La manifestation des mécanismes incitatifs dans le droit français de la compliance
🕴️H. Tardieu, 📝Souveraineté des données et compliance
🕴️L. Calandri, 📝Incitation(s) et autorégulation(s) : quelle place pour le droit de la compliance dans le secteur audiovisuel?
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Compliance et incitations : un couple à propulser
🕴️A. Gutierrez-Crespin, 📝L’audit du dispositif de compliance : un outil clé pour en vérifier la robustesse
🕴️S. Koenigsberg et 🕴️Fr. Barrière, 📝La construction de l'expertise de l'avocat en matière de compliance
🕴️Th. Amico, 📝La Compliance ou le passage de l'ex post à l'ex ante. Une révolution copernicienne pour l'avocat pénaliste ?
🕴️J.-B. Racine, 📝Propos introductifs. La prégnance géographique dans le choix et l'usage des outils de la compliance
🕴️M. M. Salah, 📝Conception et application de la compliance en Afrique
🕴️R. Burlingame, 🕴️K. Coppens, N. Power et 🕴️D.H. Lee, 📝Compliance : lutte internationale contre la corruption et gestion des risques
🕴️M. Galland, 📝Le contrôle par le régulateur de l'effectivité des instruments de compliance mis en place par l'entreprise
🕴️A. Banck, 📝La maturité de l’utilisateur d'un outil de compliance, premier critère du choix de l’outil adéquat
🕴️H. Causse, 📝La compliance : par et au-delà de la formation juridique classique
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝La formation : contenu et contenant de la compliance
🕴️Th. Thouret, 📝Formation et compliance : deux outils corrélés de transmission d'information
🕴️J.-Ch. Roda, 📝La compliance by design en antitrust : entre innovation et illusion
🕴️C. Granier, 📝L'originalité normative de la compliance by design
🕴️L. Pailler, 📝Les outils technologiques, la compliance by design et le RGPD : la protection des données dès la conception
🕴️S. Merabet, 📝La morale by design
🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Les droits subjectifs, outils premiers et naturels du Droit de la compliance
April 21, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: S. Merabet, "La morale by design" ("Morality by design"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 287-298.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): After having wondered about the relationship between Law and Morality, for which it is difficult to find points of contact, the author advances the hypothesis that the latter could find a space of concretization in the technology of artificial intelligence, even though many are worried about the deleterious effects of it. The author considering that Compliance is only a method while ethics would be the way in which morality is incorporated in a relaxed way in Law, the technology known as Artificial Intelligence could therefore express the moral rule ("compliance by design could be the appropriate tool to ensure the effectiveness of moral rules without falling into the excesses envisaged").
The author draws on examples to estimate that thus technology for on the one hand expressing the moral rule and on the other hand making it effective. The moral rule can thus be drawn up in a balanced way since it is jointly developed between the State and the economic operators, this collaboration taking the form of general principles adopted by the State using the means chosen by the company. Its content would also be characterized by the search for a "right balance", which would be found by this distribution between the primary moral principles whose expression would be the act of the State and the secondary moral principles whose expression would be delegated to companies.
Taking therefore what would be the principles of Compliance, the author applies them to Artificial Intelligence, showing that these technologies include not only the principle of neutrality but also the ethical principles of non-maliciousness, even of benevolence. (first principles) that companies then decline into secondary principles. Therefore, "compliance can usefully be used to convert these fundamental moral principles into derived moral rules, a source of greater effectiveness.".
Thus resulting in a "moral by design", the overall system has an additional effectiveness tool. This supposes that the fundamental and derived rules are of an acquired moral quality because for the moment the technological tool can only ensure their effectiveness and not the moral quality of the implemented rules. In determining the "moral rules of application", the company has margins of freedom, used through technological tools.
April 21, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: L. Benzoni and B. Deffains, "Approche économique des outils de la Compliance: finalité, mesure, effectivité de la Compliance "subie" et "choisie"" ("Economic approach of Compliance Tools: purpose, measurement, efficiency of Compliance "undergone" and "chose""), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, pp. 39-50.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published.
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): Authors refer to economic analysis of Law general works to say that firms can have an interest in showing by anticipation that they comply to Law in a long term strategy of reputation and reliability, this internalization imposed by Compliance and transformed by the Corporate Social Responsibility benefiting to the firm and its choice being related thus to rationality and not to emotion.
Thus the mechanisms of Compliance stop to be "imposed", the firm just minimizing the perspective of a future sanction, to be "chosen", the firm taking freely a responsibility, for example in the environnemental or human rights protection fields, going beyond legal requirements (what "monumental goals" corresponds to, which goes beyond the interest of partners and of the legal obligation). The investment calculus is more difficult for the second one, hardly measurable, than for the first one (probability calculus). The loi PACTE leaves room to a "chosen Compliance" but we badly measure its effectivity: we wait case law in its use of obligation Law. Moreover, if the status of "entreprise à mission" is adopted, the goal becomes statutorily binding and the governance of the firm must be modified for the internal control of means implemented. But, supposing that companies only search competitive avantages, it is only about, through this general interest service, conquering new benefits, the lucrative purpose of chosen Compliance showing the liberal character of Compliance.
