April 7, 2023
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Synthèse", in Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et Université de Perpignan, Le juge face aux clauses et aux contrats de compliance, Université de Perpignan, 18 novembre 2022.
Cette conférence prend place dans le cycle de colloques, organisé par le Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et les Universités qui sont ses partenaires académiques, pendant l'année 2022/2023 autour du thème général L'obligation de compliance.
L'ensemble de ce travail aboutira à un ouvrage qui, dans sa version française, sera publié dans la collection Régulation & Compliance coéditée entre le JoRC et les Editions Dalloz, et dans sa version anglaise, dans la collection Compliance & Regulation coéditée entre le JoRC et les Editions Bruylant.
April 6, 2023
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche & M. Boissavy, "Avocat et droits de la défense dans les enquêtes internes et la justice négociée" ("Attorneys and rights of the defence in internal investigations and negociated justice"), interview with Marina Brillié-Champaux, Dalloz Actu Étudiant, 6 April 2023.
💬read the interview (in French)
► Presentation of the interview by the journal (in French): "Futurs avocats, c’est à vous que s’adresse cette interview de Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, agrégée des Facultés de Droit, directrice du Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et de Matthieu Boissavy, avocat aux barreaux de Paris et de New York, médiateur, membre du Conseil National des Barreaux, vice-président de la commission Libertés et droits de l’Homme. Les 20 et 21 avril 2023 le Conseil national des barreaux, sous l’impulsion de ses commissions Libertés et droits de l’Homme et Droit et Entreprise, organise un colloque sur le thème « Avocat et droits de la défense dans les enquêtes internes et la justice négociée ». Si vous êtes déjà dans la profession, il se peut que leurs réponses vous intéressent pour le respect du droit à la justice !"
► Questions asked (in French):
Le questionnaire de Désiré Dalloz
April 5, 2023
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche,The role of the Judge in the deployment of Regulatory Law in Compliance Law, Working Paper, June 2023.
🎤 this Working Paper has been elaborated to be the basis of the final speech in the colloque coorganised by the Conseil d'Etat (French Administrative Supreme Court) and the Cour de Cassation (French Judicial Supreme Court), De la Régulation à la Compliance: quel rôle pour le juge ?, the 2nd Juin 2023
📝 It is also the basis for the article written in French that concludes the dossier published in La documentation française following the conference.
► Summary of this Working Paper: The role of the Judge, a character who seems weak in Compliance Law, this branch of Law so powerful in a world where technology is developing an even more impressive power, could be to put the strength that is proper to him to continue to do: namely to be the guardian of the Rule of Law, which is not so obviously present because many of Compliance tools are in a way "insensitive" to what we are attached to (I). The second role that we can expect of the Judge is that he should help to ensure the permanence of this Rule of Law, which relies to a large extent on him, in the face of a world that is opening up before us, which is unknown (mainly digital and climatic), and which Compliance Law wishes to grasp by renewing Regulatory Law (II). In what implies both a profound maintenance of a Judge that one would like to exclude by various agreements or replace by algorithms, and a profound transformation of an office turned towards the future (III), .... (IV).
🔓read the Working Paper below⤵️
April 3, 2023
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche & M. Boissavy, "Colloque : « Avocat et droits de la défense dans les enquêtes internes et la justice négociée »" ("Symposium: "Lawyers and rights of the defence in internal investigations""), interview with Olivia Dufour, Actu-Juridique, 3rd April 2023.
💬read the interview (in French)
► Presentation of the interview by the journal (in French): "Le Conseil national des barreaux (CNB) organise les 20 et 21 avril prochains un colloque intitulé « Avocat et droits de la défense dans les enquêtes internes et la justice négociée ». Matthieu Boissavy, avocat aux barreaux de Paris et de New York, médiateur et vice-président de la commission Libertés et droits de l’Homme du Conseil national des barreaux et Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, professeure de droit, directrice du Journal of Regulation and Compliance nous expliquent les enjeux de ces nouvelles pratiques judiciaires qui bousculent le rôle traditionnel des acteurs de la justice, qu’il s’agisse des avocats ou des magistrats."
► Questions asked (in French):
March 25, 2023
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► Full reference: M.A. Frison-Roche, Vigilance, a piece of the European puzzle, Working Paper, March 2023.
