Food for thoughts

June 22, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence : Broussolle, Y., Les principales dispositions de l'ordonnance du 9 mars 2017 relative aux actions en dommages et intérêts du fait des pratiques anticoncurrentielles, Petite affiche, juin 2017, n°124, pp. 7-11.


Les étudiants de Sciences po peuvent lire l'article via le drive dans le dossier "MAFR - Régulation"

Lire l'Ordonnance ici commentée.





June 14, 2017

Thesaurus : 06. Textes européens

Full reference: Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 June 2017 on the prospectus to be published when securities are offered to the public or admitted to trading on a regulated market, and repealing Directive 2003/71/EC

Read the regulation 

June 2, 2017


Reférence complète : Frison-Roche, M.-A., Les fonctions de la Compliance. Un choix politique à faire ("The functions of Compliance. A political choice to do"), in  Borga, N. et Roda, J.-Ch. (dir.), La compliance : nouveaux enjeux pour les entreprises, nouveaux rôles pour les juristes ? ("Compliance: new challenges for companies, new roles for lawyers?"), Centre du Droit de l'entreprise Louis Josserand, Université Lyon IIII Jean Moulin, France, Lyon, 2 juin 2017.

Read the program (in French)

Summary of the conference :

Compliance mechanisms are being constituted in "Compliance Law", new branch of Economic Law. Its functions are determined by the goals. But the goals are "monumental", since it is nothing less than the end of corruption, trading in influence, arms trafficking, international terrorism, trafficking in human beings, selling of human organs, the effective safeguard of environmental protection, safeguarding the planet, access to culture for all, preservation of civilization, the effectiveness of human rights ...

The goals of a company are not a priori of this order, even if every firm understands that it is clever to appear amiable.

By comparing the two types of goals, a difference of nature is measured.

By the Compliance Law, companies are therefore invited to "get out of themselves.

Consequently, the functions that shape the contours of Compliance Law transform those who are the "subjects of law", the enterprises: these are the subjects, insofar as they are agents of legality. But this can not be the case for all companies.

If the effect of Compliance were to be generalized to all companies, this would be catastrophic and would make no sense.

However, who firmly and precisely drew the circle of "legal subjects eligible to be the legality agent" of Compliance? With the considerable costs and responsibilities that go with it?

If it has not been the Legislator, it will have to be the Judge. Because the judge is guardian of the spirit of Law and guardian of legal orders. Especially if it is a global legal order.


Moreover, companies are not only passive subjects of Compliance Law - which would be the case of a misunderstood Compliance Law - but are also active subjects of Compliance Law. Indeed, these "monumental goals" which draw the functions of the Compliance are exactly the same as those of the Corporate Social Responsibility.

Thus, if the Compliance is conceived of only as an immense and empty submission of all undertakings to total regulation, the result will be an opposition between the regulatory power and the will of undertakings, a concrete opposition between public authorities and companies. If, on the other hand, we conceive Compliance Law as that by which "crucial enterprises" like the Regulators are moving towards the realization of "monumental goals, then Compliance Law crystallizes a" Trust Pact""between the two, Which goes beyond the borders and becomes a means of regulating globalization.

This second conception is the future of European Law.



See the slides (in French).

Read the working paper on which the conference is based (working paper in English)

May 17, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence complète : Beltran, A., Derdevet, M., Roques, F., Énergie. Pour des réseaux électriques solidaires, Descartes & Cie, 2017, 236 p.

Lire la 4ième de couverture.

Lire la table des matières.

Lire la conclusion.

May 17, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence : Champaud, Cl., Source et nature épistémologique de la Doctrine de l'entreprise, in Mélanges Joël Monéger, Liber Amicorum en l'honneur du Professeur Joël Monéger, LexisNexis, 2017, pp. 57-88.


May 17, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

► Référence complète : Mélanges Joël Monéger, Liber Amicorum en l'honneur du Professeur Joël Monéger, LexisNexis, 2017, 818 p.


📝Lire la quatrième de couverture.

📝Lire la table des matières.


► Lire la présentation des articles publiés dans ces Mélanges :

🕴️Champaud, Cl.,📝 Source et nature épistémologique de la Doctrine de l'entreprise.

🕴️Dion, N., 📝L'idée d'entreprise-système en droit des sociétés.