The authors underline that this "chosen Compliance" implies evaluation and analysis tools different from those used for "imposed Compliance". In "imposed Compliance", it is about, taking back Gary Becker's works, considering risk aversion, the firm calculating its likelihood to be punished or not with regards to the gain obtained with the infringement (dependent on those who conceive Law to design it according to the model of incentives) and to the cost generated by the intern Compliance tools. The authors underline that the uncertainty of legal solutions, and there the importance of soft law, makes these calculus harder and that rationality of agents is not total, the perspective of being punished being rejected in itself while the respect of the rule is rather natural, the firms being so "honest" (theory of cognitive bias) and not wanting to be singled out (name and shame). Behavioral economics thus privileges "imposed Compliance", beyond cost-advantage calculus.
In the case of "chosen Compliance", it is competition economics which draws solutions, because the firm imposes to itself a constraint to get a competitive advantage of it, in that these self-imposed constraints meet societal demands, external (for example, environnement) or internal (for example, cohesion into the firm). The external gains are the positive image of the firm with regards to the reputation of its competitors. These investments lose their efficacy because all the firms adopt the same, what by the way transform these practices in common legal norms. Internal gains are measured in organizational sociology by the adhesion to the firm's project, reducing the internal inefficiency in a superior to investment profit.
April 21, 2021
► Full Reference: C. Granier, "L’originalité normative de la Compliance by design" ("The normative originality of Compliance by design"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, p. 267-278.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The author develops the idea that Compliance by design represents a "normative originality", in that it aims, through a complex relationship between the obligatory and the voluntary, to ensure the effectiveness of the "primary standards" contained in the "monumental goals" set by public authorities. The normativity of Compliance by design is original because these processes are situated since the implementation of technical processes, what is referred to by the expression "by design", which reinforces the Ex Ante dimension of Compliance Law, IT embedding this normativity in the structures themselves, by a marriage between technology and Compliance.
It results from that an "automatized" application of the norm, integrated in an IT program, which for example blocks the access to some data if the user has nor correctly expressed his or her consent, chain of events mechanically caused by the effect of previous events (or non-events) (as in smart-contracts), a whole functioning in total Ex Ante, outside any feared state sanction perspective, the constraint being reinstated in technical aptitude. This primacy of the technique asks the question of the interpretation of norms thus incorporated, question that the authors let opened because it could lead to machines which interpret themselves the norms.
This automatized application is presented as more "efficient", essential quality in the Compliance atmosphere since like that the norm does not depend on private actors and can benefit from their technical power. But we measure now the author of secondary technical norms inserts itself norms that should be only at the first level, the firm integrating its own practices and values, Compliance by design being related to auto regulation.
Moreover, the author shows that in the conception of the norm, in its design, the question is to designate the author of the norm's integration in the algorithm and the modalities of the integration. The author being intern to the firm, this would constitute a privatization of the norm, since the norm, even secondary, cannot be totally deprived of value's integration, Compliance overwhelming the organization of Law sources. In a situation that the author calls an "unknown", except that "jurists-coders" appear, the lawyer is disqualified by its technical inability because it is about a technological integration, the transfer of the legal toward the algorithm, by the translation in a coding and then by the integration in the IT architecture of the firm, transforming the legal rules. For example, through the choice of the severity of the mechanical sanction chosen at the secondary level to give effectivity to an interdiction educated at the primary level. The author shows thus that this effectivity control of primary level norms, effectivity control that is implemented at the second level, directly impacts primary level norms. For example, deciding to ask the authorization, or the expression of a consent, or forbidding the access, when a content has been reproved by a primary level norm which does not precise the mode of control of this reprobation that Compliance by design must associate to it. But Compliance by design being not an auto regulation, public authorities control its implementation, as did the CNIL (French Data Regulator) for Androïd. This type of control will be developed.
April 21, 2021
► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "La formation : contenu et contenant de la Compliance" ("Training: content and container of Compliance"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les outils de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2021, pp.. 227-244.
📝read the article (in French)
🚧read the bilingual Working Paper which is the basis of this article, with additional developments, technical references and hyperlinks
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les outils de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation and Compliance): Firstly, as Training is a specific Compliance tool, it is supervised by Regulators. It becomes mandatory when it is contained in Compliance programs or sanction decisions. Since effectiveness and efficiency are legal requirements, what is the margin of companies to design them and how to measure the result?
Secondly, as long as each Compliance tool includes, more and more, an educational dimension, we can take each of them to identify this perspective. So even condemnations and prescriptions are so many lessons, lessons given, lessons to be followed. The question is then to know who, in this so pedagogical Compliance Law, are the "teachers"?