🎤This Working Paper has been done as was made the conclusion of the colloquiul La société vigilante ("Vigilant Company") at the Aix-Marseille University on March 24, 2023 (conference given in French)
📝It is also the basis of the article that introduces a special issue on La société vigilante
► Summary of this Working Paper: The contributions form a contrasted whole. It should not be concluded that some of them are correct and others false: through the reading that each one makes of the so-called French 2017 "Vigilance law," it is a vision of the world as it should be that each author proposes. Because Compliance Law, which Vigilance is a part, claims to draw the future, it is normal that each author should draw the present Law with a hand that bends in one direction or the other, following their conception of the future world. The whole contributions must be seen as a dialogue.
A lively dialogue, with this French 2017 law receiving a lot of "glory" and a lot of "indignity" on both sides, from which it is necessary to emerge in order to find solutions, because it is a fundamental movement of which this law is only a gateway (I). Whatever one thinks of it, it is all the branches of law that are used, affected, and transformed by Vigilance (II). To master this profound transformation, we must turn to Europe, to the great puzzle of texts recently adopted or in the process of being adopted in the European Union, of which Vigilance is the hallmark (III).
🔓read the Working Paper⤵️
March 24, 2023
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► Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche, "synthèse", in I. Grossi (dir.), La société vigilante, Université d'Aix-Marseille, Institut de Droit des Affaires, 24 mars 2023.
🧮Consulter le programme complet de cette manifestation
Cette réflexion finale a servi de base à un article ; La vigilance, pièce du puzzle européen. Lire le document de travail sous-jacent.
► Présentation de la synthèse : La synthèse du colloque a été réalisée sur le vif, à partir des notes prises au fur et à mesure du déroulement de la journée. L'écoute des uns et des autres a fait ressortir 4 points qu'il aurait été difficile d'isoler dans une partie du droit positif, parce qu'il a été manifeste que les propos ont porté parfois sur la Compliance, parfois sure l'obligation de vigilance, parfois sur le devoir de vigilance et le plus souvent sur la loi du 27 mars 2017, laquelle a donc servi de porte d'entrée à l'ensemble des réflexions. Mais elle n'a été qu'une porte d'entrée.
Le premier point est justement l'impression d'une ampleur de tantôt de "gloire" et tantôt d'"indignité" qui ont été déversées sur cette loi Vigilance. Les intervenants ont donc fortement divergé.
Le deuxième point est l'impression à l'inverse générale et commune, pour que les orateurs s'en félicitent, s'en inquiètent, s'en réjouissent ou s'en effondrent, d'un grand mouvement auquel nous assistons et que la Vigilance traduit ou/et porte.
Le troisième point est la multiplicité des branches du Droit qui sont utilisées ou touchées, là encore qu'on s'en réjouisse ou pas, et la nécessité de dépasser ces branches du Droit. Face à la Vigilance, des disciplines peuvent apparaître en opposition, tandis que des branches du Droit semblent entrer comme en résistance. La majorité des intervenants ont souligné que les branches du Droit, cette loi n'étant alors que l'expression d'un mouvement plus vaste, la Vigilance dépassant la Loi Vigilance, sont activées et transformées. Il en est ainsi du Droit international et du Droit processuel. L'idée étant que la Vigilance pourrait bien être l'expression d'une branche du Droit spécifique et nouvelle : le Droit de la compliance. Au-delà de la compréhension de ce qui se passe, l'enjeu technique est d'articuler les branches du Droit concernées, notamment dans le rapport entre dispositions spéciales et principes, entre Droit spécial et Droit commun.
Le quatrième point est l'absence de définition de la vigilance. L'on en a peu davantage entendu de ce que pourrait être une "entreprise vigilante"...L'existence d'un devoir portant sur une situation précise suffit-elle à transformer toute l'entreprise et que devient-elle alors dans son entier ? Art pratique, le Droit n'aime pas les mystères. Car comment bien manier un instrument juridique dont la définition varie, dont on ne connaît que le régime, lequel varie au gré des réglementations, diverses et changeantes, ? Peut-elle varier selon les secteurs, selon les entreprises, selon les divers contrats qui sont partout ?
Peut-être, en conclusion et comme cela fût évoqué par certains, au-delà de la directive attendue sur la Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence, c'est plus largement dans le puzzle des définitions que le Droit de l'Union européenne est en train de construire, en corrélation avec le reporting extra-financier, que l'on pourra trouver, dans la conception systémique et humaniste portant l'identité européenne, voire sa souveraineté, ce qui donne sens et simplicité à la Vigilance.