🕴️Fox, E., 📝The new world order.

🕴️Nihoul,P., 📝Concurrence et démocratie.

🕴️Palmer, V., 📝Empires as engines of mixed legal systems


🗒️Les étudiants inscrits au cours de Marie-Anne Frison-Roche peuvent accéder au texte de ces articles. 



May 11, 2017


Reference : Frison-Roche, M.-A., Le contrat est-il l'instrument optimal de la RSE ? ("Is the Contract the optimal instrument of CSR?")  in Trébulle, F.-G. (modérateur), Les instruments de la RSE : le contrat (The instruments of CSR"), cycle of conferences organized by the Cour de cassation (French Civil Supreme Court and the Universities of Paris-Dauphine, Paris VIII and Paris I),Cour de cassation, Paris, 11 mai 2017.

Read the slides (in French) as served as the basis of the conference les slides

Read the program on the Cour de cassation  wesite (in French).

Read the program of the whole cycle of conferences in which this conference enters (in French)


Corporate Social Responsibility belongs to Economic Law. It thus enters into its logic of efficiency, leading to apprehend any legal mechanism as an instrument, the contract as the others. This does not mean that everything is only an instrument, on the contrary. Economic Law, when it takes the form of Regulation Law, places the principles in the aims pursued. It is in these principles that it can meet CSR if the goals are the same.

In view of these aims, everything is an instrument. On the scale of goals which are "monumental"!footnote-916, in that they are global, in that they seem unattainable, such as the fight against child labor, such as the end of corruption or the sale of human beings, all legal instruments become interchangeable, from the Constitution to the contract, from the hard law to the soft law. The only criterion becomes efficiency to achieve the goal. We then reach the efficiency, criterion of the Regulation Law.

New laws, such as in France in 2016 the Sapin 2 law or in 2017 the law establishing a "duty of vigilance" with uncertain contours, may use the contract only as a vehicle for legal obligations to be performed by the company!footnote-917. The contract becomes an instrument of the Compliance Law, chosen as the optimal instrument of the Internalized Regulation Law in the company.

But the contract can also be chosen as an instrument by the company in that it pursues the same goals of general interest, becoming global!footnote-918. The contract is then chosen as an Ex Ante tool, which will be refined to the specificity of the company, exceeded the generality of the law and which will be able to resolve the diversity of national laws by more comprehensive contractual relations. Moreover, the contract can integrate active Ex Post mechanisms, such as the warning launcher or the controller, audits, or even form an ecosystem by training clauses to disseminate a CSR culture. By these contractual provisions, the contract operates the mixing of times, the Ex-Ante and the Ex Post, which the legislation can not do, refines it to what the particular enterprise is .

In this, the contract converges towards what is being constructed: a Compliance Law.


On this notion of "Monumental Goal", see Frison-Roche, M-A., Compliance Law, 2016 ; From Regulation Law to Compliance Law, 2017.


For a whole demonstration, see Frison-Roche, M.-A.,From Regulation Law to Compliance Law, 2017.


On this notion of "global general interest", and maybe of "global public service", see Frison-Roche, M.A., From Regulation Law to Compliance Law, 2017 .

April 24, 2017


Référence complète, Chaffee, E.C., The origins of Corporate Social Responsibility, University of Cincinnati Law Review, vol.85, 2017, p.385 s.

Lire l'article.

April 21, 2017


Through the Open Culture website, it is possible to listen to Hayao Miyazaki who, in March 2017, claimed that video games whose drawings are made on Artificial Intelligence basis are "insults to life".

Read below the history, the words that the Master has held, his conception of what is creation and "truly human" work, which is echoed by the definitions given by Alain Supiot, who also reflected on what robots do.

This brings us back to the very notion of "creation" and creative work.


Read below

April 19, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence générale : Berrode, F. Les objectifs de la régulation et de la concurrence ou de l'esthétique du double, in Eckert, G. et Kovar, J. Ph. (dir.), Les objectifs de la régulation économique et financière, L'harmattan, 2017, p.48 s. 

April 14, 2017


This working paper is the basis for an article written in French to be published in the French publication RÉGULATION, SUPERVISION, COMPLIANCEE, to be published in the RÉGULATIONS series at Éditions Dalloz.

