Feb. 24, 2024
► Full reference: J. Beyssade, "Compliance et gouvernance (exemple d'un groupe bancaire)" (Compliance and governance (example of a banking group)), interview conducted by M.-A. Frison-Roche on the occasion of a series of interviews on Compliance Law, in Fenêtres ouvertes sur la gestion (Open windows on management), broadcast by J.-Ph. Denis, Xerfi Canal, recorded December 12, 2023, recorded February 24, 2024
🌐consult the presentation of Jacques Beyssade's interview on LinkedIn
🎥view the full interview on Xerfi Canal
► Starting point: In 2022, Jacques Beyssade wrote a contribution on 📝Feminisation of positions of responsibility in the workplace as a goal of Compliance, in 📘Compliance Monumental Goals
🧱read the presentation of this contribution ➡️click HERE
► Summary of interview:
Marie-Anne Frison-Roche. Question: Compliance and governance are often linked. Can you explain how, in the strategy of a banking group like BPCE, this link between compliance and governance is articulated?
Jacques Beyssade. Answer. Compliance is not just a matter of obeying the rules, but also, and perhaps even more so, of respecting customers, suppliers, stakeholders and members. For a mutualist structure, customers and member-policyholders are closer, they are the same social body, and so it's a matter of governance.
MaFR. Q.: Let's take a concrete example, where Compliance and governance serve a specific purpose: effective equality between men and women, for example. How does this work in your Group?
J.B. R.: This objective is in the genes of BPCE, and in particular of the savings banks. The Copé-Zimmermann law requires it. We go beyond this constraint, at the level of governance. The management board, or executive committee, is egalitarian, and this also works as an example. Compliance takes up the baton, for example, by identifying talent, particularly female talent, and correcting any anomalies.
MaFR. Q.: In the future, can we hope that this alliance between new governance and the power of Compliance, with the same Monumental Goals, will transform our societies?
J.B. R.: Changes in society come from the behavior of individuals and companies, as demonstrated by the opening of savings accounts to women in the 19th century. Both can do a great deal, within the framework of regulations, by going beyond them. Through governance, for example in a mutual bank like BPCE, it's the members who set the rules, reflecting social movements because they themselves are representative of society as a whole. In this way, through the alliance of governance and compliance, they can act to give concrete expression to the fundamental social movements they themselves represent, through the broad representation of the social body that the member-policyholders constitute.
Jan. 24, 2024
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : M. Caffin-Moi, "Les femmes dans les instances de direction des sociétés", in J. Houssier & M. Saulier (dir.), Les femmes et le droit. Les discriminations invisibles, Dalloz, coll. "Thèmes & Commentaires", 2024, pp. 111-122
► Résumé de l'article :
🦉Cet article est accessible en texte intégral pour les personnes inscrites aux enseignements de la Professeure Marie-Anne Frison-Roche
Jan. 24, 2024
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Référence complète : J. Houssier & M. Saulier (dir.), Les femmes et le droit. Les discriminations invisibles, Dalloz, coll. "Thèmes & Commentaires", 2024, 162 p.
📗lire la 4ième de couverture
📗lire la table des matières
📝consulter une présentation de l'article de 🕴️Marie Caffin-Moi, "Les femmes dans les instances de direction des sociétés"
Sept. 1, 2022
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: C. Peicuti et J. Beyssade, "La féminisation des postes à responsabilité dans les entreprises comme but de la compliance. Exemple du secteur bancaire" ("The feminization of responsibility positions in companies as a Compliance Goal. Example of the banking sector"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, 109-124.
📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published
► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): If the Compliance techniques are conceived as taking their meaning by their Goal, the latter being in particular the protection and the effective promotion of human beings, to be reinforced in the future thanks to Compliance Law tools, the example of the effective promotion of efficient equality between women and men in the banking sector to exercise responsible functions is clear.
strongly feminized, the image of banking sector remains masculine and in fact too few women exercise positions of responsibility, although no text is opposed to it and all rights have been allocated for this. To move from this situation to a future where equality will be effective, it is therefore in terms of regulatory mechanisms that we should think of the necessary transformation and even more of "transition" so that one day a de facto equality will be established. and appears natural to all.
The bank must then structurally integrate this Goal, which corresponds to the definition of Compliance. To do this, the banking company is part of a long-term voluntary Compliance process, relying in particular on human resources and on the public authorities of the European Banking Union which, by further implementing the concept of sustainable economy, facilitated this long-term action. In this transition, each action and result must be considered in relation to this sought-after goal of effective equality: each progress must be valued not so much in relation to the past but in relation to the future. This Ex Ante perspective justifies these self-binding Compliance techniques, such as plans, commitments, quotas, stakeholder implications, and more flexible techniques such as examples given by managers, internal training and joint affirmations with the public authorities, are all used by the company to achieve this Monumental Goal of effective equality between human beings.
The banking sector is all the more exemplary for this because the banking authorities themselves deploy incentives in this direction, the definition of Compliance Law as an alliance between the Authorities and the Companies therefore corresponding to such an action clearly in progress, structurally in the BPCE group.
Nov. 8, 2021
Thesaurus : Doctrine
► Full Reference: Peicuti, C. et Beyssade, J., Feminisation of positions of responsibility in the workplace as a goal of Compliance, in Frison-Roche, M.-A. (ed.), Compliance Monumental Goals, series "Compliance & Regulation", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Bruylant, to be published.
