Jan. 30, 2012


Direction de publication : <i>The Journal of Regulation</I>

Sortie du n°8, 2011, <i>The Journal of Regulation</I>

The main theme of the eighth issue of The Journal of Regulation is that of Neutrality in systems of economic regulation in accordance with the conference that the Journal organized around this issue. This question is essential for a number of reasons: on one hand, companies sometimes demand that regulation be ‘neutral’ in the impact it has on their economic activities. On the other hand, States have other reasons for believing that regulation palliates market failure by using price-fixing to restore neutrality in certain sectors of the economy that are incapable of producing a fair market price. Still others believe that Regulation is not neutral because it intervenes against the neutrality of the market by imposing access to common goods, social policy concerns, etc.

Pour accéder au sommaire de ce numéro, [cliquez ici->http://thejournalofregulation.com/The-Journal-of-Regulation-no8-2011.html]. (Vous allez être redirigé vers le site de The Journal of Regulation)

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