This work uses the Compliance and Regulation Law bilingual Dictionnary.


This Working Paper aims to show the movement that starts from Regulation Law to Compliance Law, now in the process of being born.

In order to explain this movement, in order to anticipate the near future, in what it should not be and in what it should be, it is necessary to reconstruct how the Compliance Law was born of the Regulation Law, which has thus found the sources of the Public Services Law of which it had at first cut the roots (I).

Indeed Regulation Law has in a happy way renewed the Law but also narrowed its perspective. Today, the phenomenon of globalization and the need for public authority that States can not satisfy according to traditional legal methods implies the establishment of a sort of "global public service". This is done by the Law of Compliance which revolutionizes all legal systems, both Common Law and Civil Law (II).

Indeed, Compliance Law internalizes in some companies, the "crucial operators", the duty to make effective the "monumental goals" that the regulatory authorities have formulated and of which these companies must render globally effective. In this respect, the Law of Compliance is the extension of the Law of Regulation, which makes a new scope and in its aims and in its space. It is the whole of Law that is transformed.

The near future will tell if it is reflected in clashes, between companies and regulators, between Europe and the United States, or on the contrary by a pact of trust between the crucial operators and the Regulators. If this is achieved, the Law of Compliance, expressing the political dimension of the Law of Regulation, expressing the share of companies that ceases to be neutralized by the mechanics of the markets, will be an advancement of the Law. It is in this perspective that we must build the European Compliance Law.




April 4, 2017

Teachings : Sectorial Regulation Law

C'est l'idée même de réguler l'activité de noter qui ne va pas de soi. Et cela pour plusieurs raisons. En premier lieu l'on régule plus souvent des secteurs (à construire sous un nouveau mode, par exemple à libéraliser), voire des marchés (structurellement défaillants)

Consulter les slides servant de support à la leçon.

Revenir à la présentation générale du Cours.

Consulter la bibliographie générale du Droit commun de la Régulation

Consulter la bibliographie spécifique à la Régulation bancaire et financière, pou

Consulter la bibliographie spécifique au Droit de la Compliance.

Consulter le Dictionnaire bilingue du Droit de la Régulation et de la Compliance

March 30, 2017


Compliance. Trust. Two words that come more and more often than before at our readers' eyes or listeners' ears. And yet they do not seem to match well. They even seem to repel each other.

Indeed, Compliance is the way in which Public Authorities trust certain private operators, not in themselves, but with their structural capacities to mechanically capture the information that these authorities need (I).

This presupposes a vision of the world in which Companies are powerful and powerful alone but are not virtuous, while Public Authorities, such as the Public Prosecutor's Office or Regulators, are weak but virtuous alone. Such a conception of Compliance transforms companies into automata. Such a vision of the world has no future: only human beings can be trusted, whose fallibility must be accepted, as Compliance is then the expression of a relationship built on trust that is to be seen between non-mechanical operators, namely public Institutions and private Operators, who can both have in common concern for an interest which goes beyond them and which was formerly called the general interest (II).

From this reality, no new doubt for private companies, but which explains the strange intimacy between the violent Compliance Law and the new spontaneous order of Corporate Social Responsibility, it is up to them to demonstrate this concern Cf others that it shares with the Public Authorities, except to fall in Compliance reduced to costly procedures, empty endless staked out of sanctions without control.

It is thus for Companies to make this branch of Compliance Law emerging become what can be the best, when it is possible that it becomes what would be the worst.

March 29, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence complète : Breen, E., FCPA. La France face au droit américain de la lutte anti-corruption, coll. "Pratique des affaires", Joly éditions, 2017, 256 p.

Lire la table des matières.

Lire l'introduction.

March 27, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence complète : Lequet, P., Loi « devoir de vigilance » : de l'intérêt des normes de management des risques, in Revue juridique de l'environnement, vol.42, n°4, 2017, pp.705-725.


Les étudiants de Sciences po, peuvent consulter l'article via le Drive, dossier "MAFR- Régulation & Compliance"

March 25, 2017


Référence générale : Ockrent, Ch., Politique étrangère, 25 mars 2017, Guerres économiques. Les nouvelles armes du Droit, France Culture, 25 mars 2017.


Débat avec Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, Antoine Garapon, Frédéric Marty et Bertrand du Marais.


