Dec. 16, 2015

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Full reference : Association Henri Capitant, L'immatériel, Journées espagnoles, t. LXIV/2014, Bruylant, 2015, 1130 p.

Read the forth of cover.

Read the table of contents.

Read the synthesis report by Rémy Cabrillac.

See the general presentation by Matthias Lehmann on Contrat et immatériel

Updated: July 31, 2013 (Initial publication: Oct. 4, 2011)

Teachings : Les Grandes Questions du Droit, semestre d'automne 2011

La première partie de la question des "espaces du droit" sera consacrée à leur perception à travers la géographie. Au-delà de l’espace français, sont examinés l’espace européen et l’espace mondial. L’espace virtuel semble une aporie en ce qu’il est un espace sans géographie pour le droit.

Nov. 1, 2000


► Full Reference: J.-M. Chevalier, I. Ekeland, M.-A. Frison-Roche & M. Kalika, Internet et nos fondamentaux ("Internet and our Fondamentals"), PUF, 2000, 128 p.


► English general presentation of this book and its summary: The Internet creates an impression of extreme novelty. Indeed, the fundamentals, have changed, as much in economics, management as in law. e-management, e-commerce, e-finance: all disciplines must rebuild their rules, so that the behaviours of actors are in a new way framed.

The Internet is not just a new way of communicating. It introduces new behaviours, new rules, some say a new world, perhaps a new life for pioneers of a new kind. This impression of extreme newness is the sign of a revolution, because the facts about the Internet do not seem to be explainable by any previously established rule: the principles to which we must refer have changed, the fundamentals that enable us to translate the world into abstractions, to understand it and to dominate it, are in mutation.

How can we understand the Internet? Not necessarily by delving into its technical and everyday aspects, but by confronting it with the fundamentals of the various disciplines in order to measure which key notions the Internet is abusing, which it is destroying and which it is imposing. What remains of our ways of thinking and practising science, law, economics and management? What are these disciplines built on? How can we understand them and bring them together again, under the impact of the Internet? The ambition of this book is to shed light on these new fundamentals, to tackle the conceptual revolution that Internet technology is bringing with it.




Content :

Introduction, p.7

Internet et la recherche en sciences exactes et naturelles ("The Internet and research in the natural sciences"), p.19

Les bouleversements du droit par Internet ("The upheaval of law caused by the Internet"), p. 37

Les fondements des sciences économiques interpellés par Internent ("The foundations of economics challenged by the Internet"), p.77

Internet et les sciences de gestion : l’émergence du e-management ("The Internet and management sciences: the emergence of e-management"), p. 103
