Nov. 28, 2019
Reference : Frison-Roche, M.-A., General presentation of the cycle of conferences on Les outils de la Compliance (Compliance Tools) and "Théorie générale de la cartographie des risques" (Legal Theory of Risk Mapping), conference made in French, in Département d'Economie de Sciences Po & Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC), La cartographie des risques, outil de la Compliance (Risk Mapping, as Compliance Tool), November 28th, 2019, Sciences Po, Paris.
Summary of the conference
Risk mapping is both central to the obligations or practices of companies and little apprehended by the legal systems. It is not expressly referred to by the French legal system, except for the special national laws known as "Sapin 2" and "Vigilance". But if we are out of this field, because there is only a description and not a legal definition, even less a legal notion, we do not know what legal regime to apply to the action of mapping risks. It is therefore useful, indeed compelling, to define the legal concept of risk mapping. Starting from what is still the safest ground, namely these two special laws, to go towards less secure legal grounds, such as the doctrine of the authorities or the commitments of the companies, even the ISO certifications obtained in this matter. Through a few judicial decisions and legal reasoning, a legal notion of the action of mapping risks emerges.
It is advisable to proceed in 5 steps (the working document follows another approach).
The first, based directly on the two available laws, apprehends the action of mapping when it comes into execution of a special legal obligation. The decision rendered in 2019 by the French Commission des sanctions of the Agence Française Anticorruption (French Corruption Agency's Sanctions Commission) draws probate games as to the demonstration of the execution of the obligation and the probationary system can be extended. In the same way the decision of the French Conseil constitutionnel (Constitutional Council) in 2017 on the "Vigilance Act" shows that a mechanism referred to as a "modality" is legitimate with regard to the goal, which is, concerning this tool, the establishment of a responsibility for others. It is therefore the concern for the situation of others that can be targeted by the Law thanks to Compliance Tool, especially Risk Mapping.
The second theme aims to map risks as a fact of good management for a company, while the enterprise is not constrained by a legal obligation. This fact is a paradox because the Regulatory Authority and the Judge may, where the conduct that was to be prevented occurs, for example a market abuse or an anti-competitive behavior, either qualify as an aggravating circumstance or as an attenuating circumstance. Consideration of the theory of incentives should lead to the adoption of the American solution, that is to say the qualification of an effective cartography as a mitigating fact. European case law is not yet fixed, especially in terms of Competition Law's compliance.
The third theme is the mapping action carried out by an entity which, in doing so, exercises power over a third party. Because cartography is as much an obligation as a power, possibly on a third party. The Conseil d'Etat (French Council of State) in 2017 qualified risk mapping as an act of grievance, but doing so legitimately, since it was to prevent forest fires efficiently. This solution based on the teleology attached to Compliance Law can be transposed to other areas.
Going further, one may consider transforming this action from de facto status to legal status on the part of the company, if it thus identifies risks for third parties. It would thus give third-party creditors the right to be in a position to measure the risks that weigh on them. Risk mapping would thus be part of a broader unilateral commitment by powerful companies, recognizing the existence of risks for third parties to enable them to know their nature and extent. If this responsibility Ex Ante (characteristic of Compliance Law) is fulfilled, then the Ex Post liability of the company could no longer be retained. This is the ongoing issue of the Johnson & Johnson trial (2019 American judgment), in terms of medical compliance. Because if one can argue that there exists through this kind of risk mapping that the posology a "subjective right to be worried about the risks related to the taking of the drug", the patient remains free in the use of it. The question of whether third-party education is included in the mapping, since the alert is already included in it, is an open question. For now, the answer is negative.
Indeed and in a fifth time, appears the liberal definition of Compliance Law through the apprehension that the Law must make of the cartography of the risks. Beyond the rational act that any person has to control their risks for their own interest, by preventing the damaging effects of that from the crystallization of risk has in fact proved, it is a question of preserving an external interest for the preservation of which the Law must intervene because the subject of law, in particular the company will be less likely to be concerned.
By the imprint of the law, risk mapping expresses the concern for an external interest, either of a system or of a third party. But this support in Ex Ante implies force (Sapin 2, Vigilance, financial market information obligation) or will (social responsibility, ethical commitment, adoption of non-financial standards) relates only to information, its constitution, its intelligibility and its hierarchy. Then it is the actors exposed to the risks, able to understand in Ex Ante the extent as far as they are concerned, either the entity itself, or the thirds, to choose to run them to no.
Nov. 28, 2019
Organization of scientific events
The conferences cycle Les outils de la Compliance (The Compliance tools) taking place between November 2019 and June 2020 organized by The Journal of Regulation & Compliance and all the Partner Universities will start this year on the theme of "La cartographie des risques" (Risk Mapping) .
Conference - Debate (in French)
jeudi Thursday, November 28, 2019. 19h15 – 21h15
at the Economics Department of Sciences Po
28 rue des Saints-Pères 75007 Paris
Amphithéâtre Simone Veil
Under the scientific coordination of Guillaume Sarrat de Tramezaigues, Executive Director fo the Economics Department of Sciences po.