Écouter l'émission et lire la présentation qui en est faite.

March 24, 2017


Référence complète : Frison-Roche, M.-A., Le droit des data, in Association Française de Philosophie du Droit et Cité des Sciences et de la Techniques, Vers de nouvelles humanités ? L’humanisme face aux nouvelles technologies, 24 mars 2017, auditorium de la Cité des sciences et de l’industrie.

Regarder la vidéo de la conférence.

Consulter le document du programme complet du colloque (23 et 24 mars 2017).

Consulter en lien le programme.

Retrouver les activités passées et présentes de l'Association française de philosophie du Droit.

Les travaux du colloque seront publiés dans le tome 59 des Archives de Philosophie du Droit (APD). Voir la présentation de quelques volumes des Archives de Philosophie du Droit.


Le "Droit des data" semble se constituer en branche du droit nouvelle, sans doute parce que des textes les visent, en leur ensemble et parce qu'ils ont pour sous-jacent spécifique l'informatique et l'espace qu'elle a fait naître, le numérique. Mais doit-on même admettre ce redécoupage du système juridique et de l'enseignement dynamique qu'on en fait ?

Pourquoi y associer si souvent l'adjectif big , à la fois si attractif et effrayant, nouveau Big Fish qui nous ramène à l'enfance ?

Ne sommes-nous pas pulvérisés dans un premier temps et reconstruits par d'autres, qui disposent ainsi de nous comme on le fait de marionnettes à tel point qu'on en vient à parler de "quasi-propriété" parce que la propriété des êtres humains à laquelle les entreprises songent pourtant serait un mot trop violent mais trop exact ?

A quoi ressemble le "Droit des data" car, puisqu'il est nouveau, soit il faut trouver ses racines, soit il faut trouver des comparaisons pour références, afin qu'il ressemble à autre chose qu'un bric-à-brac de textes qui définissent par exemple la "banque de données" comme un "ensemble de données" ou de casuistiques qui colmatent les cas, l'éthique étant confiée par désespoir à la notion si étrangement venue de "design" ?

La ressemblance la plus nette et qui permettrait de mieux le comprendre est sans doute de l'anticiper, c'est le Droit financier.

Or, les données sont le plus souvent la projection de l'être humain lui-même.

Et à propos de celui, Législateur et Juge n'auraient rien à dire ?

Que vaut la parole humaine face à ce flot de chiffres qui mime si parfaitement la langue humaine et si servilement que les ingénieurs donnent aux robots l'allure de jeunes filles souriantes et toujours consentantes ?

Contre la servilité consentante, modèle du marché global, c'est la Parole de la Personne humaine que le Droit des data doit préserver.

La Parole humaine, elle se formule en Questions. Et non pas de demandes. Elle se forge en Savoir. Et non pas en information.

Cette Parole humaine, que les data, série de chiffres ne peuvent imiter, ce sont les artistes qui la portent.

C'est donc à eux qu'il faut donner la parole.

Et la servir. D'en faire que la glose. Dans deux exercices de style. En s'inclinant tout d'abord devant un artiste pythique qui a décrit en 1972 notre engloutissement sous l'information et les images immobiles. Puis en s'inclinant devant l'artiste qui est le dernier homme que le premier appelle, l'homme qui par son art exprime la bravoure humaniste.

Le courage, c'est tout ce dont nous avons besoin.

Mais en avons-nous ?



Voir les slides préparés pour servir de support à la conférence.

Regarder la vidéo de l'intervention, laquelle, pour des raisons techniques, ne correspondit pas aux slides.



March 22, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence complète : Salomon, R., La coexistence nécessaire d'infractions pénales et de manquements administratifs en matière d'abus de marché, in Salomon, R. (dir.), Le contentieux boursier : entre répression pénale et sanction administrative, dossier Bul. Joly Bourse, mars-avril 2017, p.132-137.


Lire la présentation générale du dossier dans lequel l'article a été publié.


