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Aug. 4, 2014

Teachings : Grandes Questions du Droit, Semestre d'Automne 2014

Aug. 4, 2014


The family is built on one basic idea which is so powerful that legal rules are organised around it as spontanely. But if the paradigm is changing, then all the rules change with the strength of the evidence.

However, in the 1970s, we changed paradigm. Previously, for millennia, the basic idea was the family as a group. Depending on the time or period, the group has varied in its contours, squares and powers granted to individual members, but the idea of group was acquired. Family was a group which was a part of the social group, kept by the State.

From the 1970s, the family becomes the developed project done by a free and independent person. This project designed by a person wishing to build family that suits him or her will result in the fact that the individual meets other individuals whose family project crosses his or her. Contract becomes the perfect tool for these home-made families This desires adjustment corresponds to the market model. Concretely, market of ideal family provides services for satisfaction of various projects, all legitimate as expression of desir. The sufficient link between individuals  is affection and will, the center is the child. The market offers new perspectives, such as ideal partner and even more perfect child, becoming jewel. The idea of ​​Market has triumphed.

[July 23, 2014]


Le New-York Department of Financial Services a proposé au Gouverneur de l'Etat de New-York le 23 juillet 2014 un "plan de régulation" comprenant différents textes visant toute entreprise utilisant de la monnaie virtuelle (bitcoin) sur l'Etat de New-York.

Désormais, une telle entreprise ne pourrait y avoir recours qu'après avoir obtenu de ce Régulateur bancaire étatique une licence ad hoc (bitlicense).

Ici, d'une part le régulateur bancaire prend le pas sur le régulateur des jeux, tant il est vrai que la monnaie est utilisée à d'autres activités et d'autre part la régulation s'établit ex ante au niveau étatique et non pas au niveau fédéral

July 31, 2014

Thesaurus : 02. Lois

July 27, 2014


July 24, 2014


At first glance, only areas are regulated and the State doesn't enter private enterprises.

But the imperative is reversed when a company absorbs the entire area, or when a firm has the project to absorb the area, such as Google has. The firm becomes "crucial" and the State must enter the company and intervene. 

It is necessary to give the definition of a "crucial firm". A firm is "crucial", in a negative sense, when its failures could cause the collapse of the system; a firm is positively "crucial" if through it the industry is facing the purpose to serve the future of the social group.

The State is then legitimate to enter the company to make its voice heard, sometimes to exercise its decision-making powers.

The competitive dynamism and power of property don't exclude the superimposition of the common concern for the future, which some call the general interest.

July 20, 2014


Référence complète : INCHAUPSÉ, Irène, L'Europe crée une situation ubuesque pour la GPA en France, L'opinion, 20 juillet 2014.


Par cet interview, il est fait état de  l'inquiétude que l'on peut avoir face aux arrêts rendus par la Cour européenne des droits de l'Homme le 26 juin 2014, condamnant la France en matière de contrat de mère-porteuse (dit "contrat de gestation pour autrui").

Lire l'interview sur le site du Journal L'Opinion

June 30, 2014

Thesaurus : Doctrine

Dans la deuxième édition de son ouvrage, le professeur Muriel Fabre-Magnan tout à la fois expose les principes et règles élémentaires qui instituent et assurent le fonctionnement du droit et, dans le même temps, fournit les explications principales des différentes conceptions qui ont été élaborées pour répondre à la question : "qu'est-ce que le droit ?".