Feb. 11, 2004

Thesaurus : Doctrine

BAZIN, Damien🕴️

📝A Reading of the conception of man in Hans Jonas’ works: Between Nature and Responsibility. An Environmental Ethics Approach

 Full Reference: D. Bazin, "A Reading of the conception of man in Hans Jonas’ works: Between Nature and Responsibility. An Environmental Ethics Approach", Éthique et économique/Ethics and Economics, 2 (2), 2004


► Summary of the article (done by the Author): "We will study the conception of man in Jonas’ ideology through the lens of nature and of responsibility. He brandishes the specter of disaster (“heuristics of fear”) as a guard against technological excesses. He appeals to a prospective, universal and categorical responsibility to protect nature and to save future generations. Jonas considers responsibility as a method of anticipating the threat to that which is vulnerable, ephemeral, and perishable. Thus, the responsibility that Jonas decrees implies an ethics of conservation. Jonas’ writings aim to procure a new dimension of acting, which necessitates an ethics of foresight and responsibility."


🦉This article is available in full text to those registered for Professor Marie-Anne Frison-Roche's courses


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