2 juin 2021


Compliance Tools

par Marie-Anne Frison-Roche

Référence générale : Frison-Roche, M.-A.(dir.), Compliance Tools, série "Régulations & Compliance", coédition Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et Bruylant, 2021.

Cet ouvrage en langue anglaise constitue le 1ier titre de cette collection entièrement consacrée au Droit de la Compliance, en ce que celle-ci est le prolongement du Droit de la Régulation

Consulter les titres de cette série en langue anglaise coéditée avec Bruylant.

Cette collection en langue anglaise s'articule avec une collection coéditée entre le Journal of Regulation & Compliance et Dalloz.

Ainsi, parallèlement, un ouvrage en français, Les outils de la Compliance, est publié. 

Consulter les titres de la série en langue française coéditée avec Dalloz.

Cet ouvrage vient à la suite d'un cycle de colloques organisés par le Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et des Universités qui lui sont partenaires.


Présentation générale de l'ouvrage publié en anglais

The political dimension of Compliance Law lies in the goals it aims to achieve. To achieve them, the concern for these goals is internalized in "crucial operators", which may be obliged to concretize "monumental goals" set by public authorities. These public bodies control the Ex Ante reorganization that this implies for these companies and sanction Ex Post the possible inadequacy of the companies, which have become transparent to this end. The effectiveness and efficiency of this internalization, without which the statement of these goals is worth nothing, is based on the Compliance tools that are deployed.

These appear to be very diverse but their substantial unity (topic which will be the subject of a forthcoming book) makes it possible to study the tools put in place from a unique perspective, by not isolating them in a particular branch of Law, Criminal law or International Law for example, but by measuring what is common to them, notably Anticipation, Trust, Commitment, Responsibility, Incentive, and so on. If the Compliance tools vary, it is rather not only according to the sectors, finance and banking appearing then as the advanced point of the general Compliance Law, for example in environmental matters, but also according to the countries and the cultures. It is in fact about them that legal cultures seem to oppose.

The book aims to understand these "tools" by going beyond the description of each instrument, for which we already have many monographs, for analyzing them through the issues of Risks, required Expertises, Training. Sovereignty claims, Incentives, mechanical aptitude of Technologies. It is through these themes that are analyzed by the authors, experts in the field, what we always want to understand better: Compliance Programs, Whistle-blowing, Mapping, Sanctions, Extraterritoriality, etc.




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Présentation des articles composant l'ouvrage :



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