Risk Mapping is defined as a process of identifying, evaluating and prioritizing risks: it is an integral and fundamental part of an effective global strategy for managing these risks.
As a central tool for Compliance, this approach may not be radically new, but the Risk Mapping Technique is now renewed and sometimes compromised by the emergence of new Risks, often due to their new mutiform nature. Moreover, the primacy of the new pair of "Political Risks/Compliance Risks" tends to increase the vulnerability of organizations obliged by new legal provisions to draw up these maps, whereas these tools must also protect these organizations.
Before discussing it with the audience, the speakers will explain through their experience the place of this tool in Compliance, by looking at how Risk Mapping is articulated with the logic of value creation through risk-taking, inherent in entrepreneurial and political action. This good understanding is not only essential for the company, but also for the administrative and judicial authorities which control or sanction firms.
Especially with the interventions of:
- Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, full professor of Regulatory Law and Compliance Law, Sciences Po
- Jean-François Guillemin, former general secretary of the Bouygues Group
- Lamia Liabes, Chief Operating Office, HSBC France
- Guillaume Sarrat de Tramezaigues, executive Director fo the Economics Department of Sciences po
Inscription :
This first event is more specifically organized by the Economics Department of Sciences po.
It opens the cycle of conferences organized by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) (see the partners of this cycle), whose general theme is Les outils de la Compliance (The Compliance tools).
Read the General Presentation of the Conferences Cycles.
This manifestation will be the basis for a book.
Read the conditions for inscription, and conditions for access les conditions d'accès (in French).
Nov. 27, 2019
This Working Paper served as the basis for an intervention in the conference organized in the conference cycle organized by the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) on the theme: Compliance Tools, in collaboration with many university partners: this first conference is organized in collaboration with the Sciences po Economics Department and is held on November 28, 2019 at Sciences po and deals with the more specific theme of Risk mapping.
It also serves as the basis for the book edited by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, Compliance Tools, which will be released in the Regulations & Compliance collection.
Is the consideration by Law of the Risk Mapping mechanism so new?
At first glance yes, and one might even be surprised at this novelty, since this rational anticipation of risks should have been recognized for a long time. But this is perhaps due to the more general fact that Risk itself has only recently become an autonomous legal object in Economic Law, in particular because Risk does not have at all the same position in Competition Law and in Regulation Law (I) .. Its position is even opposed in the both, Risk becoming central in Regulation Law. Compliance Law being the extension of Regulatory Law, it is also built on the "concern" of Risk and the internalization of this consideration in enterprises therefore takes the form of mapping.
A closer look maybe not,even before the specific French laws, called "Sapin 2" and "Vigilance" and beyond them, case law decisions giving a general scope to maps drawn up by operators, or increasing the obligation that 'they have to do it (II). In this, general and precise technical Law offers points of support for Compliance Law, strengthening it in its tools.
Nov. 21, 2019
Référence complète : contribution à l'organisation et à la tenue de la conférence de présentation de l'Association Henri Capitant, Faculté de Droit d'Oslo, centre de droit privé, 21 novembre 2019.
Par cette conférence de présentation et la discussion qui s'en est suivie avec les juristes réunis à l'initiative du professeur Mads Andenas, professeur de droit à la Faculté de Droit d'Oslo, les bases ont été posées de la constitution d'un Groupe norvégien de l'Association Henri Capitant.
Nov. 20, 2019
Référence générale: Frison-Roche, M.-A., Le législateur, peintre de la vie, in Archives de philosophie du droit (APD), Tome 61, 2019, pp. 339-410.
Résumé : Peindre si bien que la toile est un objet vivant est un exploit technique qui fût atteint par peu. Francis Bacon obtînt de la toile qu'elle fasse son affaire de préserver en elle la vie, tandis que Carbonnier, avec une semblable modestie devant la toile et le métier, obtînt que la Loi ne soit qu'un cadre, mais qu'elle ne laisse pourtant cette place-là à personne et surtout pas à l'opinion publique, afin que chacun puisse à sa façon et dans ce cadre-là faire son propre droit, sur lequel le législateur dans sa délicatesse et pour reprendre les termes du Doyen n'appose qu'un "mince vernis". Ces deux maîtres de l’art construisaient des cadres avec des principes rudimentaires pour que sur cette toile le mouvement advienne par lui-même. Ainsi la Législateur créée par Carbonnier offrit à chaque famille la liberté de tisser chaque jour son droit. Mais c’est pourtant bien au Législateur seul que revint et doit revenir l’enfance de l’art consistant à tendre la toile sur le métier. Il est alors possible, comme le fit Bacon, d’obtenir un objet immobile permet que surgisse sans cesse les figures mobiles. Les gribouillis réglementaires sont à mille lieux de cet Art législatif-là.
L'article ne comprend pas de reproductions, celles-ci figurent dans le document de travail.
Nov. 19, 2019
Toute la presse s'en fait l'écho.
Le conseil d'administration de la Banque européenne d'investissement s'est réuni le 15 novembre 2019.
