Updated: Nov. 30, 2016 (Initial publication: Sept. 29, 2016)


📝Le Droit de la compliance ("Compliance Law")

by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche

► Full reference: M.-A. Frison-Roche, "Le Droit de la compliance" ("Compliance Law"), D.2016, Chron., pp.1871-1874.


► English Summary of the article: Constraints weighing on companies in terms of Compliance multiply and get heavier. But the notion is contradictory, uncertain, "strange", the expression of "conformity" being only a transposition in French. 

Compliance appears today as the world internalisation of a public regulation, often conceived in the United-States, in firms, transformed in effectivity agents of global monumental goals: competition equity, fight against terrorism or States deemed unworthy (embargos). 

Rather than borrowing scattered solutions, it is essential to build a "Compliance Law", properly European, to which everyone will be accountable.


📝read the article (in French)



🚧Read the bilingual Working Paper on the basis of which the article was written



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