June 24, 2024

Organization of scientific events

 Full Reference: L’intelligence artificielle, nouveau champ de Contentieux Systémique (Artificial intelligence, new field of Systemic Litigation), in cycle of conferences-debates "Contentieux Systémique Émergent" ("Emerging Systemic Litigation"), organised on the initiative of the Cour d'appel de Paris (Paris Cour of Appeal), with the Cour de cassation (French Court of cassation), the Cour d'appel de Versailles (Versailles Court of Appeal), the École nationale de la magistrature - ENM (French National School for the Judiciary) and the École de formation des barreaux du ressort de la Cour d'appel de Paris - EFB (Paris Bar School), under the scientific direction of Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, June 24, 2024, 11am-12.30pm, Cour d'appel de Paris, Cassin courtroom.


🌐see on LinkedIn the report made of this event


► Presentation of this conference-debate:  Artificial intelligence has enabled the creation of an algorithmic system. This develops its own logic, which is essentially technological in nature. It generates computing power based on the correlation of information to produce possible causalities and build probabilities that are sometimes likened to "predictions", with the mass processed eventually generating a qualitative change.

This change is linked to the digital space itself, which by its very nature gives rise to systemic disputes and litigation, to which the conference-debate on 27 May 2024 was devoted.

There are three ways in which this Emerging Systemic Litigation is involved, and it is important to anticipate these, as the litigation is either in its infancy or still to come, but will undoubtedly arise suddenly.

Firstly, it is possible that the technological tool will make it possible to deal with certain cases where the technical nature of either the concepts or the requests, or the multitude of requests, however simple, require this ability to deal with the mass, which leads to an increase in both the mechanical power of algorithms and the greater presence of human beings, in particular through the increase in adversarial proceedings, pre-trial proceedings, mediation, etc.

Secondly, in the face of this change linked to the digital environment, 'texts' have appeared to 'regulate' the use or the very invention of this or that algorithmic tool, texts of a very diverse nature, from the most soft to the hardest (this gradation between soft and hard law is the theme taken up in the conference-debate of 19 September 2024). These may be measures taken by the firms that produce the tools, those that use them, or those that disseminate them, with the people affected by the information being relatively active. This last point explains why systemic disputes are already underway, concerning the subjective rights that would be violated either by the very nature of artificial intelligence, in this case the rights of content producers, or the rights to privacy, or protection of other Monumental Goals. The systemic and extra-territorial dimension of these disputes has already been established.

The third point is the role of Politics, since the European Union, through the texts currently being adopted, has established that the Goal is not only the sustainability of the technical system, the innovation market and European sovereignty, but also the primacy of people and individuals, through a method that is the Ex Ante ranking of risks. This conception is also contested. This methodological issue also applies to judges.

This Emerging Systemic Litigation is and will be brought before various regulatory or supervisory Authorities, but also before the administrative and judiciary courts, in particular through Contract Law, Tort Law, Company Law, Labour Law, General Procedural Law, etc.

The aim here is to measure and anticipate the way in which the systemic dimension of these disputes will be incorporated into future litigation.


🧮Program of this manifestation

Fourth conference-debate



Paris Court of Appeal, Cassin courtroom

Presentation and moderation by 🕴️Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, Professor of Regulatory & Compliance Law, Director of the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC)

🕰️11am.-11.10am. 🎤Les deux rencontres entre l'intelligence artificielle et le Contentieux Systémique (The two meetings between Artificial Intelligence and Systemic Litigation), by 🕴️Marie-Anne Frison-Roche, Professor of Regulatory & Compliance Law, Director of the Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC)

    🕰️11.10am-11.30am. 🎤Les premiers contentieux systémiques observables impliquant l’intelligence artificielle (The first observable Systemic Litigations involving artificial intelligence), by 🕴️Sonia Cissé, Partner, Linklaters Paris

    🕰️11.30am-11.50am. 🎤L’influence des nouveaux textes et des textes à venir sur les contentieux systémiques émergents impliquant l’intelligence artificielle (The influence of new and forthcoming legislation on Emerging Systemic Litigation involving artificial intelligence), by 🕴️Emmanuel Netter, Professor of Law at Strasbourg University 

    🕰️11.50am-12.30pm. Debate


    🔴Registrations and information requests can be sent to: inscriptionscse@gmail.com

    🔴For the attorneys, registrations have to be sent to the following address: https://evenium.events/cycle-de-conferences-contentieux-systemique-emergent/ 

    ⚠️The conference-debates are held in person only, in the Cour d’appel de Paris (Paris Court of Appeal).


    🧮Read below the report made of this event by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche⤵️

Updated: July 31, 2013 (Initial publication: Sept. 6, 2011)

Teachings : Les Grandes Questions du Droit, semestre d'automne 2011