Il a décidé d'exclure les financements, sous quelque forme que ceux-ci prennent
Nov. 16, 2019
The Finance Bill has proposed to the Parliament to vote an article 57 whose title is: Possibilité pour les administrations fiscales et douanières de collecter et exploiter les données rendues publiques sur les sites internet des réseaux sociaux et des opérateurs de plateformes (translation: Possibility for the tax and customs administrations to collect and exploit the data made public on the websites of social networks and platform operators).
Its content is as is in the text voted on in the National Assembly as follows:
"(1) I. - On an experimental basis and for a period of three years, for the purposes of investigating the offenses mentioned in b and c of 1 of article 1728, in articles 1729, 1791, 1791 ter, in 3 °, 8 ° and 10 ° of article 1810 of the general tax code, as well as articles 411, 412, 414, 414-2 and 415 of the customs code, the tax administration and the customs administration and indirect rights may, each as far as it is concerned, collect and exploit by means of computerized and automated processing using no facial recognition system, freely accessible content published on the internet by the users of the online platform operators mentioned in 2 ° of I of article L. 111-7 of the consumer code.
(2) The processing operations mentioned in the first paragraph are carried out by agents specially authorized for this purpose by the tax and customs authorities.
(3) When they are likely to contribute to the detection of the offenses mentioned in the first paragraph, the data collected are kept for a maximum period of one year from their collection and are destroyed at the end of this period. However, when used within the framework of criminal, tax or customs proceedings, this data may be kept until the end of the proceedings.
(4) The other data are destroyed within a maximum period of thirty days from their collection.
(5) The right of access to the information collected is exercised with the assignment service of the agents authorized to carry out the processing mentioned in the second paragraph under the conditions provided for by article 42 of law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, the files and freedoms.
(6) The right to object, provided for in article 38 of the same law, does not apply to the processing operations mentioned in the second paragraph.
(7) The terms of application of this I are set by decree of the Council of State.
(8) II. - The experiment provided for in I is the subject of an evaluation, the results of which are forwarded to Parliament as well as to the National Commission for Data Protection at the latest six months before its end. "
This initiative provoked many comments, rather reserved, even after the explanations given by the Minister of Budget to the National Assembly.
What to think of it legally?
Because the situation is quite simple, that is why it is difficult: on the one hand, the State will collect personal information without the authorization of the persons concerned, which is contrary to the very object of the law of 1978 , which results in full disapproval; on the other hand, the administration obtains the information to prosecute tax and customs offenses, which materializes the general interest itself.
So what about it?
Read below.
Nov. 11, 2019
Law by Illustrations
La Fontaine, l'on y revient toujours. Si facile à lire ;
vite parcouru ;
toujours à approfondir.
Par exemple lorsqu'on réfléchit en Droit financier sur les conséquences des "crises systémiques", la destruction immédiate qu'elles produisent et ce qu'il en reste, l'on peut parcourir la fable La Belette entrée dans un grenier, ensuite la relire une ou deux fois encore, et puis l'approfondire.
Entre deux bourgeois d'une ville
S'émut jadis un différend.
L'un était pauvre, mais habile,
L'autre riche, mais ignorant.
Celui-ci sur son concurrent
Voulait emporter l'avantage :
Prétendait que tout homme sage
Était tenu de l'honorer.
C'était tout homme sot ; car pourquoi révérer
Des biens dépourvus de mérite ?
La raison m'en semble petite.
Mon ami, disait-il souvent au savant,
Vous vous croyez considérable ;
Mais, dites-moi, tenez-vous table ?
Que sert à vos pareils de lire incessamment ?
Ils sont toujours logés à la troisième chambre,
Vêtus au mois de juin comme au mois de décembre,
Ayant pour tout laquais leur ombre seulement.
La République a bien affaire
De gens qui ne dépensent rien :
Je ne sais d'homme nécessaire
Que celui dont le luxe épand beaucoup de bien.
Nous en usons, Dieu sait : notre plaisir occupe
L'artisan, le vendeur, celui qui fait la jupe,
Et celle qui la porte, et vous, qui dédiez
À Messieurs les gens de finance
De méchants livres bien payés.
Ces mots remplis d'impertinence
Eurent le sort qu'ils méritaient.
L'homme lettré se tut, il avait trop à dire.
La guerre le vengea bien mieux qu'une satire.
Mars détruisit le lieu que nos gens habitaient.
L'un et l'autre quitta sa ville.
L'ignorant resta sans asile ;
Il reçut partout des mépris :
L'autre reçut partout quelque faveur nouvelle.
Cela décida leur querelle.
Laissez dire les sots ; le savoir a son prix.
L'on peut formuler à ce titre deux observations que formule la fable.
L'on peut en ajouter une troisième, tirée de la théorie de la Régulation.
1. Tant que le marché fonctionne bien, l'homme d'argent gagne sur l'homme de savoir
2. Lorsque le marché reçoit un choc systémique (guerre), l'homme d'argent perd tout, l'homme de savoir ne perd rien
3. Lorsque la crise systémique a frappé, l'homme de marché est ruiné et erre, l'homme de savoir a accru son savoir : la crise accroit l'information