► Article Summary: If the Compliance techniques are conceived as taking their meaning by their Goal, the latter being in particular the protection and the effective promotion of human beings, to be reinforced in the future thanks to Compliance Law tools, the example of the effective promotion of efficient equality between women and men in the banking sector to exercise responsible functions is clear.
strongly feminized, the image of banking sector remains masculine and in fact too few women exercise positions of responsibility, although no text is opposed to it and all rights have been allocated for this. To move from this situation to a future where equality will be effective, it is therefore in terms of regulatory mechanisms that we should think of the necessary transformation and even more of "transition" so that one day a de facto equality will be established. and appears natural to all.
The bank must then structurally integrate this Goal, which corresponds to the definition of Compliance. To do this, the banking company is part of a long-term voluntary Compliance process, relying in particular on human resources and on the public authorities of the European Banking Union which, by further implementing the concept of sustainable economy, facilitated this long-term action. In this transition, each action and result must be considered in relation to this sought-after goal of effective equality: each progress must be valued not so much in relation to the past but in relation to the future. This Ex Ante perspective justifies these self-binding Compliance techniques, such as plans, commitments, quotas, stakeholder implications, and more flexible techniques such as examples given by managers, internal training and joint affirmations with the public authorities, are all used by the company to achieve this Monumental Goal of effective equality between human beings.
The banking sector is all the more exemplary for this because the banking authorities themselves deploy incentives in this direction, the definition of Compliance Law as an alliance between the Authorities and the Companies therefore corresponding to such an action clearly in progress, structurally in the BPCE group.
📝 see the general presentation of the book 📘Compliance Monumental Goals in which this article is published
Dec. 3, 2018
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Référence complète : Barnabé, Q., La territorialisation de la norme, Thèse Université Rennes 1, 2018, 708 p.
Résumé de la thèse (par l'auteur) : Résumé : La territorialisation de la norme constitue un phénomène de particularisation du droit fréquemment observé dans le paysage juridique et dont les conséquences sont nombreuses pour l’État. La norme peut être territorialisée au stade de sa création selon plusieurs degrés : la norme indifférente au territoire, la norme commune adaptée et la norme inédite adaptée. La prise en compte du territoire peut également avoir lieu lors de la mise en œuvre de la norme à travers l’adoption des actes d’exécution et d’application. Que la territorialisation soit réalisée à l’un ou l’autre stade, la norme territorialisée reste contrainte par l’organisation hiérarchique de l’ordre juridique et le juge en sanctionne toute méconnaissance. Son régime ne se distingue donc pas de celui applicable aux autres règles de droit sauf à travers sa relation avec le principe d’égalité. Toute norme territorialisée doit en effet être justifiée par des critères objectifs et rationnels. Cette soumission de la norme territorialisée à l’ordre juridique permet en principe de garantir l’unité de l’État. Ce dernier, par l’intermédiaire des juges administratif et constitutionnel, reste maître du système normatif malgré sa particularisation. L’amplification du phénomène de territorialisation de la norme remet toutefois en cause ce raisonnement. Le principe de subsidiarité commande une décentralisation équilibrée du pouvoir normatif à des entités locales plus représentatives des collectivités humaines qu’elles abritent. Les statuts particuliers constituent une solution idoine. Tout en préservant l’unité de l’État, ces statuts organisent une décentralisation adaptée du pouvoir normatif à des collectivités territoriales régionales et à de nouvelles collectivités territoriales construites sur des bassins de vie, un échelon local issu de la fusion des communes et de la disparition du département. Avec cette solution, la territorialisation du droit est finalement assumée.
Aug. 11, 2017
Le 6 août 2017, un article de Sidonie Hadoux publié par National Geography rend compte des informations nouvelles résultant des fouilles menée par une équipe du CNRS dont elle a interrogée un membre, Cécile Michel.
Ces fouilles, menées en Turquie ont permis l'étude de plus de 20.000 tablettes de la cité-État d'Assour (aujourd'hui en Irak), établie il y a 4.000 ans.
Il s'avère que dans le fonctionnement économique les femmes avaient l'autonomie juridique : elles pouvaient vendre seules les tissus qu'elles fabriquaient et passaient pour ce faire des contrats.
On relève que des contrats de mariage organisaient la vie patrimoniale des époux, le contrat prévoyant la séparation des biens, chacun gérant les siens.
Les femmes pouvaient donc développer leurs activités économiques.
Le divorce était possible d'une façon symétrique, avec obligation de verser une compensation financière.
Mais à partir du IIième siècle avant J.-C., le statut juridique de la femme est devenue nettement inférieur à celui de l'homme (qui a toujours exercé seul les fonctions politiques).
Feb. 22, 2017
Thesaurus : Doctrine
May 22, 2015
Thesaurus : 01. Conseil constitutionnel
Lire l'analyse de la décision ci-dessous.
June 20, 2014
Thesaurus : 01. Conseil constitutionnel
Updated: July 31, 2013 (Initial publication: Oct. 25, 2011)
Teachings : Les Grandes Questions du Droit, semestre d'automne 2011
Nov. 24, 1993
Référence complète : FRISON-ROCHE, Marie-Anne, Le principe juridique d’égalité des compétiteurs sur le marché boursier, Bull. Joly, Bourse Produits financiers, 1993, n°138, p.720 s.
June 23, 1976
Référence complète : Le droit du moins fort, documentaire, 1976.
June 17, 1896
Thesaurus : Doctrine
Père Ubu : Puisque nous sommes dans le pays où la liberté est égale à la fraternité, laquelle n'est comparable qu'à l'égalité de la légalité, et que je ne suis pas capable de faire comme tout le monde et que cela m'est égal d'être égal à tout le monde puisque c'est encore moi qui finirai par tuer tout le monde, je vais me mettre esclave, Mère Ubu !
Jarry, A., Ubu Roi. 1896