Dec. 17, 2018

Editorial responsibilities : Direction de la collection "Droit et Économie", L.G.D.J. - Lextenso éditions (30)

Direction of the collection "Droit & Economie"

L'ordre public économique (Economic Public Order)

Full reference : Laget-Annamayer, A. (ed.), L'ordre public économique ("Economic Public Order"), coll. "Droit et Économie", LGDJ - Lextenso éditions, 2018, 397p.


This collective book is published in French. 


This is the 32nd volume published in this collection.


Often launched as an all-encompassing expression, both by the doctrine and by the judge, public economic order remains a mysterious concept whose substance and contours are difficult to know, simply because it is liable to fluctuate according to its apprehension and depending on the economic and social context.

Yet the expression has become widely used, almost incantatory, like a label, and there is therefore undoubtedly a gap between its invocation and its meaning in Law. It is to this discrepancy, and in an attempt to reduce the mystery, that this work is devoted. Not stopping at the only vision of public economic order in internal Public Law, he tries to seek the meanings of it in Comparative Law, in European and International Law, without omitting the historical, privatist or economic vision. It is therefore to this rich overview treated by specialists from different legal fields and beyond that this book invites. It does not aim to put an end to the debate, but on the contrary to arouse it in the context of reflections on the relationship between Law and Economics of which everyone knows the importance.

Authors are :

  • Olivier Baillet,
  • Jacques Caillosse,
  • Aurélien Camus,
  • Jacques Chevallier,
  • Dominique Custos,
  • Pierre Delvolvé,
  • Samuel Ferey,
  • Sébastien Hourson,
  • Pascale Idoux,
  • Jean-Philippe Kovar,
  • Aurore Laget-Annamayer,
  • Jérémy Martinez,
  • Francesco Martucci,
  • Jeanne Mesmin d’Estienne,
  • Claire Mongouachon,
  • Eric Naim-Gesbert,
  • Guillaume Richard,
  • Jean-Marc Sorel,
  • Pascal de Vareilles-Sommières.


Read the forth of cover.

Read the Table of Contents.


See the whole collection in which this book is published

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