26 janvier 2024

Responsabilités éditoriales : Direction de la collection Compliance & Regulation, JoRC et Bruylant

📚Publication de : 🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche (dir.), 📘Compliance Jurisdictionalisation

par Marie-Anne Frison-Roche (ed.)

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 Référence complète : M.-A. Frison-Roche (dir.), Compliance Jurisdictionalisation, Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et Bruylant, coll. "Compliance & Regulation", 2024, 464 p.


📕Parallèlement, un ouvrage en français, La juridictionnalisation de la Compliance, est publié dans la collection coéditée par le Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et Dalloz. 


🧮Cet ouvrage vient à la suite d'un cycle de colloques 2021 organisés par le Journal of Regulation & Compliance (JoRC) et des Universités qui lui sont partenaires.


 Présentation générale de l'ouvrage : Sanctions, controls, appeals, deals: judges and lawyers are everywhere in the Compliance mechanisms, creating unprecedented situations, sometimes without a solution yet available. Even though Compliance was designed to avoid the judge and produce security by avoiding conflict. This jurisdictionalisation is therefore new. Forcing companies to prosecute and judge, a constrained role, perhaps against their nature. Leading to the adaptation of major procedural principles, with difficulty. Confronting arbitration with new perspectives. Putting the judge at heart, in mechanisms designed so that he is not there. How in practice to organize these opposites and anticipate the solutions? This is the challenge taken up by this book.


Ce volume s'insère dans la ligne des ouvrages qui, dans cette collection en langue anglaise, sont consacrés à la Compliance.

📚Lire la présentation des autres ouvrages de la Collection portant sur la Compliance :

  • les ouvrages suivants :

🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche (dir.), 📘Compliance Obligation2024 

  • les ouvrages précédents :

🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche (dir.), 📘Compliance Monumental Goals2023

🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche (dir.), 📘Compliance Tools, 2021


► Résumé de l'ouvrage : There have always been Judges and Lawyers in Compliance Law, in particular because this branch of Law is an extension of Regulatory Law in which they have a core place. This results from the fact that the decisions taken in respect of Compliance are contestable in Court, including Arbitration, those issued by the Company, such as those of States or Authorities, the Judge in turn becoming what Compliance Law is effective.

The novelty lies more in the phenomenon of "jurisdictionalisation", that is to say that the trial model penetrates all Compliance Law, and not only the Ex Post part that it includes. Moreover, it seems that this jurisdictionalisation influences the non-legal dimension of Compliance. This movement has effects that must be measured and causes that must be understood. Advantages and disadvantages that must be balanced. If only to form an opinion vis-à-vis Companies that have become Prosecutors and Judges of themselves and others... : encourage this "Jurisdictionalisation of Compliance", fight it, perhaps influence it? In any case, understand it!


🏗️Construction générale de l'ouvrage :

The book opens with a double Introduction. The first, which is freely accessible, consists of a summary of the book, while the second, which is substantial, deals with the need to bring the Judge and the Lawyer into line if Compliance Law is to be the hallmark of States governed by the Rule of Law.

The first Chapter is devoted to what is specific to Compliance Law: the transformation of companies into Prosecutors and Judges of themselves, and even of others.  

The second Chapter examines the interference between General Procedural Law and Compliance techniques.

The third Chapter measures the influence of the reasoning and requirements of Compliance Law in methods of dispute resolution where it has not, with a few exceptions, been present, but where it has a great future: arbitration. 

Because trials and judgements are indissociable, because legal techniques and the Rule of Law must not be dissociated, and because Compliance techniques could paradoxically be the weapon used to dissociate them, because the power to judge and the procedures surrounding it must not be dissociated, because Compliance and the Rule of Law must therefore be conceived and practised together, the rise in power of one being a sign of the rise in power of the other, and not the price of the weakening of the Rule of Law, the fourth Chapter deals with the role of the Judge in Compliance.


 Appréhender l'ouvrage à travers la table des matières ci-dessous et les résumés de chacun des articles 



🕴️​M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Main Aspects of the book Compliance Jurisdictionalisation

🕴️​M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Reinforce the Judge and the Lawyer to impose Compliance Law as a characteristic of the Rule of Law 



🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝The "Judge-Judged". Articulating Words and Things in the face of Conflicts of Interest

🕴️C. Granier, 📝Reflections on the existence of companies’ jurisprudence through Compliance matters

🕴️L.-M. Augagneur, 📝The jurisdictionalisation of reputation by platforms

🕴️A. Bruneau, 📝The compagny judges itself: the Compliance function in the bank

🕴️J.-M. Coulon, 📝Compliance law in the construction industry and the contradictions, impossibilities and deadlocks that companies face

🕴️Ch. Lapp, 📝Compliance in companies: the statues of process

🕴️J. Heymann, 📝The Legal Nature of the Facebook "Supreme Court"

🕴️D. Latour, 📝Internal investigations within companies

🕴️A. Bavitot, 📝Shaping the company through negotiated Criminal Justice Agreements. French perspective

🕴️S. Merabet, 📝Vigilance, being a judge and not judge



🕴️​N. Cayrol, 📝Procedural Principles in Compliance Law

🕴️F. Ancel, 📝Compliance Law, a new guiding principle for the Trial?

🕴️B. Sillaman, 📝Taking the Compliance U.S. Procedural Experience globally

🕴️A. Linden, 📝Motivation and publicity of the decisions of the Restricted formation of the French Personal Data Protection Authority (Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés - CNIL) in a compliance perspective

🕴️S. Scemla, & 🕴️D. Paillot, 📝The difficulty for Compliance Enforcement Authorities to comprehend the Rights of the Defence in compliance matters

🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝Adjusting General Procedural Law to Compliance Law by the nature of things



🕴️J.-B. Racine, 📝Compliance and arbitration. An attempt at problematisation

🕴️E. Silva-Romero & 🕴️R. Legru, 📝What place is there for compliance in investment arbitration?

🕴️​M. Audit, 📝The arbitrator's position on compliance

🕴️E. Kleiman, 📝The objectives of compliance confronted with the actors of arbitration



🕴️M.-A. Frison-Roche, 📝The Judge, the Compliance Obligation and the Company. The Compliance Evidence System

🕴️J. Morel-Maroger, 📝The application of compliance standards by European Union judges 

🕴️S. Schiller, 📝A single judge in the event of an international breach of compliance obligations?

🕴️O. Douvreleur, 📝Compliance and Judge of the Law

🕴️F. Raynaud, 📝The Administrative Judge and Compliance

🕴️E. Wennerström, 📝Some Reflections on Compliance and the European Court of Human Rights


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