May 31, 2016


Au coeur du droit, du cinéma et de la famille : la vie ("At the heart of Law, Cinema and Family: Life"), preface of the book "La famille au cinéma. Regards juridiques et esthétiques" ("Family in Cinema. Legal and Aesthetic Perspectives")

by Marie-Anne Frison-Roche

Full reference : Frison-Roche, M.-A., Au cœur du Droit, du cinéma et de la famille : la vie ("At the heart of Law, Cinema and Family: Life"), preface of La famille au cinéma. Regards juridiques et esthétiques ("Family in Cinema. Legal and Aesthetic Perspectives"), Florès-Longou, M. and Épinoux E. (ed.), coll. "Droit & cinéma",  Mare & Martin, 2016, p. 21-27.

Read a general presentation of the book 

Read the working paper from which the article was written, containing some notes and a hundred links, especially towards film extracts. 

Read the article (in French)

This introductive article, which constitutes the preface of the book, relies on approximatively one hundred movies to show that cinema does not stop to show legal situations and protagonists, even if "Family Law" seems to be less the darling child than the actors of the trial. We find the child, the mother and the father, the spouses and the engaged people. Often with the shape of drama, breaks and machinations and even murders, because it is like that that family appears on the screen. It is difficult to not fall asleep facing the peaceful happiness of happy families.  

But why such a confluence between Cinema and Family Law? 

Because both have a purpose: life. 

Do not being anxious about family life, it is not understanding Family Law. And because Cinema take life itself as purpose, so when we want to learn Family Law, it is the path towards Cinema that we should take. 



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