Deontology is classically distinguished from morality, in that morality is the awareness of good and evil specific to each individual, while deontology is the awareness of good behavior determined by a particular group. In this, we bring deontology closer to ethics.
Thus, ethics is most often specific to a profession, which then draws up a code of ethics, or an ethical charter, through the care of its professional order, or the result of a code of ethics established by a company.
From a normative point of view, ethics belongs to soft law, flexible law, devoid of immediate binding force but expressing a corporate or professional culture and whose non-compliance by the professional or the employee may constitute a fault.
In this, deontology is situated between morality and Law and constitutes a privileged tool of self-regulation. As such, it has its advantages and disadvantages.
The development of Compliance has further increased the role of ethics and the writing of these charters and various codes by which the operators themselves express their commitments towards some or towards all.
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