The recent news

May 11, 2017


Reference : Frison-Roche, M.-A., Le contrat est-il l'instrument optimal de la RSE ? ("Is the Contract the optimal instrument of CSR?")  in Trébulle, F.-G. (modérateur), Les instruments de la RSE : le contrat (The instruments of CSR"), cycle of conferences organized by the Cour de cassation (French Civil Supreme Court and the Universities of Paris-Dauphine, Paris VIII and Paris I),Cour de cassation, Paris, 11 mai 2017.

Read the slides (in French) as served as the basis of the conference les slides

Read the program on the Cour de cassation  wesite (in French).

Read the program of the whole cycle of conferences in which this conference enters (in French)


Corporate Social Responsibility belongs to Economic Law. It thus enters into its logic of efficiency, leading to apprehend any legal mechanism as an instrument, the contract as the others. This does not mean that everything is only an instrument, on the contrary. Economic Law, when it takes the form of Regulation Law, places the principles in the aims pursued. It is in these principles that it can meet CSR if the goals are the same.

In view of these aims, everything is an instrument. On the scale of goals which are "monumental"!footnote-916, in that they are global, in that they seem unattainable, such as the fight against child labor, such as the end of corruption or the sale of human beings, all legal instruments become interchangeable, from the Constitution to the contract, from the hard law to the soft law. The only criterion becomes efficiency to achieve the goal. We then reach the efficiency, criterion of the Regulation Law.

New laws, such as in France in 2016 the Sapin 2 law or in 2017 the law establishing a "duty of vigilance" with uncertain contours, may use the contract only as a vehicle for legal obligations to be performed by the company!footnote-917. The contract becomes an instrument of the Compliance Law, chosen as the optimal instrument of the Internalized Regulation Law in the company.

But the contract can also be chosen as an instrument by the company in that it pursues the same goals of general interest, becoming global!footnote-918. The contract is then chosen as an Ex Ante tool, which will be refined to the specificity of the company, exceeded the generality of the law and which will be able to resolve the diversity of national laws by more comprehensive contractual relations. Moreover, the contract can integrate active Ex Post mechanisms, such as the warning launcher or the controller, audits, or even form an ecosystem by training clauses to disseminate a CSR culture. By these contractual provisions, the contract operates the mixing of times, the Ex-Ante and the Ex Post, which the legislation can not do, refines it to what the particular enterprise is .

In this, the contract converges towards what is being constructed: a Compliance Law.

April 21, 2017


Through the Open Culture website, it is possible to listen to Hayao Miyazaki who, in March 2017, claimed that video games whose drawings are made on Artificial Intelligence basis are "insults to life".

Read below the history, the words that the Master has held, his conception of what is creation and "truly human" work, which is echoed by the definitions given by Alain Supiot, who also reflected on what robots do.

This brings us back to the very notion of "creation" and creative work.


Read below

April 14, 2017


This working paper is the basis for an article written in French to be published in the French publication RÉGULATION, SUPERVISION, COMPLIANCEE, to be published in the RÉGULATIONS series at Éditions Dalloz.

This work uses the Compliance and Regulation Law bilingual Dictionnary.


This Working Paper aims to show the movement that starts from Regulation Law to Compliance Law, now in the process of being born.

In order to explain this movement, in order to anticipate the near future, in what it should not be and in what it should be, it is necessary to reconstruct how the Compliance Law was born of the Regulation Law, which has thus found the sources of the Public Services Law of which it had at first cut the roots (I).

Indeed Regulation Law has in a happy way renewed the Law but also narrowed its perspective. Today, the phenomenon of globalization and the need for public authority that States can not satisfy according to traditional legal methods implies the establishment of a sort of "global public service". This is done by the Law of Compliance which revolutionizes all legal systems, both Common Law and Civil Law (II).

