Thesaurus : Doctrine

 Full Reference: V. Magnier, "Transformation de la gouvernance et obligation de vigilance" (The transformation of governance and due diligence), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (dir.), L'Obligation de ComplianceJournal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", 2024, forthcoming


📕read the general presentation of the book, L'Obligation de Compliance, in which this contribution is published


► English summary of this contribution (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance - JoRC) : The author develops the tensions caused by Compliance Law and the Duty of Vigilance on corporate governance.

The French "Sapin 2" law targets corruption, while the French "Vigilance" law has a broader scope in terms of risks and the entire value chain. It is logical that this should create tensions in terms of governance, given the monumental goals involved. Companies need to take ownership of the powers delegated to them, which means rethinking their governance and the way in which they exercise their corporate mandates, with the corporate interest, the judge's compass, having to be combined with the adoption of new standards of behaviour formalised voluntarily by ethical charters in line with international standards. On this voluntary and supervised basis, the company must adapt its structure and then contractualise these norms.

This ethical approach has an impact on the role of corporate organs, not only in terms of transparency and risk prioritisation, but also proactively in terms of the adoption of commitments whose sincerity will be verified, as reflected, for example, in corporate governance codes ( France the AFEP-MEDEF Code), the setting up of ad hoc committees and the presence of stakeholders, who will be consulted when the vigilance plan is drawn up.

She stresses that this creates tensions, that dialogue is difficult, that business secrecy must be preserved, but that stakeholders must become Vigilance watchdogs, a role that should not be left to the public authorities alone.


🦉this article is available in full text pour the persons following the Professor Marie-Anne Frison-Roche teaching


Thesaurus : 07. Cours d'appel

Référence : Grenoble, 5 nov. 2020, I.D. c/ Société Corin France

Lire l'arrêt. 

June 20, 2024


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 Full ReferenceM.-A. Frison-RocheThe will, the heart and the calculation, the three traits encercling the Compliance Obligation, March 2024.


📝 This Working Paper is the basis for the contribution "The will, the heart and the calculation, the three traits encercling the Compliance Obligation"in📘Compliance Obligation.


 Summary of this Working Paper: There is often a dispute over the pertinent definition of Compliance Law, but the scale and force of the resulting obligation for the companies subject to it is clear.  It remains difficult to define. First, we must not to be overwhelmed by the many obligations through which the Compliance Obligation takes shape, such as the obligation to map, to investigate, to be vigilant, to sanction, to educate, to collaborate, and so on. Not only this obligations list is very long, it is also open-ended, with companies themselves and judges adding to it as and when companies, sectors and cases require. 

Nor should we be led astray by the distance that can be drawn between the contours of this Compliance Obligation, which can be as much a matter of will, a generous feeling for a close or distant other in space or time, or the result of a calculation. This plurality does not pose a problem if we do not concentrate all our efforts on distinguishing these secondary obligations from one another but on measuring what they are the implementation of, this Compliance Obligation which ensures that entities, companies, stakeholders and public authorities, contribute to achieving the Goals targeted by Compliance Law, Monumental Goals which give unity to the Compliance Obligation.  Thus unified by the same spirit, the implementation of all these secondary obligations, which seem at once disparate, innumerable and often mechanical, find unity in their regime and the way in which Regulators and Judges must control, sanction and extend them, since the Compliance Obligation breathes a common spirit into them.

 In the same way that the multiplicity of compliance techniques must not mask the uniqueness of the Compliance Obligation, the multiplicity of sources must not produce a similar screen. Indeed, the Legislator has often issued a prescription, an order with which companies must comply, Compliance then often being perceived as required obedience. But the company itself expresses a will that is autonomous from that of the Legislator, the vocabulary of self-regulation and/or ethics being used in this perspective, because it affirms that it devotes forces to taking into consideration the situation of others when it would not be compelled to do so, but that it does so nonetheless because it cares about them. However, the management of reputational risks and the value of bonds of trust, or a suspicious reading of managerial choices, lead us to say that all this is merely a calculation.

Thus, the contribution sets out to identify the Compliance Obligation by recognising the role of all these different sources. It emphasises that, in monitoring the proper performance of technical compliance obligations by Managers, Regulators and Judges, insofar as they implement the Compliance Obligation, it is pointless to limit oneself to a single source or to rank them abruptly in order of importance. The Compliance Obligation is part of the very definition of Compliance Law, built on the political ambition to achieve these Monumental Goals of preserving systems - banking, financial, energy, digital, etc. - in the future, so that human beings who cannot but depend on them are not crushed by them, or even benefit from them. This is the teleological yardstick by which the Compliance Obligation is measured, and with it all the secondary obligations that give it concrete form, whatever their source and whatever the reason why the initial standard was adopted.

