The recent news

Aug. 26, 2014

Editorial responsibilities : Direction de la collection "Droit et Économie", L.G.D.J. - Lextenso éditions (30)

Référence complète : Vivant, M.( dir.), Droit et économie de la propriété intellectuelle, coll. "Droit et Économie", LGDJ - Lextenso, 2014, 194 p.


Il s'agit du 24ième volume de la collection "Droit et Économie".


Sous la direction de Michel Vivant, le fil de l'ouvrage reprend ce qui avait été le principe des conférences organisées par Marie-Anne Frison-Roche avec Guy Canivet à la Cour de cassation, à l'initiative de la Chaire Régulation, à savoir prendre un objet concret, sur lequel se posent une compétence d'une part économique, d'autre part juridique.

Ici, la propriété intellectuelle s'y prête particulièrement bien, puisque celle-ci est déjà un mixte de droit et d''économie. Elle est de plus en plus. On en viendrait bientôt à oublier que cela fût du droit pour croire qu'il ne s'agit que d'une branche de l'économie, à travers le souci de l'innovation notamment.

Dans cet ouvrage, c'est donc sous le double regard du droit et de l'économie que les enjeux de la propriété intellectuelle sont posés.


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Aug. 26, 2014


La Cour suprême des Etats-Unis vient de rendre un arrêt très important, "Hobby Lobby", le 30 juin 2014.

Elle permet à une entreprise, qui a contracté une assurance de prise en charge des dépenses de santé de ses employés, de ne pas faire fonctionner celle-ci pour les soins et médicaments dont l'usage est contraire aux préceptes chrétiens.

En effet, la Cour suprême affirme que l'entreprise est une "personne comme une autre", qui a des convictions personnelles, ici des convictions religieuses.

Une telle solution, affirmée pour ce cas particulier, est inquiétante non seulement pour cette situation-là, mais si on l'étend à d'autres situations analogues. 

Aug. 25, 2014


The "pinnacle" means the culmination of a successful issue. Here, the Code civil (French Civil Code) would be the point of perfection of French law. For many this qualification is required with evidence before this masterpiece of concision, practice and use of language. This implies a critique of the current French law, including a legislator that would had fallen very low.
But the question nevertheless arises. Since before the Civil Code, there was a law that was not as unworthy.

Moreover, after some general principles, all the civil law takes place into the Civil Code, family law, contract law, tort law, and so on. But the criminal law or public law aren't inserted in the book.
Thus, it is rather the form, the art of writing the law that can be given to this term apogee Civil Code, not the substance that can bring so much praise to the Code civil because he never embraced the french law in its entirety.
In addition, it is true that the form is the pinnacle of French law, but a French law that put the law should only be expressed through writing through codification rather than practices or casebased rules.
We must therefore bow to bin assumptions before proclaiming that the Civil Code is the pinnacle of French law. Admitting it is rather the culmination of a certain conception of the law, a non indiscutable conception, he was a perfect and sublime event.

Aug. 7, 2014


The regulatory authority of the North American telecommunications (Federal Communications Commission - FCC) adopted a position 5 August 2014 to admit that the service providers charge users for the service of priority access to content. For some commentators, allowing this monetization, the FCC has "killed" the "net neutrality".

Immediately, President Barack Obama is strongly opposed to this position on behalf of the principle known as "net neutrality."

The Washington Post, in its presentation of this reaction of the President, described it as "populist".

Basically, it comes to choosing whether you prefer to favor companies that produce content and containing or to favor search engines. It is true that the search engines, whose business model relies heavily on the legal principle of "net neutrality" are American firms, like Google. On the other hand, many companies that carry the content and can therefore monetize the service of access to a priority basis are divided to more evenly around the world, including being located in Europe.

Aug. 6, 2014


In its judgment of 23 July 2014, MM. B., A. et C., the Conseil d'Etat (French Council of State) shall transmit a  Question prioritaire de constitutionnalité - QPC (Priority Question of Constitutionality) to the Conseil constitutionnel  (French Constitutional Council) about the compliance of the procedural organization of the Cour de discipline budgétaire et financière - CDBF (French Court of fiscal and financial discipline) in terms of constitutional principle impartiality.

Indeed, the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Council has incorporated in the constitutional corpus the principle of impartiality, objectively designed   as judicial jurisprudence and the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights have done and have imposed the organs exercising power sanction must give to see their impartiality (definition of the "objective impartiality") to third parties who must have confidence in this body which has power to impose sanctions.

Aug. 5, 2014


Political power has often difficulties, or takes a long time to admit the principles of law, such as express the judges.

So it was quite certain that the penalty proceedings held before the Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et de la Poste -ARCEP  (French Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Post, as the investigation body and the judgment body were not sufficiently distinct crumpled the constitutional principle of impartiality.

It was acquired about 15 years. Yet the organization has continued.

It has been enough that an operator has been sanctioned. He used the procedure of Question Prioritairre de Constitutionnalité -Q.P.C.  Priority Question of Constitutionality) and Numéricable July 5, 2013 decision by the Constitutional Council came to declare that any sanction proceedings before ARCEP unconstitutional, because of objective procedural partialité, thus causing difficulty to the regulator.

It took until the 0rdonnance of March 12, 2014 and finally the decree of 1st August 2014 to organize an efficient sanctions procedure, making this time an intern wall within the ARCEP between the services responsible for the instruction and those which are responsible for judging.

The great judge Pierre Drai used to say: "Ne pas respecter le droit coûte cher (Do not respect the law is expensive)".

We see here that this is true also for the Government which writes laws and regulations. So, for months, the regulator has been without power, to the delight of the operators, who often are tacticians or turbulent.

Aug. 4, 2014

Teachings : Grandes Questions du Droit, Semestre d'Automne 2014

Aug. 4, 2014


The family is built on one basic idea which is so powerful that legal rules are organised around it as spontanely. But if the paradigm is changing, then all the rules change with the strength of the evidence.

However, in the 1970s, we changed paradigm. Previously, for millennia, the basic idea was the family as a group. Depending on the time or period, the group has varied in its contours, squares and powers granted to individual members, but the idea of group was acquired. Family was a group which was a part of the social group, kept by the State.

From the 1970s, the family becomes the developed project done by a free and independent person. This project designed by a person wishing to build family that suits him or her will result in the fact that the individual meets other individuals whose family project crosses his or her. Contract becomes the perfect tool for these home-made families This desires adjustment corresponds to the market model. Concretely, market of ideal family provides services for satisfaction of various projects, all legitimate as expression of desir. The sufficient link between individuals  is affection and will, the center is the child. The market offers new perspectives, such as ideal partner and even more perfect child, becoming jewel. The idea of ​​Market has triumphed.