Indeed, Compliance Law internalizes in some companies, the "crucial operators", the duty to make effective the "monumental goals" that the regulatory authorities have formulated and of which these companies must render globally effective. In this respect, the Law of Compliance is the extension of the Law of Regulation, which makes a new scope and in its aims and in its space. It is the whole of Law that is transformed.

The near future will tell if it is reflected in clashes, between companies and regulators, between Europe and the United States, or on the contrary by a pact of trust between the crucial operators and the Regulators. If this is achieved, the Law of Compliance, expressing the political dimension of the Law of Regulation, expressing the share of companies that ceases to be neutralized by the mechanics of the markets, will be an advancement of the Law. It is in this perspective that we must build the European Compliance Law.




April 12, 2017

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Référence complète : Mathieu, B., Jusqu'où peut-on faire porter sur les entreprises un devoir de vigilance en matière de protection des droits de l'homme et de l'environnement ?, Constitutions, 2017, p.291.


Les étudiants de Sciences po peuvent, via le Drive lire l'article dans le dossier "MAFR - Régulation".


April 11, 2017

Teachings : Sectoral Regulation Law

Les Droits sectoriels de la Régulation sont peu de dimension européenne. Et cela pour de multiples raisons. En premier lieu, parce qu'imprégnés de politique, les Droits sectoriels sont liés à la notion de décisions souveraines, à l'État donc, ce qui les rend plus difficiles à élever au niveau communautaire, d'autant plus que l'Union européenne continue d'être régie par le principe juridique de subsidiarité.


Consulter les slides servant de support à la leçon.

Revenir à la présentation générale du Cours.

Consulter la bibliographie générale du Droit commun de la Régulation

Consulter la bibliographie spécifique à la Régulation bancaire et financière, pou

Consulter la bibliographie spécifique au Droit de la Compliance.

Consulter le Dictionnaire bilingue du Droit de la Régulation et de la Compliance

April 11, 2017


Les médias s'en font l'écho.

Voilà le cas.

Une agence en Allemagne des services de prostitution propose une nouvelle prestation.

April 4, 2017

Teachings : Sectorial Regulation Law

C'est l'idée même de réguler l'activité de noter qui ne va pas de soi. Et cela pour plusieurs raisons. En premier lieu l'on régule plus souvent des secteurs (à construire sous un nouveau mode, par exemple à libéraliser), voire des marchés (structurellement défaillants)

Consulter les slides servant de support à la leçon.

Revenir à la présentation générale du Cours.

Consulter la bibliographie générale du Droit commun de la Régulation

Consulter la bibliographie spécifique à la Régulation bancaire et financière, pou

Consulter la bibliographie spécifique au Droit de la Compliance.

Consulter le Dictionnaire bilingue du Droit de la Régulation et de la Compliance

March 30, 2017


Compliance. Trust. Two words that come more and more often than before at our readers' eyes or listeners' ears. And yet they do not seem to match well. They even seem to repel each other.

Indeed, Compliance is the way in which Public Authorities trust certain private operators, not in themselves, but with their structural capacities to mechanically capture the information that these authorities need (I).

This presupposes a vision of the world in which Companies are powerful and powerful alone but are not virtuous, while Public Authorities, such as the Public Prosecutor's Office or Regulators, are weak but virtuous alone. Such a conception of Compliance transforms companies into automata. Such a vision of the world has no future: only human beings can be trusted, whose fallibility must be accepted, as Compliance is then the expression of a relationship built on trust that is to be seen between non-mechanical operators, namely public Institutions and private Operators, who can both have in common concern for an interest which goes beyond them and which was formerly called the general interest (II).

From this reality, no new doubt for private companies, but which explains the strange intimacy between the violent Compliance Law and the new spontaneous order of Corporate Social Responsibility, it is up to them to demonstrate this concern Cf others that it shares with the Public Authorities, except to fall in Compliance reduced to costly procedures, empty endless staked out of sanctions without control.

It is thus for Companies to make this branch of Compliance Law emerging become what can be the best, when it is possible that it becomes what would be the worst.