In order to define Compliance's Obligation, the contribution endeavours to recognise the contribution of all these three sources: Will, Heart and Calculation. 


🔓read the developments below ⤵️

Sept. 1, 2022

Thesaurus : Doctrine

 Full Reference: L. Meziani, "Proportionnalité en compliance, garant de l’ordre public en entreprise" ("Proportionality in Compliance, the guarantee of public order in companies"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, p. 225-230.


📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published


► Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): The author emphasizes the part that companies take not only in the application of Compliance mechanisms but also in their establishment, as soon as Proportionality, a mechanism that guarantees public order, is respected. It emphasizes the link between Compliance and Ethics, since the company is directly in charge of the people who work for it and in its name, the company being a way of social integration. The way in which the company organizes itself so that the people within it are treated fairly is a major factor in an effective Compliance culture.


Sept. 1, 2022

Thesaurus : Doctrine

 Full Reference: B. Deffains, "L’enjeu économique de compétitivité internationale de la compliance" ("The economic challenge of international competitiveness of Compliance"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, coll. "Régulations & Compliance", Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) and Dalloz, 2022, p. 355-366.


📕read a general presentation of the book, Les Buts Monumentaux de la Compliance, in which this article is published


► Summary of the article (done by the Author, translated by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance) :  "Compliance", which can be define as obedience to the regulations is a stake for the company in that it can choose as a strategy to do it or not to do it, according to what costs it and brings it such a choice. This same choice of understanding is offered to the author of the norm, the Legislator or the Judge, even the entire legal system making regulation more or less expensive, and compliance with it for businesses. So when the French law known as “Vigilance law” was adopted in 2017, the French Parliament was criticized for dealing a blow to the “international competitiveness” of French companies. ”Today, it is on its model that the  European Directive is conceived. The extraterritoriality attached to Compliance Law, often presented as an economic aggression, is nevertheless a consubstantial effect, with its desire to claim to protect beyond borders. , coming us back to a classic question in Economics: what is the price of virtue?

To fuel a debate that began a few centuries ago, it is on the side of the issues that the analysis must be made economically. Indeed, Compliance Law is not only located in Ex Ante, to prevent, detect, remedy, reorganize the future, but also claims to face more "monumental" difficulties than traditional branches of Law. And it is concretely by examining the new instruments that Compliance Law has put in place and offered or imposed on companies that the question of international competitiveness must be examined. The mechanisms of information, secrecy, accountability or responsibility, which have a great effect on the international competitiveness of companies and systems, have changed and their measure has not yet been taken.


May 5, 2021

Thesaurus : 08. Juridictions du fond

Référence complète : Paris, 5 mai 2021, Carrefour



La société Carrefour Hypermarchés commande et achète des produits référencés par sa centrale de référencement, Carrefour Marchandises Internationales (CMI), notamment ceux de la la société I2C. Or, le responsable du référencement des produits de cette société s'était vu offrir des voyages par ce fournisseur (certes avant l'établissement de la Charte éthique).

Un audit avait révélé cela après l'adoption de la charte. Par conséquent, la société CMI a mis fin à sa relation commerciale avec ce fournisseur.

Contestée sur l'allégation du caractère brutal de la rupture des relations commerciale, la Cour estime que cela est justifié car la violation de la charte éthique pouvait fonder la rupture immédiate des relations commerciales, indépendamment de leur date en raison de leur gravité. 


- Voir dans le même rattachement à l'obligation de vigilance sur les manquements du fournisseur, justifiant la cessation immédiate de toutes relations commerciales : 

  • Paris, 13 mars 2019, Monoprix , n°17/21477 ; 
  • Paris, 24 mars 201, Promod, n°19/15565




March 21, 2021

Compliance: at the moment

May 29, 2019

Thesaurus : Doctrine

► Full Reference: M. Canto-Sperber, "La compliance et les définitions traditionnelles de la vertu" ("Compliance and traditional definitions of virtue"), in M.-A. Frison-Roche (ed.), Pour une Europe de la Complianceseries "Régulations & Compliance", Dalloz, 2019, p. 73-77.


📕read a general presentation of the book, Pour une Europe de la Compliance, in which this article is published


 Summary of the article (done by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance): 


🦉This article is available in full text to those registered for Professor Marie-Anne Frison-Roche's courses