Les étudiants de Sciences po peuvent lire l'article via le drive dans le dossier "MAFR - Régulation"

March 21, 2017

Thesaurus : 10. Autorité de la Concurrence

Full reference: Autorité de la concurrence (French Competition Authority), Decision relating to practices implemented in natural gas, electricity and energy services supply sector, Engie vs Direct Energie/UFC que choisir, 21st of March 2017, n°17-D-06

Read the decision (in French)

Read the press release

Read the press release of the decision of 9th of September 2014 on which this decision is based



March 15, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence complète : Crespy-Dé, M., recherches sur les singularités du contentieux de la régulation économique, prédace de Pascale Idoux, coll. "Nouvelle Bibliothèques de Thèses, vol. 164, Dalloz, 2017, 915 p.


Lire la table des matières.

Lire la quatrième de couverture.


March 7, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence complète : Chaltier, F., A la recherche d'un statut pour les lanceurs d'alerte, Petites Affiches, 9 mars 2017, p.4-15.


Les étudiants de Sciences po peuvent lire via le drive  l'article dans le dossier "MAFR - Régulation"

March 1, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence complète : Schmidt, D., L’office du juge en droit des OPA et des abus de marché, in Bulletin Joly Bourse, n°2, Lextenso, 2017, p.117.



Les étudiants de Sciences-Po peuvent consulter l'article via le Drive, dossier " MAFR - Regulation & Compliance"

Updated: Feb. 6, 2017 (Initial publication: Jan. 5, 2015)


 Bank and Competition do not mix. It is not so much that the banks would act as repeat offenders on which the competition authorities should raise the tone by increasingly heavy penalties so that the competitive lesson is finally heard. It is rather two orders confronting each other, two incomprehensions face to face. Indeed, the banks find it appropriate to agree in order for the banking system to function. Moreover, governments demand them political behavior by financing the economy when the economy does not rely on financial markets. Hence, how would they themselves behave in a market consisting of selfish behavior and aggression towards their counterparts?

If we plunge into this melting pot of incomprehension that engenders the violent clash between the banks, which evoke their mission, even their duty, and the competition authorities which avail themselves of theirs, we run into the pitfall of the definition even of what a bank is. It can be estimated that a bank is a provider of various services, operating in competing markets. In this perspective, the law ensures the proper functioning, the authorities that keep the efficiency of the markets seizing the banks that carry out their activities. But if we choose to insist that banks are what make the economy work and strengthen the social bond, then they are an integral part of their own system: the banking system. Moreover, the latter is an essential element of society, a perspective in which competition is merely contiguous.

The more Europe manages to build banking Europe, the more it elaborates a mechanism for resolving difficulties, the more the bank is above all a matter of State and not of financial markets. In what is the political course of the history of peoples, competition ceases to be its first measure.

It is therefore necessary to start from the undisputed existence of banking markets and the competitive mechanism which the law correlates with (I)). But the scale of the resistance reveals that it seems to have intentionally or not to have passed on the elementary and the essential: the very definition of what is a bank II. If it is accepted that the bank is the operator of the banking system, which fuels the economy as a whole, then competition law has only an adjacent role and can not constitute its backbone (III). The European Banking Union is demonstrating this.


Feb. 2, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence complète : Brosses (de), S., Gestion, cartographie des risques. Un pilotage vigilant, in Juris associations, Dalloz, n°570, 2017, p.43


Les étudiants de Sciences po peuvent lire l'article via le Drive dans le dossier "MAFR - Régulation & Compliance"

Feb. 2, 2017


Référence : Frison-Roche, M.-A., Le droit de la compliance : le rôle des opérateurs cruciaux, conférence Enedis, 2 février 2017, Paris.


Le Droit de la Compliance est un prolongement du Droit de la Régulation.

En effet, les autorités publiques expriment des buts monumentaux dépassant le fonctionnement marchand et qu’elles n’ont pas les moyens de mettre en œuvre mais dont elles chargent certaines entreprises de la concrétisation. Ainsi, la compliance est l’internalisation de la régulation dans des entreprises « cruciales », structurellement transformées.

Face à ce phénomène américain, les entreprises européennes sont restées passives, se contentant d’être condamnées. Il convient bien plutôt de s’approprier ce Droit de la Compliance. Notamment dans le secteur de l’énergie, dans lequel la dimension cruciale des entreprises « cruciales » apparaît par la dimension politique de leur objet technique.

Enedis est à ce titre un sujet dynamique de compliance et a vocation à se revendiquer comme tel.


media/assets/slides/enedis-2-fevrier-2017.pdf">Consulter les slides ayant servis de support à la conférence.