collection Branch, "Cours Dalloz - série Droit privé" (lecture series-Dalloz private law)
This manual is written in French
Complete reference: Seube, J.-B., Droit des sûretés, Coll. "Cours Dalloz-Série Droit privé", 10th éd., Dalloz, 2020, 273 p.
Professor Jean-Baptiste Seube just released the 10th ed. of his book on Law of Security Interests.
A security interest gives the creditor an additional chance to get paid. Full of property law and contract law, securities law strikes a balance between protecting the interests of creditors and interest expense. The manual gives the characteristic features of personal guarantees and guarantees given on things.
This Course is 273 pages.
To read (in French) the cover back
To read (in French) the table of contents.
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