The recent news

Aug. 31, 2014



Aug. 29, 2014


Lire l'arrêt.

Les comptes de campagne politique sont examinés par un organisme ad hoc, la Commission Nationale des comptes de campagne (CNCCFP).

La presse voulant toujours en savoir plus, l'idée de Médiapart a été d'utiliser le droit d'accès aux documents administratifs, mis en place par la loi du 17 juillet 1978.

Arguant de ce droit fondamental, le journal demande à la Commission des comptes de campagne la communication des questions et des réponses entre les rapporteurs et les candidats, à propos de la campagnes présidentielles de 2007.

La Commission refuse. Le journal saisit le Tribunal administratif de Paris, qui ordonne la communication forcée.

Mais la Commission des comptes de campagne non seulement frappe d'un pourvoi au fond le jugement du 3 juin 2014, mais encore vient obtenir par l'arrêt du 23 juillet 2014 rendu par le Conseil d'Etat la suspension de l'exécution du jugement.

En effet, le Conseil d'Etat estime que la question de savoir si la loi du 17 juillet 1978, c'est-à-dire l'existence même d'un droit d'accès aux documents administratifs, aux documents concernés par un litige à propos des comptes de campagne politique, se pose.

Elle se pose juridiquement. Elle se pose politiquement.


Aug. 28, 2014

Porte dérobée sur le Droit

It is therefore necessary to take the statement for granted: the law expresses "the spirit of a people." We want to believe, since Savigny stated it
Following the great author does not avoid explaining the meaning of such a statement. Expressing the historical conception of law means that all legal events are the result of a culture of a "people", which has been built over the centuries. Thus, because a French "people" are, there is a French law that reflects this.

If this is true, then the implications of this fact are considerable. First, in order for a law to be effective, coherent and applied, it must correspond to the "spirit" of the people to whom it applies. The legislature and the courts must make it part of their art, not to rush a historical movement, do not ignore it,but to  adopt the pace. Therefore, foreign legal techniques cannot be welcome.
The most important sources of law are the most spontaneous, that is to say, those in which people forge through the centuries of usage and customs. The law written on a white sheet of paper is a mistake, unless it is itself covered by a long period after.
The legislator and the judge should have taken to the method of knowing the spirit of their society in which they move: the sociology and history cease to be ancillary to become positive law. In this, the common law rooted in its "stare decisis" better expresses this conception than does the system of Civil Law.

But more importantly, there has to be a "people" whose mind law would collect. As rightly pointed out by the German Constitutional Court in 2009, there is no "European people". So how can we build Europe? While the French, British, German, Italian, Spanish, peoples etc. have such a different mind, and that expansion now brings us to the Slavic soul?

Aug. 27, 2014


Introduction au droit The book of Muriel Fabre-Magnan is out. This is great. The law holds the attention of everyone all the time.

Because daily life is full of law and there is the awareness of this. Because world live has a turn increasingly legal.

Thus, the interest in the law is new, or at least has grown.

But the law is off-putting for anyone who didn't study, who doesn't practice. This mass, which is enormous and as inert, seems belch through dramatic cases or convictions shattering. Thus, the desire to discover and to understand law seems meet a sort of end of inadmissibility, seems to be hampered by the legal matter itself.

That is why everyone must buy Introduction au droit (Introduction to Law), the book (written in French) in the collection "Que sais-je ?" ("What can I know?"), by Muriel Fabre-Magnan.

By reading this book of 124 pages, one can understand what may represent the law, not only for every day but also the law in society in a civilized world.

The law is the key to a civilized system. But in a world which seems to be governed by the game of forces, the law is absent or just facade. Thus, reading, you'd think that the law is in fact very little ...

Read a presentation of the new edition of the Muriel Fabre-Magnan book : Introduction au droit.

Aug. 26, 2014

Editorial responsibilities : Direction de la collection "Droit et Économie", L.G.D.J. - Lextenso éditions (30)

Référence complète : Vivant, M.( dir.), Droit et économie de la propriété intellectuelle, coll. "Droit et Économie", LGDJ - Lextenso, 2014, 194 p.


Il s'agit du 24ième volume de la collection "Droit et Économie".


Sous la direction de Michel Vivant, le fil de l'ouvrage reprend ce qui avait été le principe des conférences organisées par Marie-Anne Frison-Roche avec Guy Canivet à la Cour de cassation, à l'initiative de la Chaire Régulation, à savoir prendre un objet concret, sur lequel se posent une compétence d'une part économique, d'autre part juridique.

Ici, la propriété intellectuelle s'y prête particulièrement bien, puisque celle-ci est déjà un mixte de droit et d''économie. Elle est de plus en plus. On en viendrait bientôt à oublier que cela fût du droit pour croire qu'il ne s'agit que d'une branche de l'économie, à travers le souci de l'innovation notamment.

Dans cet ouvrage, c'est donc sous le double regard du droit et de l'économie que les enjeux de la propriété intellectuelle sont posés.


Lire la quatrième de couverture.

Lire la table des matières.


Consulter l'ensemble de la collection dans laquelle l'ouvrage a été publié.



Aug. 26, 2014


La Cour suprême des Etats-Unis vient de rendre un arrêt très important, "Hobby Lobby", le 30 juin 2014.

Elle permet à une entreprise, qui a contracté une assurance de prise en charge des dépenses de santé de ses employés, de ne pas faire fonctionner celle-ci pour les soins et médicaments dont l'usage est contraire aux préceptes chrétiens.

En effet, la Cour suprême affirme que l'entreprise est une "personne comme une autre", qui a des convictions personnelles, ici des convictions religieuses.

Une telle solution, affirmée pour ce cas particulier, est inquiétante non seulement pour cette situation-là, mais si on l'étend à d'autres situations analogues. 

Aug. 25, 2014


The "pinnacle" means the culmination of a successful issue. Here, the Code civil (French Civil Code) would be the point of perfection of French law. For many this qualification is required with evidence before this masterpiece of concision, practice and use of language. This implies a critique of the current French law, including a legislator that would had fallen very low.
But the question nevertheless arises. Since before the Civil Code, there was a law that was not as unworthy.

Moreover, after some general principles, all the civil law takes place into the Civil Code, family law, contract law, tort law, and so on. But the criminal law or public law aren't inserted in the book.
Thus, it is rather the form, the art of writing the law that can be given to this term apogee Civil Code, not the substance that can bring so much praise to the Code civil because he never embraced the french law in its entirety.
In addition, it is true that the form is the pinnacle of French law, but a French law that put the law should only be expressed through writing through codification rather than practices or casebased rules.
We must therefore bow to bin assumptions before proclaiming that the Civil Code is the pinnacle of French law. Admitting it is rather the culmination of a certain conception of the law, a non indiscutable conception, he was a perfect and sublime event.

Aug. 7, 2014


The regulatory authority of the North American telecommunications (Federal Communications Commission - FCC) adopted a position 5 August 2014 to admit that the service providers charge users for the service of priority access to content. For some commentators, allowing this monetization, the FCC has "killed" the "net neutrality".

Immediately, President Barack Obama is strongly opposed to this position on behalf of the principle known as "net neutrality."

The Washington Post, in its presentation of this reaction of the President, described it as "populist".

Basically, it comes to choosing whether you prefer to favor companies that produce content and containing or to favor search engines. It is true that the search engines, whose business model relies heavily on the legal principle of "net neutrality" are American firms, like Google. On the other hand, many companies that carry the content and can therefore monetize the service of access to a priority basis are divided to more evenly around the world, including being located in Europe.