Nov. 30, 2020

Thesaurus : Soft Law

CHAPRON, Jean-Paul, DUBOST, Coralie and IMALHAYENE, Fella

Labels RSE. Accompagner les entreprises et donner confiance à leurs parties prenantes (CSR labels. Support companies and give confidence to their stakeholders)

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Full reference: Chapron, J.-P., Dubost, C. and  Imalhayene, F., Labels RSE. Accompagner les entreprises et donner confiance à leurs parties prenantes (CSR labels. Support companies and give confidence to their stakeholders), Report submitted to the French Minister of Economy and Finances, 30th of November 2020, 81p.


Read the report (in French)

Read the synthesis of the observations and recommendations of this report by the Secretary to social, solidarity and responsible economy (in French)

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