Feb. 22, 2018

Thesaurus : Doctrine


Affaire Generali : la Cour de cassation précise les caractéristiques de l'obligation

Complete reference :  Aranda Vasquez, A., Affaire Generali : la Cour de cassation précise les caractéristiques de l'obligation, in Petites affiches, février 2018, n° 39, pp.12-15.



"The Generali case is experiencing a new episode. The Court of Cassation has clarified the essential characteristics of the obligation. It is reverting to the position of the judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal of June 21, 2016 (n ° 15 / 00317), by deciding that the reimbursement of the nominal amount is not an essential characteristic of the obligation. The highest court of the judiciary thus sheds light on the matter. "


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