✏️lire les notes prises sur le vif pour opérer la synthèse
📝lire l'article publié suite à cette conférence
March 24, 2023
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► Full Reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Propos introductifs : Les buts monumentaux de la vigilance" (Introductory remarks: The Monumental Goals of Vigilance), in La société vigilante ("The Vigilant Company"), Aix-Marseille University, Institut de Droit des Affaires, March 24, 2023.
This conference is done in French; read its English Summary below⤵️
🧮see the complete program of the manifestation (in French)
► English Summary of the conference: "Vigilance" is intriguing because, although it occurs in many branches of Law and is familiar in "banking compliance", in a form that is moreover reinforced since it is an obligation of vigilance on the part of the banker about a client whom he/she should "know", it is the "duty of vigilance" that made this notion famous. One could almost say scandalously famous because of a French law of 2017 that now bears its name, called the "Vigilance Law", whereas other laws bear the name of the minister who thought of it, which due diligence (vocabulary used for the European directive) does not erase.
The current challenge is to take the right measure of what "vigilance" is.
Vigilance goes beyond the French Loi Vigilance, which is not enough to express what it is in its few dispositions. To say what it is in the legal system, to use it in practice, to propose the intellectuel legal exercice of qualification, Vigilance must be thought of in Compliance Law, of which it is both a "Tool" and the most advanced point, as shown by the European Directive, whose discussions during its elaboration show these design issues.
Thus, like the whole of Compliance Law, Vigilance is understood, deployed, analysed and exercised through what underpins and gives meaning to all these constantly changing regulations, powers, and obligations, through Compliance Monumental Goals which give it stability and simplicity. This is the least that can be done in a mechanism that has the ambition to organise the "sustainability" of economic relations.
But while Vigilance expresses and concretizes Compliance Monumental Goals, it must not go beyond measure.
In fact, to set up structures, use tools and behave in such a way that human rights and nature are effectively and extraterritorially protected, both negatively and positively, these obligations of the company, which is the natural subject of the "duty", more generally the natural subject of Compliance Law, see its legal powers increased, these means being required for the company to fulfil its new obligations, first legal, then contractual, soon to be unilaterally formulated.
Perhaps we should conceive of a "vigilant company" and not just a company that, beyond and through its economic activity, cares for others and the world, but a company that "watches over" everything and on everything would be to go beyond the measure, to make companies the "regents" of the world and the people who live in it.
Faced with this perspective to be excluded, the construction of a Europe of Compliance, which does not be reduced to corruption fighting or environment protection, and draws on its humanist tradition, distinguishing itself in this respect from the American and Chinese compliance systems, is the major challenge.
Companies are not the alpha and omega, but they are one of the elements of an Alliance between the political Authorities and the population, its link, the one that allows us to escape from the limit of the territory, in what we call by this inadequate term of "extraterritoriality". It is rather a question of going beyond territories, required by the Compliance Monumental Goals of Compliance, of which Vigilance is the advanced point.
🚧read the English Working Paper, basis of this conference: "Vigilance, Compliance Monumental Goals, and "Vigilant Company""
📈see the slides created for this conference (in French)
📝read the article published after this conference
March 23, 2023
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► Full reference: M.A. Frison-Roche, Thinking and using Vigilance through its Compliance Monumental Goals, Working Paper, March 2023.
🎤 This Working Paper has been done as basis for the introduction of the colloquia La société vigilante ("Vigilant Company") at the Aix-Marseille University on March 24, 2023 (conference given in French)
📝It is also the basis of the article that introduces a special issue on La société vigilante
► Summary of the Working Paper: The concept of "Vigilance" is difficult to define. Probably because even as it is becoming a standard, it has just entered the legal systems. And what a splash it is! To understand it, it must not be isolated. Neither in the only French law attracting all the attention, all the fears, all the hopes, the so-called Loi Vigilance ("Vigilance Law"), nor in the only technical mechanisms that make Vigilance a reality.
Vigilance is itself only a part of a deeper movement, of which it is the advanced point, allowing us to anticipate the evolution of the whole: Compliance Law.
In this light and for not getting lost in it, because the stakes are so high that one quickly loses the measure of things, with each party lashing out at the others, so Vigilance, the key element of Compliance, requires above all alliances, that we can first examine the entry of Vigilance into the legal system and then understand it through the Monumental Goals which give the measure of it, i.e. both the scope and the limit, each one having to act within the margins that are theirs, States, companies, stakeholders, and judges.
A Will for tomorrow can then emerge today, carried by Europe.
🔓read the Working Paper⤵️